Race of racists

The reason why lefties cannot answer this question is because they do not connect racism to race. When I ask what race a person must be in order to be considered a racist, lefties go into overload. The reason for the overload, is because the definition of racism in their eyes is actually just their political opponent. It has nothing to do with race, just ideology. When I ask what race a person must be in order to qualify, there is no variety of races available for them to select from, there is just the notion that their political opponents are the only racists there are. There is no way to answer this question for a lefty, all they can do is post something besides an answer to the opening post. Pictures, juvenile comments, whatever it takes to get the thread going in a different direction or gone.

I had assumed when I started this thread that lefties would be so afraid of it that they would not touch it with a ten foot pole, but your reply was not far off. It looks like you touched it with a 15 foot pole before running for safety.
Do black people get charged with hate crimes too? - Quora
Hate Crime in America, by the Numbers Here is an example: Even as far back as 1999 The FBI’s “Hate Crime Statistics” for 1999 show that 2,030 whites were arrested that year for “hate crimes” against blacks, compared to 524 blacks who were arrested and charged with a “hate crime” against whites.

you missed this post you fucking idiot
Do black people get charged with hate crimes too? - Quora
Hate Crime in America, by the Numbers Here is an example: Even as far back as 1999 The FBI’s “Hate Crime Statistics” for 1999 show that 2,030 whites were arrested that year for “hate crimes” against blacks, compared to 524 blacks who were arrested and charged with a “hate crime” against whites.

No statement of your position will keep you safe.
dear fucking idiot,

I answered you and than gave you proof of my answer as being correct

you racists just have a brain disease

fuck you very much
Ok lefties, what race do you think a person needs to be in order to qualify as a racist?

You're probably not going to get much response because this is a silly question.

How would you 'qualify' to be a 'racist'? By attitude. Your 'attitude', doesn't have anything to do with 'race'.

See post by guno: "poor cracka goyim"
This would be a classic example of a racist. Do you see his 'attitude'? By his response, we can guess his 'race', but that has nothing to do with his racist attitude that he possesses.
How would you 'qualify' to be a 'racist'? By attitude. Your 'attitude', doesn't have anything to do with 'race'.

This is solid! You answered a question about racism! Do you think that this attitude is only present in one political party?
this post

Yes, that post belongs on a thread about hate crime statistics. What race do you think a person needs to be to qualify as a racist? Can he be a race other than caucasian? Can he be of any race? Does he need to be white? Does race not even matter, only his political party?
dear fucking idiot,

you have been answered

you just keep starting a new thread so you can pretend to be unanswered


because your a racist who just got their ass kicked by facts

fuck you very much