Rachel Corrie

5) How so? While some parts of the world are growing warmer, others are experiencing record COLD weather. If global warming IS indeed largely affected by man, then why is it that global temperatures peaked in 1998? Shouldn't we still be getting warmer?

First, you're making a lot of mistakes in this statment: first 2005, was the hottest year on record. 2003 and 2004 were in the top five hottest ever, I recall. I'm not sure where 2006 is, but it ranks up near the top I believe.

Second, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of climate science. Global warming does not mean the global temperature goes up uniformly across the whole planet. In fact, while the average temperature may trend upward over a multi-year cycle, the warming of the oceans and disrupstion of ocean currents (along with a mulititue of other complex factors), could cause cooling in parts of the planet.