Racial Double standard

She posted it here on this board, you dummy.
Damn, you are dense.

Frog did it here and it was delivered with all the clumsiness one expects from frog. Shoot Jumbo did a much better delivery of the SNL parody over on the WOT...but then it doesn't take much effort to out do fogforbrains.

Leave it to liberal hypocrits to squeeze a turd over it being used at one of their own.
I certainly do not believe it is racist to oppose AA. But your incessant whining on this to the exclusion of other issues where the injustices are far greater makes me suspicious that your support of equality is insincere and self serving.

White males are still the most powerful group in this nation. Your bellyaching about how their concerns are not considered is absurd.

You are comparing mountains to molehills.

Quit your thinking efforts. They're misleading you badly.