Racist Brit mocks Chinese language live on air

Every white should die. All whites deserve death. Name one white who deserves life. White people are the biblical cities of Soddom and Gomorrah, that God just wiped from the world. China is humanity at its greatest. Long live the Chinese communist party. Long live Iran. Long live Russia. Long live Islam. Long live communism. Death to America. Death to Europe. Death to white people. Death to western civilization and all western barbarians. Death to capitalism. Death to freedom. Death to the constitution.
Every white should die. All whites deserve death. Name one white who deserves life. White people are the biblical cities of Soddom and Gomorrah, that God just wiped from the world. China is humanity at its greatest. Long live the Chinese communist party. Long live Iran. Long live Russia. Long live Islam. Long live communism. Death to America. Death to Europe. Death to white people. Death to western civilization and all western barbarians. Death to capitalism. Death to freedom. Death to the constitution.

Please remember this, when the FBI talk to you; AGAIN.
Death to the American empire. Death to the Zionist empire. Death to the European empire. Death to the British empire.

Mark, everybody is wise to your schtick, it's over matey go out and chase pussy like normal red blooded males. By the way my youngest son has just moved from Osaka to Tokyo today, he'll start looking for an IT job next week. He's thinking of applying to Twitter as they are looking for top flight staff skilled in Java, C++ and Linux.
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Mark, everybody is wise to your schtick, it's over matey go out and chase pussy like normal red blooded males. By the way my youngest son has just moved from Osaka to Tokyo today, he'll start looking for an IT job next week. He's thinking of applying to Twitter as they are looking for for top flight staff skilled in Java, C++ and Linux.

Mark is BEYOND dim. He's ONE dumb motherf*cker!
Mark, everybody is wise to your schtick, it's over matey go out and chase pussy like normal red blooded males. By the way my youngest son has just moved from Osaka to Tokyo today, he'll start looking for an IT job next week. He's thinking of applying to Twitter as they are looking for top flight staff skilled in Java, C++ and Linux.

Wow I wish my employer were just as evil Twitter. I work for a repressive state apparatus though, not an ideological state apparatus.