Mental illness does not kill people, people kill people.
Not all, of course......but mental illness certainly DOES kill people and causes people to kill ...... thats an absolute FACT OF LIFE
Mental illness does not kill people, people kill people.
Thats not true, plenty of people involved in radical Islam do not kill others, it does not always lead to death. Radical Islam does requires a person to operate it... Those involved in Radical Islam belive they are doing the right thing.
People kill in the name of God.
Army of God
AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[SUP][6][/SUP]
Hill was head of a precursor organization called Defensive Action, which issued signed statements to members of Congress in the early 1990s expressing similar sentiments about "killing the killers".
- We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.
- We declare and affirm that if in fact Paul Hill did kill or wound abortionist John Britton, and accomplices James Barrett and Mrs. Barrett, his actions are morally justified if they were necessary for the purpose of defending innocent human life. Under these conditions, Paul Hill should be acquitted of all charges against him.
Grind believes dead kids murdered bya nut with a gun are less important than gun rights...sounds like justifying killing in the name of guns to me.
People don't operate radical Islam, radical Islam operates people.....
Oh my that's gotta sting!!
People kill in the name of Islam. Do people kill in the name of guns? It's possible but I haven't heard anyone kill someone and say "praise guns".
So that makes the difference? The NRA is pretty close to the idea of allowing killing in the name of guns.
Radical Islam is a frame of mind, its not an inantimate object....yours is a stupid anology, par for the course for you.
Radical Islam is closer to a mental illness, not a physical object.....
Just another lame attempt to create a strawman. An argument based on misrepresentation, a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition
if it takes a village to raise a child, how many does it take to get him to blow up the village?......
So are you saying maybe we should let this poor bomber go, it was not his fault, Radical Islam made him do it....
Pittafull, blame Islam for something that is an individuals responsablity.
Your distinction, if anything, argues that we should restrict guns first. Restricting ideas requires a far more invasive and costly use of government force.
His analogy is fine, if not his point. We should not blame all of Islam for these acts anymore than we should blame their national origin, the high school they went to, what kind of music they liked, whether they had a legal right to own any of the guns they were carrying or whether they had ever smoked marijuana. It's all fucking stupid and NONE of it is causative. They chose to act and they are responsible.
Yeah, the comparison between an inanimate, mechanical object and a thinking human being is a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
No...carrying a gun makes one a COWARD...unless of course we're talking about the police who are required to carry one.
USING the gun to make others listen to you makes you a bully.
Do get it right from here on out.
If that was the case, I'd be saying restrict Islam first....and I've said no such thing......
A gun is like a rock or a tree,....Islam is a religious way of simply can't compare the two....can you compare love to toenail....?
The comparison works just fine for the purposes of his point.
You've really dumbed yourself down lately, and you weren't exactly starting out a genius. Did you start doing drugs? You know drug use among seniors is a rising problem.
This is the refraim of gun owners all over... Guns dont kill people, people kill people.
However after 9-11 we launched a war against Radical Islam. Some portions of that war I supported, some I did not.
The point is that sure these individual bombers are to blame, but so is radical Islam... We need to fight both of these, individuals who commit crimes.. and the tools, including organized radical Islam that promote and allow these terrable crimes.