RADICALIZED REPUBLICANS: Mass Deportation Scheme To Hurt the US Economy More Than the Great Recession

Good morning!

Kam's loss had nothing to do with her color.... She was just a terrible candidate and would have even worse president than Joe... There isn't enough time or money in the would have ever bought her
the win... (We do have that "joy" now though...)

Said the racist who constantly posted about her "color," her "accent," and her appearance. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

The dry cleaners called. Your hat is ready for pick up.

Moral of the story? Hate does defeat you....be better...;)

That explains a lot about why one particular thread here has 88K posts, while your "tribute thread" languishes in the dark at 55K. If only you heeded your own sanctimonious scolding. lol
You survived precisely because there were many such "cockroaches" pouring over the border every year to pick the fruit and vegetables for pennies a week so trailer trash like you wouldn't complain too much at the grocery store.

Are you talking about itinerant farm workers? They've been coming here for 100 years, and more importantly, going back home after the harvest. Are you saying we needed 12 million MORE itinerant farm workers in the past 4 years? They are being seriously mismanaged!

Now you think by kicking all of them out is going to result in LOWER PRICES!

They don't have to be kicked out, they "self deport" at the end of the harvest. Not to mention, they are LEGAL, and protected under the law

Truly comedy gold on your part: YOU PAID TO HAVE ILLEGALS HERE and now you want kick 'em out?????? WHY? AFTER YOU PAID FOR THEM TO BE HERE??????

Are you talking about itinerant farm workers? They've been coming here for 100 years, and more importantly, going back home after the harvest.

Not all of them.

Are you saying we needed 12 million MORE itinerant farm workers in the past 4 years? They are being seriously mismanaged!

Apparently because WE ARE PAYING THEM TO BE HERE.

I don't think you understand how this works: these people are poor and desperate. THEY GO WHERE THERE IS MONEY. WE PROVIDE THE MONEY.



Otherwise STFU on the topic since YOU ARE AS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT AS ANYONE.

Not all of them.

Apparently because WE ARE PAYING THEM TO BE HERE.

I don't think you understand how this works: these people are poor and desperate. THEY GO WHERE THERE IS MONEY. WE PROVIDE THE MONEY.



Otherwise STFU on the topic since YOU ARE AS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT AS ANYONE.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Exactly. I don't think these xenophobes like @Callinectes understand that the undocumented workers aren't just farm workers any more. They permeate all aspects of American employment venues from farms to corporate offices, the hospitality industry, day care, restaurant industry, nursing homes, construction, food processing plants, etc.

You are right -- don't want them?
1) start prosecuting those who hire them, and
2) be prepared to pay more for just about everything because they'll need to be replacement by "real Americans" who won't want to work for just minimum wage.
Not all of them.

You're damn right about that

Apparently because WE ARE PAYING THEM TO BE HERE.

Are you talking about the itinerants? I've been on the keto diet for 2 years, I'm a lean, mean fighting machine, and I don't mind paying for the few fruits and veggies I do eat.

I don't think you understand how this works: these people are poor and desperate. THEY GO WHERE THERE IS MONEY. WE PROVIDE THE MONEY.


As long as I'm not paying for some freeloader's benefits in a 5-star hotel, in a blue shithole city. I'll bet more than 1 homeless American veteran in crisis freezes to death in new york or chicago this winter because the shelters are full of illegals. Pretty sure the tater head is finding ways to funnel some of my federal tax dollars to them, but if I'm getting robbed, does that make me "responsible"?


Why would I want to arrest an American legally employing itinerant farm workers?

Otherwise STFU on the topic since YOU ARE AS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT AS ANYONE.

Once again, if I'm getting robbed, does that make me "responsible"? I'm doing everything I can to keep these people out, but that pretty much limits my actions to voting for people who believe the way I do and giving THEM control over what my tax dollars are going to. I bear zero responsibility for this clusterfuck and will NOT STFU.
The majority of voters are supporting him now, the reality is that he got more votes than she did, and that's all that matters... People should be thrilled that he won, including you...if he had not prevailed, look who we would have stuck with...what a disaster that would have been...and that's no lie...
Pray that this country survives the last days of Joe...that's the biggest concern now...
Then, let Making America Great Again begin in earnest...
You hope.

Mass deportations could lead to a 7.4 percent drop in the GDP, meaning ‘the U.S. economy would not grow at all’ during President Trump’s second term, the report says

President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign promise of sweeping deportations could result in “severe economic fallout,” devastating the economy even more than the Great Recession, according to a report by Democrats in the Congressional Joint Economic Committee.

Although Trump’s messaging about improving the economy for Americans during his second term appeared to strike a chord with voters, another one of his campaign fixtures — mass deportations — could have harmful economic consequences, the December 11 report warns. The 78-year-old Republican has suggested that he would use the military to assist in mass deportations.

Not only would the move upend the lives of millions of migrants, but Trump’s plans for mass deportations could “reduce economic growth, shrink the labor force, cost U.S.-born workers their jobs, raise costs for nearly all Americans, and risk igniting inflation,” states the report, which relied on research by nonprofit organizations.

The American Immigration Council estimated that if the U.S. deported one million people each year until the country no longer had an undocumented population, it could lead to a 4.2 percent to 6.8 percent loss in GDP. “To put this in context, the economy shrank by 4.3 percent during the Great Recession,” the Democrats wrote.

The Great Recession ran from 2007 to 2009 and was spurred by the bursting housing bubble.

Some experts warn that Donald Trump’s economic plans could harm the country more than the Great Recession (Getty Images)
Estimates from the Peterson Institute for International Economics showed even grimmer economic consequences. After analyzing how the deportation of 8.3 million undocumented immigrants would impact the U.S. economy, the think tank found that the GDP would be 7.4 percent lower by 2028.

“This 7.4 percent reduction in GDP over four years would likely mean that the U.S. economy would not grow at all during President Trump’s second term,” the report says.

Employment would also be 7 percent lower by the end of Trump’s term, the institute found, and 44,000 U.S.-born workers would lose their jobs.

“Employers would not simply hire U.S.-born workers to fill the vacancies created by undocumented workers who are deported, as there would be too many vacancies, U.S.-born workers would be unlikely to move into these industries, and employer hiring behavior can be variable,” the report says.

Although undocumented immigrants only make up about 4.4 percent and 5.4 percent of the overall labor force, they have enormous roles in certain industries: construction, agriculture, health care and hospitality.

Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance have pledged a massive deportation plan once they take office in January (Getty Images)
Trump’s proposed mass deportations would remove up to 1.5 million workers from the construction industry, 225,000 from agriculture, one million from hospitality, 870,000 from manufacturing and 461,000 from transportation and warehousing, AIC estimated.

These labor shortages could also lead to increased costs across the board. Deporting 1.3 million immigrants would raise prices by 1.5 percent by 2028, while deporting 8.3 million immigrants would raise prices by 9.1 percent, the institute predicted.

By taking undocumented immigrants out of the equation, the U.S. is also losing a group of consumers, leading to reduced spending, the report says.

Given the estimated economic ramifications, Congressional Joint Economic Committee Chair Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) called Trump’s plan for mass deportations “reckless.”

“Trump’s plan to deport millions of immigrants does absolutely nothing to address the core problems driving our broken immigration system,” the New Mexico Democrat said. “Instead, all it will do is raise grocery prices, destroy jobs, and shrink the economy. His immigration policy is reckless and would cause irreparable harm to our economy.”
You left something out of your thread title MagatMus. You forgot, please please please please please please please please please. It's amazing how left-wing lunatics are always wishing the worst for the country. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from the, hate America first crowd.
They couldn’t go with a black woman, and that’s the truth.
I've gone with a black woman before. Have you? I've also gone with a Hispanic woman, a Native American Woman, a couple of Asian women, none from India yet but Im always hopeful!...... ;) :)
I've gone with a black woman before. Have you? I've also gone with a Hispanic woman, a Native American Woman, a couple of Asian women, none from India yet but Im always hopeful!...... ;) :)
Did you get them drunk and have sex with their semi-comatose bodies like another MAGAt bragged about doing?