Ralph Nader endorses John Edwards

His position is that the tax rates on investment income, should be similiar or equal to the tax rate paid by working americans in their wage income.

sounds fair to me.
Every time he talks about taxes he says that the code favors "wealth over work". This insinuates that those that have wealth did something other than work for it or gained it somehow unfairly. People that invest in businesses put other people to work. Now if he wants to call it all income I am fine with that but then he wants to tax investment income at 28 percent. Because someone was smart enough, or lucky enough, or a combination of both, they should pay taxes at 28%? Wanna make it simple, tax all income at the same percentage. I like 17% but someone with more economic smarts could convince me that a lower or higher percentage would be better. Then call it ALL income. I am fine with that. Make sure that the secretary pays the same tax rate as his boss that realized a profit from investing so long as she takes it out and realizes it as income. If she wants to put it into another investment, then it is not income. Any amount of money that is taken out of the investment and used to buy cars and boats and houses and blow up dolls should be considered income and should be taxed equally. Make the first 35k tax free for Warran Buffet and for John Q. Public. Give EVERYONE the same breaks and the same burdens. But don't tell me that because someone is rich they should be required to pay more. That is plain and simple wealth redistribution and it is abhorent to liberty.

What are you takling about?

It's a FACT that Gore won the popular vote in 2000. Bush 'won' Florida, however, under suspcious circumstances. The supreme court decision, however, was correct.

You have to remember that sb82 lives in ani cartoon characters...she loves the word 'Baka' She thinks anyone who does not enjoy Saturday cartoons is a 'Baka' maybe you are one too...:corn:

Gore screwed himself in 2000 by asking for specific recounts. He should have asked for a statewide recount.

and he invented the internet too...and told alot of tall tales while a Sp4 Army Times writer while serving in VN...uh huh...yeah baby Al is da man...even the Buddah monks who contributed to his campaign said so!:rolleyes:
WRONG .. the disenfancisement of black voters in Florida in 2000 is historic and documented.

I suggest you see "American Blackout"

Gore backed down because he was WEAK.

... too busy consulting "analysts" to figure out what shirt to wear.

Naomi Wolf claims she never gave him that advice and that was made up out of whole cloth and repeated enough times, and now everyone believes it’s a fact. I don’t know if she is telling the truth or not, since she personally took a huge hit when that was printed.

Everything you say is true, but there is also plenty of blame to go around. Desh is right on the media. I remember when one of the papers, I think it was the Miami-Herald, but not certain, published the final count a couple months after bush took office. It clearly showed, that all fraud aside, in a full recount, all counties, Gore had won Florida. No one picked it up. Did you see the Washington Post or the NY Times pick that up and front page it? They all sat there, with the now full knowledge that the wrong man was in the oval office, petrified to even touch it.

Would the R;s have screamed until they were forced to talk about it, if the shoe were on the other foot? Yeah.

And to the fraud, let’s take one aspect of it, the kicking off of alleged “felons” from voting lists. Americans don’t care what happens to former felons. A lot of people got kicked off who never were felons, but now they were accused felons, and Americans don’t care what happens to them either. That’s the country we live in.

So there is tons of blame to go around, and when I think of the hundreds of thousands of dead people, I am infuriated and there are a lot of people who are going to get their share of that anger.
Gore screwed himself in 2000 by asking for specific recounts. He should have asked for a statewide recount.

Yeah, he should have. Some too clever bastard, out-clevered himself there. But with the Supreme Court stepping in and stopping the recounts anyway, making bush an unelected president, what difference would it have really made? Maybe there is something in the timeline showing it would have made a difference? But I don’t see how.
Naomi Wolf claims she never gave him that advice and that was made up out of whole cloth and repeated enough times, and now everyone believes it’s a fact. I don’t know if she is telling the truth or not, since she personally took a huge hit when that was printed.

Everything you say is true, but there is also plenty of blame to go around. Desh is right on the media. I remember when one of the papers, I think it was the Miami-Herald, but not certain, published the final count a couple months after bush took office. It clearly showed, that all fraud aside, in a full recount, all counties, Gore had won Florida. No one picked it up. Did you see the Washington Post or the NY Times pick that up and front page it? They all sat there, with the now full knowledge that the wrong man was in the oval office, petrified to even touch it.

Would the R;s have screamed until they were forced to talk about it, if the shoe were on the other foot? Yeah.

And to the fraud, let’s take one aspect of it, the kicking off of alleged “felons” from voting lists. Americans don’t care what happens to former felons. A lot of people got kicked off who never were felons, but now they were accused felons, and Americans don’t care what happens to them either. That’s the country we live in.

So there is tons of blame to go around, and when I think of the hundreds of thousands of dead people, I am infuriated and there are a lot of people who are going to get their share of that anger.

The ultimate blame and responsibility rests with the American people .. who are too dumb, lazy, apathetic, and disconnected to actually pay attention to what goes on in their government.

They kicked a lot more than felons off the lists .. SEE: ChoicePoint

As long as they disenfranchise black people most Americans aren't interested .. but now they STILL have the ability to disenfranchise every American.

Unless we are supposed to be puppets controlled by the NY Times or the Washington Post .. they are not the blame of what happened to American elections.
ahh tabloids need customers an you goons are ripe for the picking.
The american people are a lot smarter than you morons stuck on a non issue from 7yrs ago.
The ultimate blame and responsibility rests with the American people .. who are too dumb, lazy, apathetic, and disconnected to actually pay attention to what goes on in their government.

They kicked a lot more than felons off the lists .. SEE: ChoicePoint

As long as they disenfranchise black people most Americans aren't interested .. but now they STILL have the ability to disenfranchise every American.

Unless we are supposed to be puppets controlled by the NY Times or the Washington Post .. they are not the blame of what happened to American elections.

Not controlled by them, but informed to some degree by them yes. That is what the founding fathers wanted, and why they put so much stock in a free press. That has broken down, but it is only one aspect which has broken down. I am saying that I cannot put the blame on any one person, or one entity. Could Gore have done better? Yeah. But man that deck was stacked against him and to pretend that a hostile media doesn’t affect elections, is just that, a pretense.
Our citizenry has also broken down. Maybe due to stupidity and laziness, as I sometimes feel, or maybe it’s due mainly to something more insidious. Maybe it’s due to being dumbed down in school, increasingly unable to afford higher education, and increasingly financially insecure. You got to worry most about the wolf that is right at your door. It’s only natural.
And Water is not wrong about our system. It’s not made for more than two parties, and therefore after all of the beautiful words are spoken, if you vote for a third party you are throwing your vote away, or if you are in a swing state, you are actively supporting the other party. No one says that’s not your right, but it is what it is. I may very well do it myself this time around, that is how conflicted and enraged I am, but I will call it what it is. And it takes no special bravery, living in NY as I do. There is only one way NY is going, and we all know it. How I vote in the end, is irrelevant.
Not controlled by them, but informed to some degree by them yes. That is what the founding fathers wanted, and why they put so much stock in a free press. That has broken down, but it is only one aspect which has broken down. I am saying that I cannot put the blame on any one person, or one entity. Could Gore have done better? Yeah. But man that deck was stacked against him and to pretend that a hostile media doesn’t affect elections, is just that, a pretense.
Our citizenry has also broken down. Maybe due to stupidity and laziness, as I sometimes feel, or maybe it’s due mainly to something more insidious. Maybe it’s due to being dumbed down in school, increasingly unable to afford higher education, and increasingly financially insecure. You got to worry most about the wolf that is right at your door. It’s only natural.
And Water is not wrong about our system. It’s not made for more than two parties, and therefore after all of the beautiful words are spoken, if you vote for a third party you are throwing your vote away, or if you are in a swing state, you are actively supporting the other party. No one says that’s not your right, but it is what it is. I may very well do it myself this time around, that is how conflicted and enraged I am, but I will call it what it is. And it takes no special bravery, living in NY as I do. There is only one way NY is going, and we all know it. How I vote in the end, is irrelevant.

I don't disgaree with you .,. but the blame and responsibility rests with those who will have to pay the consequences .. the American people.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

Either we find the will to alter our course or we are doomed to suffer the consequences.

It is as simple as that.
ahh tabloids need customers an you goons are ripe for the picking.
The american people are a lot smarter than you morons stuck on a non issue from 7yrs ago.

Surely then there must be a topic on board that you can speak to intelligently that does not require you to post idiocy in this thread about an issue where you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Bush is in office because the democrats were too cowardly to challenge the fraud of electronic voting and monumentally stupid to allow republicans to be the only ones who counted the votes in the first place.

Add to that the incredibly mindless campaign of Gore when Clinton virtually handed him the presidency.

If the choices were war or death then neither the Democratic Party nor democratic voters acted with the courage required to stop war from coming.

Are all Americans required to vote for democrats?

Were Bush voters required to vote for Gore?

Was everyone who voted for a 3rd party required to vote for Gore?

Were those who didn't vote at all required to vote for Gore?

Why should anyone be required to vote for a do-nothing cowardly political party?

Every year democrats will whine that THIS year is too important to do anything other than vote for them .. even when all they ioffer is the same bullshit "leadership" that they're exhibiting now.

There's no doubt that Democrats were weak, and bamboozled in florida in 2000.

There's no doubt, Gore probably had a flawed strategy in requesting the recounts. Although people forget, he did call for a statewide recount long before SCOTUS took the case.

All that said, Gore fought it all the way to the Supreme Court. I'm not sure what else he was supposed to do in the legal realm of challenging.

The simple fact is Gore won the popular vote, and the highest court in the land over ruled him. And the simple fact is, that is Nader hadn't ran, Gore would have been the second choice of most of those voters.

Which is probably why we need instant runoff elections in this country.

There was a lot of blame to go around in 2000. The media was pathetic. The Democratic Party was weak. SCOTUS was complicit in a coup detat.

Its a simple fact, I think, that if we either had instant run off voting, or if Nader hadn't run in Flordia, then a million iraqis and thousands of americans would be alive today.
Gore lost plain as day.
The next dem nominee won't be such a puss and will win outright including Gore should he run. After Obama sweeps Iowa and NH it may be too late for Al though.
There's no doubt that Democrats were weak, and bamboozled in florida in 2000.

There's no doubt, Gore probably had a flawed strategy in requesting the recounts. Although people forget, he did call for a statewide recount long before SCOTUS took the case.

All that said, Gore fought it all the way to the Supreme Court. I'm not sure what else he was supposed to do in the legal realm of challenging.

The simple fact is Gore won the popular vote, and the highest court in the land over ruled him. And the simple fact is, that is Nader hadn't ran, Gore would have been the second choice of most of those voters.

Which is probably why we need instant runoff elections in this country.

There was a lot of blame to go around in 2000. The media was pathetic. The Democratic Party was weak. SCOTUS was complicit in a coup detat.

Its a simple fact, I think, that if we either had instant run off voting, or if Nader hadn't run in Flordia, then a million iraqis and thousands of americans would be alive today.

WRONG .. the republicans were intent on stealing the election and there was ZERO opposition to stop them from doing it.

If democrats had any balls, if democrats had not joined in on the fraud of war, if Gore had won his own fucking state, and if Gore had not run away from the success of Clinton .. then perhaps a milion Iraqis and thousands of Americans would still be alive.

Placing the blame on Nader, or mopre specifically, those who voted for Nader is a long ass way from truth.

Do you blame Nader for 2004?
LOL. Yeah, let's split up electoral votes in the coast states, like they are trying to pull in CA., but only in those states. Let's leave states like Texas as is.

Nah. It happens across the board, or it doesn't happen at all.

So it isn't just the "pissant flyover" states.... gotcha.
I don't disgaree with you .,. but the blame and responsibility rests with those who will have to pay the consequences .. the American people.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

Either we find the will to alter our course or we are doomed to suffer the consequences.

It is as simple as that.

I think that it does too, but I also see all of the forces aligned to keep them in the dark, to keep them ignorant, and to keep them angry at anyone other than the powers that be. I get angry at them for falling for it, but I also get angry at those powers.

And I don’t think I understand a lot of what is going on. For instance, why don’t the Democrats scream about the voting machines and the voter suppression and the election fraud? Maybe it’s because they have their own people in their own party, that they want to keep out of office. You know, I don’t know. I don’t believe they were tricked about those machines either. In fact, on that, I’d say, no way that they were.
If I were a third party candidate running for a position, and it looked like I was going to muck up the election at the last moment, and cause someone to win whom I was absolutely disgusted with, I wouldn't have a seconds hesitation in pulling out of the race. It may not be fair, but it's an unfairness that does exist.

Let's not walk around with our blinders on, people.
If I were a third party candidate running for a position, and it looked like I was going to muck up the election at the last moment, and cause someone to win whom I was absolutely disgusted with, I wouldn't have a seconds hesitation in pulling out of the race. It may not be fair, but it's an unfairness that does exist.

Let's not walk around with our blinders on, people.

If I were a 3rd party candidate .. 3rd party because I don't give a rats ass about either main political party .. why would I give a damn about either?

Who "mucked it up" in 2004?
WRONG .. the republicans were intent on stealing the election and there was ZERO opposition to stop them from doing it.

If democrats had any balls, if democrats had not joined in on the fraud of war, if Gore had won his own fucking state, and if Gore had not run away from the success of Clinton .. then perhaps a milion Iraqis and thousands of Americans would still be alive.

Placing the blame on Nader, or mopre specifically, those who voted for Nader is a long ass way from truth.

Do you blame Nader for 2004?

It's much easier for them to blame a powerless third party and keep shoveling the shit on them than to actually take the blame. They couldn't swallow the pill so they lost again in 2004 to someone over half the country hated by that time. Had they nominated Clark... they won the election.