Not a lawyer, but how does that square with screaming "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater which induces a panic with injuries?
Do you think any of the adult Trump kids who were personally involved in the planning of the rally including coordinating with certain pro-Trump groups can be held criminally or civilly liable?
You mean "falsely" yelling fire

Several things apply. If you yelled "fire" your free speech was not restricted. You exercised you speech and you were prosecuted for the damage you caused. Police would have had to restrict your speech before it occurred to be a free speech issue.
Constitutional free speech applies to a discussion of "public issues." That excludes threats, slander, obscenity....Yelling fire does not involve political speech.
I doubt it. Surely Jared or Ivanka wouldn't promote anything violent. They were too busy making $640 million over the last four years.