'Ranked Voting'.

No. Ranked voting assumes that you would make the same choices as the number of names on the ballot dwindle.

That is, let's say there are 6 names on the ballot. You have to pick choices from first to sixth.

The first problem comes when people only pick say a first and second choice leaving the rest blank. This weights the resulting ranking in favor of those that rank all six. That skews the results.
Then comes the problem of how someone might rank the ballot if one or more of the choices were removed. That is, we don't know how someone might rank the choices if these were more limited.
Since reallocation of votes is done on a proportionate scale, as the ranking continues it is possible for a second or third place contender to end up being the winner over the original leader in votes.
Because you have to rank each candidate, many voters will worry about how their rankings will alter the outcome when the rounds of re-ranking occur and not vote for their best choice but to either help a particular outcome occur, or to avoid the worst outcomes.

It's all very much like a Vegas crap table. You roll the dice and get your point. The next roll is either craps or not. What's the odds you get the outcome you are looking for?
Agreed. What is your solution to weighting votes properly?

Disagreed on the Vegas gambling analogy, but agreed it's a game changer on how candidates run for office.

What are your recommendations for increasing quality leadership in America?
Certified results in all 50 states and the District of Columbia show Clinton winning nearly 65,844,610 million votes — 48 percent __ to Trump’s 62,979,636 million votes __ 46 percent — according to an analysis by The Associated Press.
Agreed. So? Are you disagreeing that 52% of Americans voted against Hillary?

The first step to solving a problem is to recognize there's a problem. You and I are disagreeing on the problem. You see "popular vote" and I see "52% against" but I mainly see the problems associated with a nation so closely divided that such close votes matter.
I was hoping it would lead to that retarded Maya Wiley getting elected, just so I could watch NYC go up in flames. Instead, hypocritical Dems appear to have nominated a cop to unfuck their own stupid theories about policing.

Hey! I like Maya. She's intelligent. ... and attractive!
Agreed. What is your solution to weighting votes properly?

Disagreed on the Vegas gambling analogy, but agreed it's a game changer on how candidates run for office.

What are your recommendations for increasing quality leadership in America?

Runoff elections. You have a primary round of voting and the top two or three candidates out of the field are then moved to a second round of voting where everybody chooses who they want from the reduced field. This allows anybody and everybody to run, then eliminates all but the most serious and popular candidates and they get voted on for a winner. There'd be no party primaries outside a party deciding to run one on their tab themselves. Everybody that wants on the ballot gets on the ballot in the first round of voting.

Having a government third party rank choice people's votes is an absurd move towards backroom political shenanigans.
Let's start with something even more basic than that: every American's vote should count exactly the same. Abolish the archaic and undemocratic electoral college.

every American's vote does count the same......and in addition to every American's vote, every state gets two votes which count exactly the same.......it has been that way since 1804......it works exactly as untended......has never failed.....
I am old enough to remember that in 2000 when polling showed it looked like Al Gore might win the EC while losing the popular vote, Team Bush was expressing outrage and challenging whether that would actually be a legitimate Gore victory.

you're hallucinating again......that never happened.....
Agreed. So? Are you disagreeing that 52% of Americans voted against Hillary?

The first step to solving a problem is to recognize there's a problem. You and I are disagreeing on the problem. You see "popular vote" and I see "52% against" but I mainly see the problems associated with a nation so closely divided that such close votes matter.
54% voted against Trump and yet, he became President
Runoff elections. You have a primary round of voting and the top two or three candidates out of the field are then moved to a second round of voting where everybody chooses who they want from the reduced field. This allows anybody and everybody to run, then eliminates all but the most serious and popular candidates and they get voted on for a winner. There'd be no party primaries outside a party deciding to run one on their tab themselves. Everybody that wants on the ballot gets on the ballot in the first round of voting.

Having a government third party rank choice people's votes is an absurd move towards backroom political shenanigans.

I'm big on State's Rights. The whole "laboratories of democracy" idea. Runoff elections are good too.

That said, I still favor ranking. If runoffs are required after that, so be it.
"Ranked voting
Ranked voting, also known as ranked-choice voting or preferential voting, is any election voting system in which voters use a ranked ballot to select more than one candidate and to rank these choices in a sequence on the ordinal scale of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.Wikipedia"

Is this a good idea?

Commies need to not be on the American continent. They have contributed not a damn thing to the US and need to fuck off and die!

Black people? They are Americans. Commie fuckwads? They need hanged for being the traitors they are, be they whatever race.

There's a few black ones the Democrats have been arming n shit. (hundreds)

I'll tell you right now. your shit ain't flying in America.

Motherfucker I wanna get this on and over with so we can have more American people around.

Please make your move, you pussy ass leftists so you can be dealt with accordingly.

You got your "African-Americans" wanting to "kill everything white in sight."

That's nice, honey. When those idiots catch one through the head and never saw it coming.

Real American blacks won't play along with your commie bullshit, and you're going to have an enraged supermajority of America

ready to deal with you.

Keep poking the bear, fucktards.

Bear meat is tasty, I bet you've never eaten any.
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Disagreed for two reasons: 1) State's Rights. 2) It's an impossible dream since it would take a Constitutional Amendment.

Ranking candidates works and can be easily passed in the States. After 10 years of it, most Americans will see the wisdom of supporting it for Federal elections.

FWIW, "The Impossible Dream" is one of my favorite songs on my play list. I have several versions (including Elvis!) but this one is my favorite:

Fuckin' dirty hippie.

I loathe dirty hippies.

Not even sure why, just do. That is dirty hippie music.
Commies need to not be on the American continent. They have contributed not a damn thing to the US and need to fuck off and die!

Black people? They are Americans. Commie fuckwads? They need hanged for being the traitors they are, be they whatever race.

There's a few black ones the Democrats have been arming n shit. (hundreds)

I'll tell you right now. your shit ain't flying in America.

Motherfucker I wanna get this on and over with so we can have more American people around.

Please make your move, you pussy ass leftists so you can be dealt with accordingly.

You got your "African-Americans" wanting to "kill everything white in sight."

That's nice, honey. When those idiots catch one through the head and never saw it coming.

Real American blacks won't play along with your commie bullshit, and you're going to have an enraged supermajority of America

ready to deal with you.

Keep poking the bear, fucktards.

Bear meat is tasty, I bet you've never eaten any.

So ... is this an endorsement of 'ranked-voting' or is this a rejection of 'ranked-voting'. No offense, but you're starting to sound like that MSG guy.
Maybe but that doesn't change the fact that the founders understood human nature better than you leftist retarded cunts. Because of that they put things in place to stop you cunts from creating the totalitarian govt you cunts cannot wait to being to fruition. You're a cunt and always will be.

Yes - you're a totally brainwashed moron. Slave-owners know how to work slaves. God bless America! :)