Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Agreed. What is your solution to weighting votes properly?No. Ranked voting assumes that you would make the same choices as the number of names on the ballot dwindle.
That is, let's say there are 6 names on the ballot. You have to pick choices from first to sixth.
The first problem comes when people only pick say a first and second choice leaving the rest blank. This weights the resulting ranking in favor of those that rank all six. That skews the results.
Then comes the problem of how someone might rank the ballot if one or more of the choices were removed. That is, we don't know how someone might rank the choices if these were more limited.
Since reallocation of votes is done on a proportionate scale, as the ranking continues it is possible for a second or third place contender to end up being the winner over the original leader in votes.
Because you have to rank each candidate, many voters will worry about how their rankings will alter the outcome when the rounds of re-ranking occur and not vote for their best choice but to either help a particular outcome occur, or to avoid the worst outcomes.
It's all very much like a Vegas crap table. You roll the dice and get your point. The next roll is either craps or not. What's the odds you get the outcome you are looking for?
Disagreed on the Vegas gambling analogy, but agreed it's a game changer on how candidates run for office.
What are your recommendations for increasing quality leadership in America?