Reality check: wingnuts encourage security threat

Translation: Junior just got his ass whupped in a debate using FACTS and the logic derived from them. He doesn't like it. That's why he takes out of context what he thinks will help support his BS. Here's why he's taking the wussy way out, folks:

Another neocon clown bites the dust!:)

you know how I can tell you're a moron, along with everyone else here knowing you're a moron?

assuming i'm a neocon clown when damn near everyone here knows i'm the second most dedicated libertarian here.

you're not real bright, are ya?
Hey Annie, before you wracked your brain for that devastating quip of yours, did you happen to notice that NJ EDITED the line from my post in order to suit his supposition? It's called "out-of-context"....something essential for willfully ignorant neocon parrots to continue the facade of honest discussion.

These should clear up the situation for you (hopefully):

That's why I put the little dope on IA....he's basically dishonest and childishly vindictive when faced with inevitable facts that prove him wrong. That you support such nonsense does not speak well of your intelligence level.

In case you're still following this Annie, you will note that after describing my quotation of Tais assertion as it's "essence" and providing the Message # so interested posters could draw their own conclusions I merely reduced the assertion to it's subject ("Southern Man") and verb ("by threatening liberals in general"), thereby eliminating the irrelevant portion Tai has been using in his lame and unsuccessful attempts to "explain" why everyone else who sees it's plainly stated claim is somehow getting it wrong. And then belittling them ! !
Are you still trying to prove that I threatened liberals in general? :rolleyes:

Hey, he already said he "proved" you did didn't he ? And as you know by now, in "Tai"land only "idiots" and "liars" question the validity of his "proof". I invite you to check Message # 63 for the the whole "debate" in a nutshell...
Are you still trying to prove that I threatened liberals in general? :rolleyes:

I already did that.....since that other imbecile picked up the gauntlet, I had to slap him silly with it. The fact that you're so bitter and not too bright to try and follow up on his flawed and failed attempt is just another example of your pathetic mindset.

You've got nothing couldn't disprove the subject title or any of the other venues you introduced. But far be it from me to deny an ignorant man the last word. Flail away, I'm done with you here.
And he will until he gasps his last living breath.

Notice folks, that the Loyal End NEVER actually debates a subject title....he just jumps in to join (yet another) moronic slam fests of other neocon parrots unable to prove their assertions or ideals. He's truly pathetic.
you know how I can tell you're a moron, along with everyone else here knowing you're a moron? Gee, that's your criteria....the other neocon luminaries like Southie or Dixie or NJ or Freedumb or the PostModernFool? Man, I didn't realize that proving you wrong would disturb you so much. :shock:

assuming i'm a neocon clown when damn near everyone here knows i'm the second most dedicated libertarian here. a "libertarian" is some sort of badge of honor for you? Hate to break it to you, bunky....but libertarians are a BIG FUCKING JOKE! Like you demonstrate here, they ape the neocon mantras, tactics and talking points and then swear they're not like if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. Shovel that crap somewhere else, toodles, because it ain't selling here.

you're not real bright, are ya?

Compared to you I'm RA the sun god. YOU earlier used imagery and all types of nasty talk to show that I was not worth responding too....yet here you are again. Bottom line: you're inflated ego just can't stand being proved wrong....either that or you desperately need to see that psychiatrist!

Say goodnight gracie....shows over for you. Until the next thread.
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I already did that.....since that other imbecile picked up the gauntlet, I had to slap him silly with it. The fact that you're so bitter and not too bright to try and follow up on his flawed and failed attempt is just another example of your pathetic mindset.

You've got nothing couldn't disprove the subject title or any of the other venues you introduced. But far be it from me to deny an ignorant man the last word. Flail away, I'm done with you here.
LOL STY hardly needs my help.
Hey, he already said he "proved" you did didn't he ? And as you know by now, in "Tai"land only "idiots" and "liars" question the validity of his "proof". I invite you to check Message # 63 for the the whole "debate" in a nutshell...
Since when do results matter with liberals? It's only their intentions that matter. *shrug*
True enough....fear based on the bogus propaganda that the NRA and it's affiliates have been stoking for the last 20 years (at least). Some militias follow suit on this. And as the article shows, business is booming as a result of that fear.....which kind of contradicts the propaganda that has sounded the death nell every time some politico proposes a gun control law. Once again, the weapons manufacturers and sellers are making a killing off public fear.

You the MAN! Over here on this thread taking care of all the big bad conservatives on your own!

Props! buddy!
[Midcanic Rant]you know how I can tell you're a moron, along with everyone else here knowing you're a moron? Gee, that's your criteria....the other neocon luminaries like Southie or Dixie or NJ or Freedumb or the PostModernFool? Man, I didn't realize that proving you wrong would disturb you so much.

assuming i'm a neocon clown when damn near everyone here knows i'm the second most dedicated libertarian here. a "libertarian" is some sort of badge of honor for you? Hate to break it to you, bunky....but libertarians are a BIG FUCKING JOKE! Like you demonstrate here, they ape the neocon mantras, tactics and talking points and then swear they're not like if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. Shovel that crap somewhere else, toodles, because it ain't selling here.

you're not real bright, are ya?[/Midcanic Rant]


Out of curiosity STY, who is #1? Is it Epic, Grind, or someone else?

Now, Taicheeze, I happen to not be a libertarian, but have you noticed how all of the smartest and coolest (thus ensuring that all of the smart libs on the board are automatically ruled out due to coolness factor) members of the board are libertarians?

You should have seen Midcan5's moronic "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" series on She got stomped on so many times because you just can't go up against the likes of RStringfield, Grind, Epic, Ironhead, Adam Weinberg, and Beefy all at once and expect to win, let alone when you happen to be Midcan5, the dumbest poster ever.

Out of curiosity STY, who is #1? Is it Epic, Grind, or someone else?

Now, Taicheeze, That's the best you can do? Hope you didn't waste too much time formulating that one. I happen to not be a libertarian, but have you noticed how all of the smartest and coolest (thus ensuring that all of the smart libs on the board are automatically ruled out due to coolness factor) members of the board are libertarians?

That's your story. I've found most Libertarians to be pathetic fence straddlers...doing exactly what I stated previously.

You should have seen Midcan5's moronic "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" series on She got stomped on so many times because you just can't go up against the likes of RStringfield, Grind, Epic, Ironhead, Adam Weinberg, and Beefy all at once and expect to win, let alone when you happen to be Midcan5, the dumbest poster ever.

That's Midcan5's story/problem. I didn't see the thread....I can only go by my own experiences and observations here, with a healthy dose of facts and logic.
You the MAN! Over here on this thread taking care of all the big bad conservatives on your own!

Props! buddy!

It's pretty easy given the neocon peanut gallery I have to deal with. They get so pissed that they can't prove their blatherings in a fair debate, they start squawking the usual slam fest. I don't know what the hell is the matter with them...if I can admit I'm wrong on points or a topic, why's it so hard for them?
It's pretty easy given the neocon peanut gallery I have to deal with. They get so pissed that they can't prove their blatherings in a fair debate, they start squawking the usual slam fest. I don't know what the hell is the matter with them...if I can admit I'm wrong on points or a topic, why's it so hard for them?

Uh huh. So does this mean you'll finally admit you accused Southern Man of threatening liberals when you posted this on Message 11 of this Thread ?

"Pay attention, genius. YOU were the one mocking the article by threatening liberals in general."
It's pretty easy given the neocon peanut gallery I have to deal with. They get so pissed that they can't prove their blatherings in a fair debate, they start squawking the usual slam fest. I don't know what the hell is the matter with them...if I can admit I'm wrong on points or a topic, why's it so hard for them?
LOL You must be insane. LOL