Reality vs. trump supporters

Trump is an agent of Satan, here to bring about The End of Days, which is why evangelicals support him, even though he is one of the biggest sinners of modern times.

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And we see him as someone who quite possibly saved our republic. Evangelicals believe it was God's doing that Trump against all odds gets elected AND proceeds to push the conservative/evangelical agenda. This makes evangelicals happy and America great again. We were on the brink of collapse. With Hillary's stated agenda it would have been over. With Hillary selecting the supreme court justices and the many lower court judges it would never have come back. We would be on our way toward third world shit hole status. Religious folks supported trump despite his past because they believed he would do what he said he was gonna do. They knew hillary was evil so trump was a chance easy to take given that option. Now he is governing like a man of god. They love him.

Hillary, no energy independence, open borders, military cuts, no tax cuts, blacks still over sentenced for drug offenses, war with north Korea, Iran still fucking us and cheating, guns banned, antifa appeased, kneeling during the anthem accepted, Comey- brennon- struck-page still in position to spy on republicans, the bidens unexposed, the media unexposed as fake and the demonrats propaganda wing, stock market collapsed, economy stagnant, food stamp use at new highs, unemployment ultra high...........THANK GOD FOR TRUMP if he had a hand in getting him elected.

I'm an atheist so for me its luck Trump was elected. With all that was against him it does make you wonder.

We could debate your satan statement but no amount of facts is enough for your type.
And we see him as someone who quite possibly saved our republic. Evangelicals believe it was God's doing that Trump against all odds gets elected AND proceeds to push the conservative/evangelical agenda. This makes evangelicals happy and America great again. We were on the brink of collapse. With Hillary's stated agenda it would have been over. With Hillary selecting the supreme court justices and the many lower court judges it would never have come back. We would be on our way toward third world shit hole status. Religious folks supported trump despite his past because they believed he would do what he said he was gonna do. They knew hillary was evil so trump was a chance easy to take given that option. Now he is governing like a man of god. They love him.

Hillary, no energy independence, open borders, military cuts, no tax cuts, blacks still over sentenced for drug offenses, war with north Korea, Iran still fucking us and cheating, guns banned, antifa appeased, kneeling during the anthem accepted, Comey- brennon- struck-page still in position to spy on republicans, the bidens unexposed, the media unexposed as fake and the demonrats propaganda wing, stock market collapsed, economy stagnant, food stamp use at new highs, unemployment ultra high...........THANK GOD FOR TRUMP if he had a hand in getting him elected.

I'm an atheist so for me its luck Trump was elected. With all that was against him it does make you wonder.

We could debate your satan statement but no amount of facts is enough for your type.

Hello Taichiliberal,

And to date, our resident Trump sycophants cannot logically or factually refute or disprove the OP.

Narry a dispute of the absolutely apt description, nay, premonition, that Trump would come along. 'Twas inevitable it seems.

Trump fans know precisely what he is - and they like that, want that. They longed for the fight, ached for it. When it was not there, they dreamed of it, couldn't wait to spoil the political detente, relished in the disorder created by the rude bore. But then what else could they do? Slowly, every argument was going to liberals, it seemed. Gay rights, minority rights, women's rights, dealing with climate change... They had to upset the apple cart.

It's like if progressives and conservatives were playing chess, and the progressives were winning? The conservatives overturn the game board and then laugh.

Conservatives would sooner see the habitat and humanity destroyed than to admit they were wrong about climate change.

What we are fighting against is self-destructive egos.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, you parrot the lies of Fox News and cohorts. FYI:

nothing in that article contradicts the fact the record of the call was never on some "secret server".....that's just you parroting the lies of demmycrat idiots....

Either you're a poor liar or have a comprehension skill below 8th grade standards or just stupid. Amb. Rice clearly states, the call was MOVED to a server used for such security classifications that would NOT be discussed on TV, as opposed to the EXCERPT of the transcript released by the White House, which was stored in a STANDARD National Security secured server.

As for the FACTS that you and your ilk are terrified of:

Normally, people go to jail for defying a subpoena...but hey, Lord Trump and his minions laugh and Constitutional, State and Federal laws that they don't like or find "inconvenient".

Zeig Heil, baby.
me and my brethren.

A childish retort on your part. Newsflash, the circle jerk by Trump chumps doesn't make anything you profess factually true. Case in point, I took the Post Modern Fool to task, and he can't meet a simple burden of proof. So unless you've got something other than the usual clap trap, I'll leave you to your ass hat harangues.
A childish retort on your part. Newsflash, the circle jerk by Trump chumps doesn't make anything you profess factually true. Case in point, I took the Post Modern Fool to task, and he can't meet a simple burden of proof. So unless you've got something other than the usual clap trap, I'll leave you to your ass hat harangues.

yes. not intellectually hard hitting like ripping up a speech like a chimpanzee/mongoloid hybrid mistske of nature.
You are deep in your derangement about Trump. And your derangement about Democrats. Trump has simply been taking credit for what he inherited from Obama. That's been his style for his entire life. He's moving us towards being a banana republic. Economic inequality is growing. He's making the rich, including himself, richer and doing not much of anything for anyone else. He's massively increasing the debt. He's done nothing about North Korea.

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thus establishing it was not some "secret server" but was in fact the very place such things are kept in the ordinary course of action set up for such communications......

Thus establishing you're a complete fool, as you try to take things out of context to support your failed assertion. Pay attention, THE MATERIAL WAS MOVED (OR ATTEMPTED SUCH) FROM THE STANDARD CONSERVED SERVER. The question is, why?
go back and read them ALL.......don't limit yourself to only one......

Translation: neither this fool or his ass hat friend can provide proof of what was asserted by one of them. Your buddy made the claim, toodles….burden of proof is on him. Or you, if you're picking up the gauntlet.