Reasons Why Obama is not My "president"

Horseshit, queerbait. More people are waking to the tyranny that is the Obama "administration". But you have your head so far up his ass it ain't even funny, Aaron.

Right. And it's nice and cozy up here. Meanwhile, as you attempt to breathe, while actively engaged on Rush Limbaugh's teeny tiny dick, I have news for you. You got 3 1/2 more years to go. And are you my friend? No? Then why are you calling me Aaron? My ID is poet. Tell you what...the next time you mention my name, is when I put you on ignore...and then you can post it until it whitens your teeth.
That's because they are either die hard Communists like yourself, Aaron, Topspin. Or they are clueless idiots.
Bitch, or is it slut-ite? Your mama was a communist. I'm a liberal Democrat, and will die one. Your own Republican Party is rejecting you extremists. You are sinking into oblivion. Bye.
Right. And it's nice and cozy up here. Meanwhile, as you attempt to breathe, while actively engaged on Rush Limbaugh's teeny tiny dick, I have news for you. You got 3 1/2 more years to go. And are you my friend? No? Then why are you calling me Aaron? My ID is poet. Tell you what...the next time you mention my name, is when I put you on ignore...and then you can post it until it whitens your teeth.
AWWWW! What a poor little thin skinned sissy you are.
Bitch, or is it slut-ite? Your mama was a communist. I'm a liberal Democrat, and will die one. Your own Republican Party is rejecting you extremists. You are sinking into oblivion. Bye.
No, we are taking this country back as she was founded. Look forward to wearing the pink triangles again.
Horseshit, queerbait. More people are waking to the tyranny that is the Obama "administration". But you have your head so far up his ass it ain't even funny, Aaron.

What's the major holdup? You got fertilizer? You need blast caps? Want me to loan you some money? Get to getting, loud mouth. Put your dick where your mouth is.
No, we are taking this country back as she was founded. Look forward to wearing the pink triangles again.
Anyone from RuPaul's Drag Race, could take your lame ass out. Bitch, you must not know that gays only look weak. We will beat your ass and dare you to cry.
Pink Triangles? You'll be turned out before that happens, taking on Flash Brown.
Boris your founding fathers were racist slave owners who didn't let woman vote!
Dress up in your ancient garb!
You ain't getting shit back.
Why losing 4 of the last 6 is just a start for you retarded white boyz
This thread makes so little sense that my only conclusion is that boris is a troll looking for a reaction. Or possibly he's into suicide by police. Not sure which.

Boris, I highly recommend therapy. If you are getting any satisfaction from stirring up this hornet's nest, you definitely need it.
Boris your founding fathers were racist slave owners who didn't let woman vote!
Dress up in your ancient garb!
You ain't getting shit back.
Why losing 4 of the last 6 is just a start for you retarded white boyz
So you'd support one party leftist rule? Move to Cuba where your sick Leftist ideology will fit right in.
And you'll lose the next ten. Conservatism will never die in this country, Bolshevik douchebag.
. Of course it won't. It'll just keep getting dragged to the left inch by inch like it has for the past 120 years or so. Things that were crazy wacko leftie concepts a century ago are dead in the middle of American political thought today. Things that lefties fought hard to institute a century ago are things that conservatives fight to maintain today.

Classic sign at a 2010 teabagger rally: "KEEP YOUR SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE"


Don't worry. we'll let you stand and protect the stuff we've already won from you so that you can make yourselves feel useful. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha