recession fear mongers: Economy best in four years

No question I have been on the wrong side before. But not once has that idiot been the one to "own" me. Post a link to that thread and I bet you find the response that shows how he cherry picked one years data and I would also bet that I responded to his cherry picking.

"he cherry picked one years data!"

SF, don't dig your hole any deeper.

I already showed you that in 2004, PUBLIC research grants to Rennselear Institute were 16 time higher than PRIVATE grants.

You have a problem with one years data?

Here's the data from another year - 2007.

And it looks to me like the total money from public agencies, state and federal government, and public cooperatives, totally exceeds funding from private sources...again.

Your contention in that entire post was the Rensalear was primarily operating off of private research funding.


"he cherry picked one years data!"

SF, don't dig your hole any deeper.

I already showed you that in 2004, PUBLIC research grants to Rennselear Institute were 16 time higher than PRIVATE grants.

You have a problem with one years data?

Here's the data from another year - 2007.

And it looks to me like the total money from public agencies, state and federal government, and public cooperatives, totally exceeds funding from private sources...again.

Your contention in that entire post was the Rensalear was primarily operating off of private research funding.



You don't say :corn:
08-31-2007, 12:30 PM
The Almighty Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 4,743


Originally Posted by Cypress
Hmmmm, something else struck me as fishy about SF's claim about Endowments.

I figured it out: SF is misleading, and evidently doesn't understand how colleges and universities operate.

SF linked us up with to something that showed Rensalears Endowment was $750 million dollars - evidently, as a hacked-out attempt to show Endowment spending absolutely SWAMPED support from grants in terms of scientific research

From the link: "Rensselaer’s endowment now stands at around $750 million"

Now, it turns out that trying to create the impression that Rensselaer has 750 million bucks per year to spend, is flat out wrong. The endowment is the TOTAL NET WORTH of the institution. Its not a "yearly" income. By tradition, regulation, or statute, Institutions with private endowments typcially only spend about 5% of their endowment, to operate each year.

For Ressselaer, that would only work out to endowment spending of about $3.75 million a year: and we can safely presume that much of that has to go to adminstration, maintainence, libraries, salary, and overhead costs associated with operating the university.

So, it seems quite clear, that SF either totally exaggerated the endowment spending at Rennsalear, or he doesn't fundamentally understand how universities operate:

In short: SF found a number, pulled it out of his ass, and posted a link to it - without even understanding the number.


Ahhh... the king of cherry pickers puts on his king of strawmen crown. I gave you a link to four page account of how their endowment is spent.

Please show me where I exagerrated the spending. At no time did I suggest that they were spending $750 million a year. You fucking lying moron.

I gave you the link to the endowment size, what it had earned per year over the past three years. On average it was about 15% earnings. Part of that likely went to grow the endowment. 5% of the earnings went to subsidize students. But look at the numbers tool.... They had on average over the past three years... approximately $30-35 million per year from earnings. Which most certainly dwarfs the grants.

Please note tool, that in no way suggests that they will stop applying for grants from corps or the government. They will take all the money they can get.

So in short... you saw that I posted a link and in your tiny little brainwashed mind you concocted this whole story about me.

This is why I call you a fucking tool.
ahhh... the king of cherry pickers strikes again. You are looking at TWO months from 2004???

The BULK comes from their endowment you tool. Which is PRIVATE money.

Already went over this SF.

Endowment money supports adminstrative costs, salaries, tuition, scholarships for students, and building and operating costs.

It doens't go to core scientific research for the most part.
Already went over this SF.

Endowment money supports adminstrative costs, tuition, scholarships for students, and building and operating costs.

It doens't go to core research from the most part.

I didn't know that. Tell me more.
Now look at his link... it links to AWARDS and GRANTS... it does not show the fact that the endowment (which was funded privately) pays how much??? yeah, thats right, he cherry picked the data as he always does.

A little birdie told me endowments go to admin costs & not research. What say you now?
A little birdie told me endowments go to admin costs & not research. What say you now?

That's right. SF is unclear on the concept of endowment spending. It supports the adminstration, and logistical functions of the university.

Scientific grants support core scientific research. Which largely comes from public sources. Even at private Renssalear institute.

Get a hold of yourself SF. You really love those words, slut, bimb, bitch, fucking tool. etc.

A little birdie told me endowments go to admin costs & not research. What say you now?

The same thing I told that dipshit....

But he refused to read it. The part that is interesting is the part where it talks about the endowment helping to fund the academic programs (among other things), salaries (of the professors doing the research) equipment etc...

Not to mention the specific donations of the science buildings by private donors.

yes, the endowment funds other things such as admin costs etc...

are you done trying to stir this up again.?
The same thing I told that dipshit....

But he refused to read it. The part that is interesting is the part where it talks about the endowment helping to fund the academic programs (among other things), salaries (of the professors doing the research) equipment etc...

Not to mention the specific donations of the science buildings by private donors.

yes, the endowment funds other things such as admin costs etc...

are you done trying to stir this up again.?

I don't know. He sounded pretty convincing. I'd have to watch you two go through a nother couple of rounds to be sure though.
The same thing I told that dipshit....

But he refused to read it. The part that is interesting is the part where it talks about the endowment helping to fund the academic programs (among other things), salaries (of the professors doing the research) equipment etc...

Not to mention the specific donations of the science buildings by private donors.

yes, the endowment funds other things such as admin costs etc...

are you done trying to stir this up again.?

SF, this is what is known in the common lexicon, as spin.

We were talking about core scientific funding.

Its only when you got owned on research funding, that you decided to bring in ALL the universities private money, and endowment money, that is dedicated to salaries, building construction, maintainence, student scholarships, etc

You can't see the spin in that?

SF, this is what is known in the common lexicon, as spin.

We were talking about core scientific funding.

Its only when you got owned on research funding, that you decided to bring in ALL the universities private money, and endowment money, that is dedicated to salaries, building construction, maintainence, student scholarships, etc

You can't see the spin in that?


I see your point.