Recommend Political Books You Think Everybody Should Read Here

The South Had Slavery, the North Had Sweatshops. The North Had No Moral Superiority.


That was over 30 years after the end of slavery and proved how much worse the White working class had it than the lazy cottonpickers. If it weren't for powerful mental blocks imposed on us by the Liberal feralphiles, that revelation should make you realize that this whole Civil Rights for the Uncivilized movement was forced on us by plutocratic snobs.



Crazy Horse * Sitting Bull * Geronimo

The Indians never had a country; those subhumans had a zoo. Kill or be killed, incapable of getting anything out of the continent's abundant resources any more than the other animals did. They were the last of the Neanderthal species, lucking out in escaping for millennia to a fresh start from evolution's rational discrimination against the unfit. Despite the upper-class Whiteys Hating Whiteys anthropological propaganda, these sore losers are nothing but criminal-fugitive gangs from prehistoric Siberia. They should go back there and let Putin take care of them if they won't accept that they have survived long past their expiration date. If they threaten us any more, we will take them off the shelf.
The Indians never had a country; those subhumans had a zoo. Kill or be killed, incapable of getting anything out of the continent's abundant resources any more than the other animals did. They were the last of the Neanderthal species, lucking out in escaping for millennia to a fresh start from evolution's rational discrimination against the unfit.

Ah, yes.....that good ol' Republican Creed!!!!!

The Indians never had a country; those subhumans had a zoo. Kill or be killed, incapable of getting anything out of the continent's abundant resources any more than the other animals did. They were the last of the Neanderthal species, lucking out in escaping for millennia to a fresh start from evolution's rational discrimination against the unfit. Despite the upper-class Whiteys Hating Whiteys anthropological propaganda, these sore losers are nothing but criminal-fugitive gangs from prehistoric Siberia. They should go back there and let Putin take care of them if they won't accept that they have survived long past their expiration date. If they threaten us any more, we will take them off the shelf.

Who is we??

Do you have a book to share??

You can read the book here:

1. Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress

2. Drawing the Color Line

3. Persons of Mean and Vile Condition

4. Tyranny is Tyranny

5. A Kind of Revolution

6. The Intimately Oppressed

7. As Long As Grass Grows Or Water Runs

8. We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God

9. Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom

10. The Other Civil War

11. Robber Barons And Rebels

12. The Empire and the People

13. The Socialist Challenge

14. War Is the Health of the State

15. Self-help in Hard Times

16. A People's War?

17. "Or Does It Explode?"

18. The Impossible Victory: Vietnam

19. Surprises

20. The Seventies: Under Control?

21. Carter-Reagan-Bush: The Bipartisan Consensus

22. The Unreported Resistance

23. The Clinton Presidency and the Crisis of Democracy

24. The Coming Revolt of the Guards

25. The 2000 Election and the "War on Terrorism"
The Indians never had a country; those subhumans had a zoo. Kill or be killed, incapable of getting anything out of the continent's abundant resources any more than the other animals did. They were the last of the Neanderthal species, lucking out in escaping for millennia to a fresh start from evolution's rational discrimination against the unfit.

I highly recommend these Books ..

Re-Publication of : On the Duty of Civil Disobedience , By Mr. Henry David Thoreau . c1849 , Edited and Re-Published by Leroy Thurman Sr . c2016

THE most complete , Through , and Enjoyable Reading and Understanding of All History of Mankind . PDF

To Understand The Challenge Western Culture Faces from Islam , it is instructive to Read and Understand it's Advancement From the Arabian Desert towards Europe ,
And the Result of it's Conquest .

The most illustrive example is Provided by Reading and Understanding the History of the Rise and Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire ..

Many People don't even Know there Was a 'New Rome' .. but during the dark times of the European Midieval ages ..

The City of East Rome Alone held the Torch of Western Christian Enlightenment .

Only To have Western Europe again Rise from it's Tumoult , at about the Same time as the Spread of Islam Attacked it From the East .

Our Culture , Our History , even You where you Sit now .. Would not be the Same had it not been for this City ..

It is likely , as a culture would have entirely descended into barberism had not Constintine had the Forsight to so strategicly place this great city ..

Today .. it is entirely lost .. now , it is called "Istambul"
My older brother bought me the American Sniper autobiography by Chris Kyle last year but I finally read it over the summer and I would highly recommend it. It's a tough read because of the descriptions and the language but it definitely gives you a great appreciation for what soldiers go through.