Red State Update

I must admit that, in days gone by i, too, have mocked the Ron Paul bandwagon, associating it with mentals, delusionites and people, who the celebrated, Mr T. would describe as "crazy fools" before building a tank from the remains of a lawn mower and a garden rake and mincing his sorry ass into kingdom come.

However, having viewed the complimentary video screenings of an educational nature, i now see Ron Paul in an entirely different light, embued with his ice cream horse and his armfuls of gold bars, i have come to realise that he is, indeed, the saviour of the United States of America.
I must admit that, in days gone by i, too, have mocked the Ron Paul bandwagon, associating it with mentals, delusionites and people, who the celebrated, Mr T. would describe as "crazy fools" before building a tank from the remains of a lawn mower and a garden rake and mincing his sorry ass into kingdom come.

However, having viewed the complimentary video screenings of an educational nature, i now see Ron Paul in an entirely different light, embued with his ice cream horse and his armfuls of gold bars, i have come to realise that he is, indeed, the saviour of the United States of America.
I was all set to donate one thousand of your English pounds (that's about er...a million dollars by tonight's exchange rate) but i was stopped in my track by this -

"2. I am a United States citizen or a lawfully-admitted permanent resident."

I am not a US citizen or the other thing.

I shall have to will Mr Ron Paul the best from the sidelines of another continent, but wish him the best i shall.
I was all set to donate one thousand of your English pounds (that's about er...a million dollars by tonight's exchange rate) but i was stopped in my track by this -

"2. I am a United States citizen or a lawfully-admitted permanent resident."

I am not a US citizen or the other thing.

I shall have to will Mr Ron Paul the best from the sidelines of another continent, but wish him the best i shall.


Does everyone already know about this site, and no one told me? I am nearly on the floor from watching these guys. You have to scroll down to the Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul one. And also, catch the "Huckabee, F*ckme" one, it's just so funny, I can't stop laughing.

Guffaw! Snort!

Ron Paul on an ice cream horse... handing out gold bars to his hobbit followers? WTF??!!

Good catch, this site is hilarious!
I must admit that, in days gone by i, too, have mocked the Ron Paul bandwagon, associating it with mentals, delusionites and people, who the celebrated, Mr T. would describe as "crazy fools" before building a tank from the remains of a lawn mower and a garden rake and mincing his sorry ass into kingdom come.

However, having viewed the complimentary video screenings of an educational nature, i now see Ron Paul in an entirely different light, embued with his ice cream horse and his armfuls of gold bars, i have come to realise that he is, indeed, the saviour of the United States of America.

You are learning grasshopper ;)
I was all set to donate one thousand of your English pounds (that's about er...a million dollars by tonight's exchange rate) but i was stopped in my track by this -

"2. I am a United States citizen or a lawfully-admitted permanent resident."

I am not a US citizen or the other thing.

I shall have to will Mr Ron Paul the best from the sidelines of another continent, but wish him the best i shall.

Just send the money to me and I will be sure that RP gets all he deserves of it.
Just send the money to me and I will be sure that RP gets all he deserves of it.

That would be highly unethical and downright illegal.

It's at times like this i sit down and ask myself, "What would Ron Pauls do?"

I'm sure if Ron Pauls were here now he would never ask a man to break the law of the land. It is the practice of proxy donations which currently has the UK government tying themselves in knots and i couldn't very well criticise our sleaze ridden political masters whilst funnelling cash to Mr Pauls, even if the eventual salvation of the western world is at stake.
But Ron Pauls wants to do away with most of our laws anyway.

It is a liberty to give as much as you want to whomever you want to. The constition does not say you can't.