APP - Red v. Blue Mashup

Cons always say get an education and pull yourself up out of poverty by your bootstraps.
So why do they lead in low HS graduation rates?

because they are better at telliing than doing?
there are other factors involved in "quality of life"....there's crime, pollution, overcrowding, more expensive....

look we were talking about conditions of many of the states on your list....West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi....there are still places you can go and work and enjoy life and not have to be surrounded by liberals.....

Right, but we were also talking about some problems affecting those states in my lists. The repeat offender states are states that I would widely cite as "deep red" states with conservative policies.
Right, but we were also talking about some problems affecting those states in my lists. The repeat offender states are states that I would widely cite as "deep red" states with conservative policies.

Why don't you throw the race issue into it?
Cons always say get an education and pull yourself up out of poverty by your bootstraps.
So why do they lead in low HS graduation rates?

because they are better at telliing than doing?

really? conservatives lead in low HS graduation rates?.....who do statistics show drops out of school more frequently......what are the typical voting patterns of the groups that make up that statistic?......can we have some honesty in this debate, please.....

are drop out rates higher in urban schools or suburban?.....
really? conservatives lead in low HS graduation rates?.....who do statistics show drops out of school more frequently......what are the typical voting patterns of the groups that make up that statistic?......can we have some honesty in this debate, please.....

I was just going off the stats posted in this thread.
You might want to search out the answer you asked yourself. It might educate you some.

And for the other part of my comment. Cons have proven to be better at talking the talk than walking the walk.
really? conservatives lead in low HS graduation rates?.....who do statistics show drops out of school more frequently......what are the typical voting patterns of the groups that make up that statistic?......can we have some honesty in this debate, please.....

are drop out rates higher in urban schools or suburban?.....

I know exactly what you are arguing and you're right. You won't be able to have a real discussion like that though with a simpleton such as citizen.
I was just going off the stats posted in this thread.
You might want to search out the answer you asked yourself. It might educate you some.

do urban areas tend to vote more frequently along liberal lines?
High school drop-out rate in major US cities at nearly 50 percent

do blacks and hispanics tend to vote more frequently along liberal lines?

Cons have proven to be better at talking the talk than walking the walk

and libs prove incompetent at both....
Umm PMP you left out the percentage of blacks in urban and rural areas.
Income spread.
And a few other things I have not thought of yet that is pertinent.
Umm PMP you left out the percentage of blacks in urban and rural areas.
Income spread.
And a few other things I have not thought of yet that is pertinent.

I didn't leave out anything I intended to present....if you think there is something that contradicts me, present it.....
most of the states on your list, whether red or blue are states that have fewer industries and more agriculture....I would say the contributing factor is job opportunities, not political stance....let's face it those states that did go blue were states with metropolitan areas that had populations outbalancing the rest of the state.....urban areas vote Democratic.....
That's a bogus answer. Politics and economics are directly correlated. Most of the midwestern farming states, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Missouri, the Dakota's, etc, are not on those list and that directly contradicts your argument. Employment opportunities often result from specific political policies that favor both economic devlopment and education. Those are policies that southern conservatives have, for many years, been overtly hostile to.
lack of industry, lack of jobs, lack of income, lack of taxes, lack of money to have good schools, hospitals,'s all part of the same train.....

I grew up in Iowa...small town, no jobs unless you were going to farm.....28 kids in my graduating class (school now closed, consolidated with other schools)....only three of the 28 still live there.....(and one of them still lives in his parents basement, stoned half the time).......
Well looks like we share something in common PiMP. I graduated from High School in Eldridge, IA.
smart policies attract's just that conservatives have those more often than liberals....
Then how comes most of the major economic expansion in this country has occurred under liberal administrations? How comes most of our economic recessions and depressions occurred during conservative administrations?