As you're well aware, that's exactly what you tried to do, so there's no point whining when you're called out about it. Social engineering does not mean, and has never meant "not treating everyone the same." If you try to invent your own language, don't be surprised when others refuse to adopt it.
Incorrect. If the system is made less progressive, that will result in more wealth being concentrated into fewer hands, which very much engineers a different society than we have today.
As you know, pure capitalism is not the natural state of man. Stone age tribes look very little like capitalist systems. Rather, there are social rules dictating the flow of goods and services. A tribe's hunters, for example, do not come back from the hunt and auction off the kill to whoever offers them the most. They are expected to share that bounty according to set social rules, which will include feeding children, the injured, and the elderly, who had nothing to do with the hunt, the shaman, and so on. The natural state of man is much closer to a communist ideal, where there is very little private property and generally things are shared from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. Most will have communal housing of various sorts, and there will be a lot of top-down direction of productive activities (e.g., tribal elders deciding when and where to build new huts, when and where to migrate to find new game, and so on).
Now, if you want to socially engineer a less natural situation, by trying to bring about pure capitalism, at least be honest about your social engineering effort.
Your argument continues to be dishonest. We're done.