Refudiate Redux

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By now, most folks on here are aware that earlier in the week, Dixie jumped all over a member for using the word "repudiate". Dixie put on his self righteous word nazi hat (I actually think it is sewn to his scalp) and told that posted that "the word is REFUDIATE, not REPUDIATE" Refudiate, of course, is not a word in the english language.

I think by now, most folks are also aware that Dixie then claimed that he, of course KNEW that REFUDIATE was not a word, but that his Google spellchecker had indicated that it was so he went with it only because of that. was not Dixie's fault that he castigated someone for using a correct word and went so far as to suggest a non-word as a more approprate was Google Spellchecker's fault.

Dixie even went so far as to say :

Who thinks 'refudiate' is a word?

...I mean, besides Google spellcheck?"

Well... that didn't seem right to me. Why would a sharp successful company like google have a fucked up online spellchecker that did not know what were words and what were not words?

As it turns out, I have google spellcheck on my desktop. I would imagine that many of you do as well... so I tried it out.

do a little test for me: cut and paste the following list of words and drop them into the quick reply text box at the bottom of the page and then run google spellcheck.

trailer trash

what words are shown in RED as misspelled?
did YOUR list look anything like this:

trailer trash
motherfucker are one cowardly lyin' motherfucker. no shit.
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of course Dixie had to enter REFUDIATE into his personal dictionary on google for that to happen... this is not magic or sorcery... google spellchecker works a certain way, and it works that way for everyone. DIxie fucked up, and tried to blame it on an online computer program.

nice try, you fucking slanderous, redneck, racist loser.
Dix, just let it go. Ya blew it. So, it's a typo. Everybody has typos from time to tome.

Oh I am not the one holding on to it and posting threads about it. I admitted my error in the thread I made it, as soon as I realized I made it. I explained how the error came about, and Maineperv called me a liar. I have no reason to lie, I have admitted that the error was my fault, I didn't blame it on Google, I should have known better, and it is my ignorance that caused the error to be made. Now, since then, Maine has persisted to claim that I argued it was a word, and I didn't, Google spellcheck thought it was a word, but other than that, the fact that it's not a word has not been questioned.

I posted the screen shot, because it clearly shows what I saw, and how I came to post what I posted. I have no idea why it shows up like that, I didn't add the word to the dictionary to my knowledge... again, no reason to lie to you about this... I suppose it's possible that I did at some point, and didn't realize it, but why would I intentionally add a word to the dictionary, that isn't a real word?

I accept full responsibility for the error I made, I should never rely on a spellcheck program that way, at it's completely my fault the error was made. But the scenario I described is exactly what happened, and I have no reason to lie about that, nor did I lie about it. Maineperv just used his superior judgemental skills to make that conclusion, and proceeded to slander me some more here, so I responded. I'll be damned if I let some smart-ass perverted old fart in Maine lie about me and get away with it. I'm sorry you are too fucked in the head to understand that, but keep licking Maines balls, he likes that... especially if you are under 25!
Well...certainly one would receive a sexual education on this board (were they in need of one) if nothing else.

"Keep licking his balls, he likes that."

Do men really like that sort of thing? I had no idea.
dixie only likes that sort of stuff when it is young poetry writing kin doing the licking.... and from what I have heard, he thinks that particular brand of attention is quite nice
the point is.... google spellcheck does not think that refudiate is a word....Dixie had to have entered it in to his personal dictionary after the fact and created the screenshot to try and deflect, once again, the source of the error.... For Dixie to say "I never should have relied on a spellcheck program that way" still tries to make it, in part, the "fault" of google... when the fault and the chicanery lies entirely with Dixie....spineless, yellow Dixie.
oh...and I called my sister and brother in law on an unrelated issue and we got to talking about Obama.... I asked them if they had seen his announcement speech from Springfield and they both said they had. Since they are both oft-published college english professors with PhD's in english literature, I thought they would be perfect people to ask about the "presumptuousness" debate. They both agreed with me, oddly enough, and not the moronic hick redneck from the Birmingham trailer park, that Osama's use of presumptuousness was appropriate and that it was a well chosen word for the thought he was trying to convey.
Do we need to create a "Trash Talk" area so that those who don't want to read about the latest Dixie/Maineman battle can simply avoid the area?
Do we need to create a "Trash Talk" area so that those who don't want to read about the latest Dixie/Maineman battle can simply avoid the area?

is some invisible force causing you to continually visit this thread after you already know what it is about? Would there be some compelling reason for you to read this thread beyond the first sentence of the first posting in it if you really didn't want to?
the point is.... google spellcheck does not think that refudiate is a word....Dixie had to have entered it in to his personal dictionary after the fact and created the screenshot to try and deflect, once again, the source of the error....

Nahh, I wouldn't go to that kind of trouble to cover my ass, especially when I already accepted full responsibility for my error. If I were going to joke around and make something up, it would be something like this....


For the record, has anyone repeated what I actually did? Have you typed in "refutiate" and looked at what Google suggests as proper spelling? I know you did so with "refudiate" and my spell check does the same as yours, but I didn't originally type "refudiate", so your exercise was flawed.
oh, and by the way, she was a lousy cocksucker.... but considering her lineage, why would anyone think that she should be good at anything?
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