the point is.... google spellcheck does not think that refudiate is a word....Dixie had to have entered it in to his personal dictionary after the fact and created the screenshot to try and deflect, once again, the source of the error....
Nahh, I wouldn't go to that kind of trouble to cover my ass, especially when I already accepted full responsibility for my error. If I were going to joke around and make something up, it would be something like this....
For the record, has anyone repeated what I actually did? Have you typed in "refutiate" and looked at what Google suggests as proper spelling? I know you did so with "refudiate" and my spell check does the same as yours, but I didn't originally type "refudiate", so your exercise was flawed.
BUt I said repudiate, so you should have been typing in "repudiate". Refutiate? egads, man.