Refudiate Redux

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the point is.... google spellcheck does not think that refudiate is a word....Dixie had to have entered it in to his personal dictionary after the fact and created the screenshot to try and deflect, once again, the source of the error....

Nahh, I wouldn't go to that kind of trouble to cover my ass, especially when I already accepted full responsibility for my error. If I were going to joke around and make something up, it would be something like this....


For the record, has anyone repeated what I actually did? Have you typed in "refutiate" and looked at what Google suggests as proper spelling? I know you did so with "refudiate" and my spell check does the same as yours, but I didn't originally type "refudiate", so your exercise was flawed.

BUt I said repudiate, so you should have been typing in "repudiate". Refutiate? egads, man.
is some invisible force causing you to continually visit this thread after you already know what it is about? Would there be some compelling reason for you to read this thread beyond the first sentence of the first posting in it if you really didn't want to?
I need to check for posts with, oh lets say nambla flags and that describe sexual acts and deal with them. You both have gone overboard here.
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