Relationships: The Nice Guy Strategy


on indefiniate mod break
no I just like xkcd. After my first question of the day It just got the ball rolling.

the only girl problem i have is YOU darla.

yeah, take that.
Nice guys generally finish last. And many wonem first like bad boys best. Until they have had them a while. Then the nice guys are great to help them raise their kids from their bad boy marriage. ie nice guys finishing last.

Not targeting anyone on here. Just observations I have learned in life.

I would target Grind with that but not sure how it applies to him.
Our little grind is growing up.

Hes given up just telling them to fuck off and is now reaching out for ways to trick them into submission. Its just sooo cute.

I pinch your cheek.

Dude, she is either going to like you or she it not going to see you that way. Grow into your skin and Just be your damn real self. No douchebaggery needed. If you really want a way to get to do the Hump and dump circut then hire a ho. They really dont care if you call them back. Well unless you have more money that is.
Nice guys generally finish last. And many wonem first like bad boys best. Until they have had them a while. Then the nice guys are great to help them raise their kids from their bad boy marriage. ie nice guys finishing last.

Not targeting anyone on here. Just observations I have learned in life.

I would target Grind with that but not sure how it applies to him.

It's amazing the amount of female-bashing that goes on here.

This is total bs usc. I personally never went for those kind of guys, and used to blow off more of them in one week than some people meet in a year, back when I was going out to clubs in my 20's.

And I wonder what you mean by "nice guys". Because I will tell you that in my experience there are a lot of men around who see themselves as "the nice guy" who "can't get a date' when what they really are is a 60 year old mottleydude type, who is hitting on girls 20 25 years younger than he is, believing that because he sees himself as a "nice guy" she should jump at the chance to have him "teach her about sex" or some bullcrap. Meanwhile, it's just creepy to be hit on by a man that is say, 50, when you are 25. I hated those guys. I didn't see them as nice guys, I saw them as creeps and I still do.

Or, you have the "nice guy" who is actually a self-involved 5'5 whiner, who believes he should be going out with a 5'10 supermodel, and convinces himself he's being turned down because he's too "nice", when in truth he is shooting way out of his league, and that is the way it is. Does a 6'2 baseball player go out with a short fat middle aged woman, because she's "nice"?

it's losers who can't get woman's coping mechanism to say nice guys finish last.
your all dhamerish in some sence and you scare
It's amazing the amount of female-bashing that goes on here.

This is total bs usc. I personally never went for those kind of guys, and used to blow off more of them in one week than some people meet in a year, back when I was going out to clubs in my 20's.

And I wonder what you mean by "nice guys". Because I will tell you that in my experience there are a lot of men around who see themselves as "the nice guy" who "can't get a date' when what they really are is a 60 year old mottleydude type, who is hitting on girls 20 25 years younger than he is, believing that because he sees himself as a "nice guy" she should jump at the chance to have him "teach her about sex" or some bullcrap. Meanwhile, it's just creepy to be hit on by a man that is say, 50, when you are 25. I hated those guys. I didn't see them as nice guys, I saw them as creeps and I still do.

Or, you have the "nice guy" who is actually a self-involved 5'5 whiner, who believes he should be going out with a 5'10 supermodel, and convinces himself he's being turned down because he's too "nice", when in truth he is shooting way out of his league, and that is the way it is. Does a 6'2 baseball player go out with a short fat middle aged woman, because she's "nice"?


Sorry, I specifically said "many women" and not targeting anyone on here.
this is not woman bashing any more than man bashing.
Stoopid guys like to raise other guys children to get a steady source :D

It all sums up as people are still animals and subject to their animal drives more than intellect in the vast majority of hoomans.
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guys lol, there is no girl right now. I just thought the comic was funny. Quit trying to analyze me you idiots.

- grind
also the comic is making fun of so called nice guys. but i think most of you are morons and don't understand that.
no shit grind has no girl.
Grind get a job bartending so you don't end up a single loser like superfreak ah superdarlastalker.