Relationships: The Nice Guy Strategy

Depends on the girl and her phase in life. Some girls your better off sticking them into a tension loop or something to get them in bed. Others are in a phase of life where the Nice guy would finish first.
Depends on the girl and her phase in life. Some girls your better off sticking them into a tension loop or something to get them in bed. Others are in a phase of life where the Nice guy would finish first.

wtf is this tension loop you keep talking about?
guys lol, there is no girl right now. I just thought the comic was funny. Quit trying to analyze me you idiots.

- grind

Well, judging from this response, I sense that you are depressed and alone. Of course there is no girl, because you were the nice guy and you flipped out yesterday, now she refuses to talk to you. It's OK Grind, we've all been there once (Ok, I might have been 14, but I feel your pain). I know Darla won't let you cry on her shoulder, she would rather laugh at you and call you a stupid man, but, well, I'll just try and ease the pain a little by saying "It's not your fault".
I'm the guy where the girl gives you an ultimatum and you go against her just out of stubbornness and spite ;)

There is no greater feeling than seeing a girl that thought she had you by the balls because she just read some brilliant article in cosmo, have the situation completely turned around on her. Usually in a few days of me ignoring said girl she had learned her lesson.

But then again, I equate relationships to poker. When a girl gives you one of those ultimatums, it's just a standard c-bet, so just 3bet with air.

- relationship expert
Right.. children are just evil masses made to suck out any life left in us, and we are just willing to put up with them to get laid....:rolleyes:

They are the punishment for and evidence of sex being a sin ;)

Just think of the kids on here and consider thier parents....
and yes I'll add the disclaimer (for all you age snobs) that I am dealing with 20 year old girls, I am still an undergrad, I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm not planning on getting married anytime soon or trying to find my soul mate. I'm young and I'm trying to have fun so SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I'm the guy where the girl gives you an ultimatum and you go against her just out of stubbornness and spite ;)

There is no greater feeling than seeing a girl that thought she had you by the balls because she just read some brilliant article in cosmo, have the situation completely turned around on her. Usually in a few days of me ignoring said girl she had learned her lesson.

But then again, I equate relationships to poker. When a girl gives you one of those ultimatums, it's just a standard c-bet, so just 3bet with air.

- relationship expert

Uh, you're 20. What kind of "ultimatums" could you be getting? If you don't let me use your lunch card I won't give you anymore hickeys?
also that was pretty condescening. If you weren't in the rep alliance I would so mod you down for that.
They are the punishment for and evidence of sex being a sin ;)

Just think of the kids on here and consider thier parents....

To you, I am one of 'the kids', and I have an adopted child with another child on the way. To me, you're just one of those 'old guys' who doesn't like to have any kind of fun whatsoever and sits in a chair and complains about how the rest of society sucks, and every so often leaning over sideways to let out a good fart. Yes, I know in today's society usc, it's hard to ge a kid to take a minimum wage job to sponge bath your ass crack, but that doesn't mean they're all bad. It just means you gotta quit eating so damned many prunes, and suck up the pain of taking a dump so it isn't so messy next time.
To you, I am one of 'the kids', and I have an adopted child with another child on the way. To me, you're just one of those 'old guys' who doesn't like to have any kind of fun whatsoever and sits in a chair and complains about how the rest of society sucks, and every so often leaning over sideways to let out a good fart. Yes, I know in today's society usc, it's hard to ge a kid to take a minimum wage job to sponge bath your ass crack, but that doesn't mean they're all bad. It just means you gotta quit eating so damned many prunes, and suck up the pain of taking a dump so it isn't so messy next time.


It's amazing the amount of female-bashing that goes on here.

This is total bs usc. I personally never went for those kind of guys, and used to blow off more of them in one week than some people meet in a year, back when I was going out to clubs in my 20's.

And I wonder what you mean by "nice guys". Because I will tell you that in my experience there are a lot of men around who see themselves as "the nice guy" who "can't get a date' when what they really are is a 60 year old mottleydude type, who is hitting on girls 20 25 years younger than he is, believing that because he sees himself as a "nice guy" she should jump at the chance to have him "teach her about sex" or some bullcrap. Meanwhile, it's just creepy to be hit on by a man that is say, 50, when you are 25. I hated those guys. I didn't see them as nice guys, I saw them as creeps and I still do.

Or, you have the "nice guy" who is actually a self-involved 5'5 whiner, who believes he should be going out with a 5'10 supermodel, and convinces himself he's being turned down because he's too "nice", when in truth he is shooting way out of his league, and that is the way it is. Does a 6'2 baseball player go out with a short fat middle aged woman, because she's "nice"?


I'm actually six feet tall. :-/
Or, you have the "nice guy" who is actually a self-involved 5'5 whiner, who believes he should be going out with a 5'10 supermodel, and convinces himself he's being turned down because he's too "nice", when in truth he is shooting way out of his league, and that is the way it is. Does a 6'2 baseball player go out with a short fat middle aged woman, because she's "nice"?


Ha that's the truth.