A very common philosophical view, and misunderstanding of the theory of relativity, is that relativity plays around with commonsense ideas of space and time and makes everything relative.
In the early 1900s, people were using Einstein’s theory of relativity to justify relativistic morals and relativistic aesthetics—all kinds of fields far from science.
Physics is about trying to understand an underlying objective reality, and that reality should not depend on one’s point of view or frame of reference. The speed of light is one quantity that doesn’t depend on your point of view, but more fundamentally, the laws of physics do not depend on your point of view.
The numbers obtained when using the laws of physics, at least for some quantities—such as spatial differences or temporal intervals—do depend on your point of view. Other numbers don’t—such as, for example, the speed of light..
The individual measures of space and time are different in two different frames of reference, but you can combine them to get something that is objectively real: the invariant space-time interval. Space-time is invariant, which means that it doesn’t depend on your point of view; it doesn’t change with your frame of reference. The space-time interval is one example of a relativistic invariant.
Source credit, Richard Wolfson, professor of physics
Anyone who has read about Einstein's deep and lasting commitment to social justice, pacifism, and religious toleration I think would have to conclude he saw definite and clear shades between right and wrong, and would never have gone along with a program of moral relativism.
Einstein was distressed, however, at the way his theory of relativity was misapplied to moral matters and made to support the erroneous notion that there was no ultimate good or evil. He himself held to firm standards of right and wrong and saw moral relativism, which was becoming widespread in its effects, as a bankrupt philosophy.