Uwaa OmO

Let's just put it this way....



Inexpensive too, at only $20 for a fifth. And 94% ABV.

I had two bottle of this (available) at the wake, and me and my buddy killed it in about an hour. Afterwords I kept yelling "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" to everyone within earshot.

I wonder if I should have bought my Absinthe.
hey billy anyone ever tell you you seem like a cool dude?
Anyone and everyone who's ever partied with me. All the more reason you missed out when I was in Boston.

In related news, I'm getting two weeks off (unpaid this time :( )to prepare for school starting Nov 1st. Doing another trip. Stops do include Seattle and Boston.
Inexpensive too, at only $20 for a fifth. And 94% ABV.

I had two bottle of this (available) at the wake, and me and my buddy killed it in about an hour. Afterwords I kept yelling "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" to everyone within earshot.

I wonder if I should have bought my Absinthe.
Funny, I was shouting the same thing to my wife after I drank it, only later that night, when I went to bed with her.
I also have released the Kraken. The first time I was fine, but just 2 short days ago I drank about 4 shots of it after having drank pints of Stone IPA and I woke up with a keeller hangover.
I also have released the Kraken. The first time I was fine, but just 2 short days ago I drank about 4 shots of it after having drank pints of Stone IPA and I woke up with a keeller hangover.
Yea it got me the day after too. From a rum stand point that means it had a high mollasses content when it was fermented and then was distilled only once.
Your all going to be dragged down into Davy Jones Locker by the Giant Squid. Kraken are actually just Giant Squid. Ships attacked by them exagerated their size all though Giant Squid are very large and strong. The Legends of the Kraken came from encounters that people had with Giant Squid.
Your all going to be dragged down into Davy Jones Locker by the Giant Squid. Kraken are actually just Giant Squid. Ships attacked by them exagerated their size all though Giant Squid are very large and strong. The Legends of the Kraken came from encounters that people had with Giant Squid.
I will make calamari of them!
That's the problem, its a no brainer that WM would get fucked in that situation. Which is why, if we ever convene at Vegas, Grind and I are taking him up to the Bunny Ranch while Billy stays behind at the bar and gets fucked in a slightly different sense.
That's the problem, its a no brainer that WM would get fucked in that situation. Which is why, if we ever convene at Vegas, Grind and I are taking him up to the Bunny Ranch while Billy stays behind at the bar and gets fucked in a slightly different sense.
The Bunny Ranch has a bar as well. I plan on stopping there during my next trip.
That works. I expect that they will try and get you drunk and then offer you married man's discounts or something. Don't let them fool you, Billy!!!!!!
You seem to forget, that for how much I make (good money), I'm cheap as hell with some things. Why would I pay for something I get for free?