That's the problem, its a no brainer that WM would get fucked in that situation. Which is why, if we ever convene at Vegas, Grind and I are taking him up to the Bunny Ranch while Billy stays behind at the bar and gets fucked in a slightly different sense.
What happens if the Bunny's turn you down? I mean.....there are some things even a Bunny won't do!!
Ahahahahah, yes, some of us demand a high price, it is called love! and devotion!
Love? Devotion? Hey I'm talking about diamond rings, new houses, kids, shopping trips, new cloths for the kids, doctor bills, minivans, that shit cost some serious jack! Look as much as a man may love his wife the fact is, she probably cost one heck of a lot more then a mistress and far more then a hooker. On the up side. The lovin is a lot better but my god is it expensive! LOL
Love? Devotion? Hey I'm talking about diamond rings, new houses, kids, shopping trips, new cloths for the kids, doctor bills, minivans, that shit cost some serious jack! Look as much as a man may love his wife the fact is, she probably cost one heck of a lot more then a mistress and far more then a hooker. On the up side. The lovin is a lot better but my god is it expensive! LOL
Ya get what ya pay for.
Love? Devotion? Hey I'm talking about diamond rings, new houses, kids, shopping trips, new cloths for the kids, doctor bills, minivans, that shit cost some serious jack! Look as much as a man may love his wife the fact is, she probably cost one heck of a lot more then a mistress and far more then a hooker. On the up side. The lovin is a lot better but my god is it expensive! LOL
I have a feeling that your wife would love you without all of those things!

They are just "things" you want to give her! some of the best times in my life, when Bud and I didn't have two nickles to rub together! Men have a tendency to feel like a failure when they can't give their wives all the "material" things in life, women, don't get me wrong, like the material things, but the love and devotion are far more important, at least to this stupid pinhead!
I have a feeling that your wife would love you without all of those things!

They are just "things" you want to give her! some of the best times in my life, when Bud and I didn't have two nickles to rub together! Men have a tendency to feel like a failure when they can't give their wives all the "material" things in life, women, don't get me wrong, like the material things, but the love and devotion are far more important, at least to this stupid pinhead!
You mean I can quit my job and if she really loves me she'll support me? :)