Relevance of nothingburgers

Nobel Peace Prize?

Edging toward war with Iran.

Appeasement or war with NK.

Tax giveaway to the 1%

Ripping families apart on the border.

Pay-off of adult film star.

Ongoing collusion with Putin.

Monthly brown shirt rallies with deplorables.

Government policy by FAUX news.

I'm sure I missed something but the Bourbon and Cigars is kicking innnnnn.
I still do not see how all the nothingburgers are somethingburgers.

As noted previously, I'm sure Gates, Manafort, Flynn, Papadoppulos, and Cohen don't think their "nothingburgers," hell, the President himself doesn't either, if he did, then why would he feel the need to tell everyone often twice a day that he is not guilty
I still do not see how all the nothingburgers are somethingburgers.

Nobody can see where it will end because Mueller is not a Repub stooge using justice for political purposes like Gowdy and Nunes. He is not leaking and not talking to the press. He is doing his job. This is not a nothing pizza. it is real and could be very serious. Trump has bragged about flaunting the law.Mueller will have it all.
I agree

Speculation. I speculate as well, and have noticed that nothing has come up in too long a time period, so I am doubtful that anything will come up. Like you do, I must wait as well.

Back to the opening post, alas. What do you know that makes you state this?

Wish/guess lol?

Guessful wishing? Wishing upon a star?