Religous Man Stunned for Shouting about Jesus and then killed

What a moronic comparison. Stunning is a way police use to subdue people, it carries a very small risk of death. You cannot compare stunning to drunk driving (idiocy) or stabbing (intent to make bloody wounds).

The wrong is in the police's decision to stun, not the fact that the stun turned out to be one of those rare stunnings that induces death.

Your retarded comparisons are bereft of any logic...

You forgot to edit her name in the quote box. Just an FYI
You forgot to edit her name in the quote box. Just an FYI
This is kinda funny because for over 2 years I've tried to think of some way to morph "tianabautre" into a funny name and I just can't. I thought of tianabarka, but that's a pretty lame stretch. She just got lucky in picking a rare name that is hard to make fun of.

Now "uscitizen", there's a good name:

Care4All is another funny one, I thought of Care4Balls, but couldn't bring myself to do it, but when I told her as a joke suggestion she seemed to actually take to it...
Actually with the advancement of medicine in the last 50 years, stabbing also carries a very small risk of death. And yes. I can compare the effects of drunk driving to police battery. Both are illegal & both are inflicted by negligent people acting outside the scope of the law. And just so you know, the entire premise of thread is is "bereft of any logic". I'm just working with what i have.
Sigh. You're comparing the effect, not what you should be and what I meant which is the method.

For Christ's sake, police can use a stungun to subdue an unarmed criminal, they cannot use a freaking knife to cut him up or get tanked on donut juice and run him over. Sheesh.
This is kinda funny because for over 2 years I've tried to think of some way to morph "tianabautre" into a funny name and I just can't. I thought of tianabarka, but that's a pretty lame stretch. She just got lucky in picking a rare name that is hard to make fun of.

Now "uscitizen", there's a good name:

Care4All is another funny one, I thought of Care4Balls, but couldn't bring myself to do it, but when I told her as a joke suggestion she seemed to actually take to it...

I was always kind of fond of the DanoDemento moniker ;)
This is kinda funny because for over 2 years I've tried to think of some way to morph "tianabautre" into a funny name and I just can't. I thought of tianabarka, but that's a pretty lame stretch. She just got lucky in picking a rare name that is hard to make fun of.

Now "uscitizen", there's a good name:

Care4All is another funny one, I thought of Care4Balls, but couldn't bring myself to do it, but when I told her as a joke suggestion she seemed to actually take to it...

They don't seem very funny to me. That could be cuz I'm older than 12.
Wow those are much more hilarious, definitely in the 13-31 year old range...

I have to say my favorite of all time was a poster back on called 'beerman' (this was early 2004 so before your time), all I did was change the guy's name to beercan and the idiot would go ballistic everytime.
I think he actually left the site because he was so pissed at me calling him that. No shit.