Remember how outraged Damocles (and others) were?

Id make that deal. Even though Hillary did not have control who sent what email.

Irrelevant. She DID have control over setting up a private server for receiving classified emails.
Trump's box of classified materials should've been left behind. It probably is stuff that go mixed up with other papers.
She got a pass because the Democrats wanted her to win the election.

Double standards are what got us in the mess we're in today. I agree with EE: lock them both up.

Our leaders should be held to a higher standard than the barflies across America. IMO, because we don't hold our leaders to a higher standard, we end up with shitty leaders.

The Wicked Witch of the East broke the law intentionally. Trump does need to return the documents. He didn't expose them to anyone else though, like Hillary did.
So exactly what has Hillary done?
Look over the last few pages of posts. It's listed there. Pay attention.
Dutch and you believe every lie ever published about her.
They are not lies. Hillary established a private server and received classified emails on it. That's breaking the law, no matter how you try to spin it.
You’re almost as bad as the Covidiots when it comes to Hillary. The most investigated person in this century and you guys are still yelling “lock her up”
Because she was never prosecuted for the crime.
Since you're forgetful, I'll forgive you for forgetting but I'm not going to keep repeating myself, Matt.

"All" I do? Bullshit. You exaggerate like a menstruating HS cheerleader. Take a Midol, dude, and drink a lot of water. You'll feel better. :thup:

Thanks! I am. Why aren't you? Hateful, angry people aren't happy people. Therefore you aren't happy. Why not? Do you choose to be unhappy or does someone make you unhappy?

You are right. It's not all you do. It's just that you do it a lot of the time. You spend most of the rest of your time insulting people.
The Wicked Witch of the East broke the law intentionally. Trump does need to return the documents. He didn't expose them to anyone else though, like Hillary did.
False dichotomy fallacy.
You are right. It's not all you do. It's just that you do it a lot of the time. You spend most of the rest of your time insulting people.
Every one can see what you do a lot of the time, Sybil. LOL
The Democrats gave Hillary a pass so, in Tit-for-Tat DC, the Republicans will do the same for Trump. Sad.

This is why I think our leaders should be held to both a higher standard but also a consistent standard.

The Dems were not in power. The Repubs were shooting blanks. They were all noise.
The Dems were not in power. The Repubs were shooting blanks. They were all noise.

Dude, Obama was the President, Loretta his AG. Who did Comey work for?

Denying they gave her a pass on even a letter of reprimand or, as she deserved, censure, just makes you look as fanatical as Trumpers.
When the U.S. Congress seeks to condemn the actions of a president, a cabinet member, a lawmaker or a judge, lawmakers can vote on a motion to "censure" the individual.

Censure is a formal reprimand less severe than removing an official from their job. It requires a simple majority vote in either chamber of Congress, instead of the two-thirds majority required to remove a lawmaker from office.