Remember the Romney game plan that surfaced a year ago?

If a Republican wins this election you will see the American people rise up like has not happened in decades.
Right. No, we'll see you on here about how they "stole" the election.

The definition of an election that is not "stolen" seems to be one in which your candidate wins. However, the americans would not "rise up".
It is a little far off the election to accept these polls as evidence of who people will vote for on 11/4/2008 dont you think?

If its Obama then you will see different numbers come the fall.
It is a little far off the election to accept these polls as evidence of who people will vote for on 11/4/2008 dont you think?

If its Obama then you will see different numbers come the fall.

you are already claiming a Republican can't win without stealing it. Have fun with your one person protest if a Republican does win.
It is a little far off the election to accept these polls as evidence of who people will vote for on 11/4/2008 dont you think?

If its Obama then you will see different numbers come the fall.

yes Desh, it is a little far off.... but the point is... YOU are ALREADY saying that the only way a Rep can win is to steal the election. BASED ON WHAT????
A) that's not true
B) if it was true, it's illogical to say it will keep happening. you are so blind desh it's pathetic.
The evidence is indeed out there.... Hillary is trying to cage voters. Bill is race baiting. They are most certainly going to try to steal the election as they did in 1992 and again in 1996.
Desh, the Dems are just as run and contolled by a small base and the larger more moderate part of the party is sold a bill of goods to make them come along. The reason the Republicans took the Congress in 1994 was that the dems, through Bill Clinton over estimated their mandate and immediately dove in with homosexuals in the military and universal health care. This scared the American people into the repubican party. It may be happening now to the Republican party but don't count your chickens before they cross the road and don't assume that the ONLY way McCain can win is if the election is stolen. For many of us with moderate libertarian views there is not a lot of difference in the policies of Hillary John McClinton and things like taking money forcefully from our checks to make us participate in Hillary Care could be the tipping force that gets lots of us to vote for McCain.

This is why they won

May 2000, DBT discovered that approximately 8,000 names were erroneously placed on the exclusion list, mostly those of former Texas prisoners who were included on a DBT list that turned out never to have been convicted of more than a misdemeanor. Later in the month, DBT provided a revised list to the Division of Elections (DOE) containing a total of 173,127 persons. Of those included on the "corrected list", 57,746 were identified as felons.


Thomas Cooper, Date of Birth September 5, 1973; crime, unknown; conviction date, Jan. 30, 2007
Johnny Jackson Jr., Date of Birth, 1970; crime, none mistaken for John Fitzgerald Jackson who was still in his jail cell in Texas
Wallace McDonald, Date of Birth, 1928; crime, fell asleep on a bus-stop bench in 1959
Reverend Willie Dixon, convicted in the 1970s at the latest; note, received full executive clemency
Randall J. Higginbotham, Date of Birth, August 28, 1960; crimes, none mistaken for Sean David Higginbotham, born June 16, 1971
Reverend Willy D. Whiting Jr., crimes: a speeding ticket from 1990 confused with Willy J. Whiting who have birthdays 2 days apart

[edit] Demographics of the purge list
According to the Palm Beach Post, among other problems with the list, although blacks accounted for 88% of those removed from the rolls, they made up only about 11% of Florida's voters. [2]

Voter demographics authority David Bositis, a senior research associate at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, DC, reviewed The Nation's findings and concluded that the purge-and-block program was "a patently obvious technique to discriminate against black voters". He noted that based on nationwide conviction rates, African-Americans would account for 46% of the ex-felon group wrongly disfranchised.
Nope I dont agree.

They lost due to slimey tactics on the part of Republicans.

This answer still works.

The harry and louise bit compounded by the fact that Dems voted in smaller number than usual.

It was more of an apathy problem and a base rallying than one of the majority of Americans disliked the policy.
This answer still works.

The harry and louise bit compounded by the fact that Dems voted in smaller number than usual.

It was more of an apathy problem and a base rallying than one of the majority of Americans disliked the policy.

ROFLMAO.... I have never met someone so blindly loyal to their party.
This answer still works.

The harry and louise bit compounded by the fact that Dems voted in smaller number than usual.

It was more of an apathy problem and a base rallying than one of the majority of Americans disliked the policy.

Why do you think there was apathy among the Dem base? Why do you think the Republicans and Independents voted in such large numbers? You don't think it had anything to do with policy?