Remember when lefties thought Elon was an angel and righties hated Tesla?

Seeing as how EV's have been around in one form or another longer than ICE vehicles, you'd think that by now if there were a brilliant idea and one that consumers wanted, they'd dominate the market. Yet, the only way they can even begin to come close to doing that is if government shoves them down consumer's throats by bribery and force.

Seeing as how EV's have been around in one form or another longer than ICE vehicles, you'd think that by now if there were a brilliant idea and one that consumers wanted, they'd dominate the market. Yet, the only way they can even begin to come close to doing that is if government shoves them down consumer's throats by bribery and force.
Don't be that dishonest. Cheap oil with no knowledge of its environmental impacts was unknown. That is why we went to ICE. We learned the truth and are getting away from the environmental disasters of oil. Nobody is shoving things down your throats. Why do you Trumpys love that imagery?
Seeing as how EV's have been around in one form or another longer than ICE vehicles, you'd think that by now if there were a brilliant idea and one that consumers wanted, they'd dominate the market. Yet, the only way they can even begin to come close to doing that is if government shoves them down consumer's throats by bribery and force.
I doubt that many people hate EV's; they just do not want to be forced into owning one.
Don't be that dishonest. Cheap oil with no knowledge of its environmental impacts was unknown. That is why we went to ICE. We learned the truth and are getting away from the environmental disasters of oil. Nobody is shoving things down your throats. Why do you Trumpys love that imagery?
How is what I stated "dishonest?" The height of EV use in terms of the market was the 1899 - 1914 Baker Electric car. The 1910 represents the company's apex. At that time there were about 15,000 charging stations for electric cars in New York City alone. All that's gone. People went to ICE vehicles because they use a portable, compact, fuel source that is loaded in a very short period of time. Electric cars are tied to the grid.

Outside the Left, a slight majority of people think that anthropomorphic climate change (aka Gorebal Warming) is bullshit while most people accept that the climate changes. Oil, on the whole, has made the world a far, far better place than it was pre mass use. Even if the world went 100% EV, solar and wind, and all the other stuff the insane, radical, Leftist environmental front wanted, oil would still be needed, that is unless you want us to go back to using whale oil or something.

And, yes, government is shoving EV's down the public's throats. How many national and state governments have mandated an end to all ICE production? How many government bodies have put regulations in place to make continued manufacture and use of ICE vehicles impossible or nearly so? How much money has government spent subsidizing the cost of an EV to make it more palatable to buyers?

That is government shoving EV's down the public's throats. If EV's were such a great choice consumers would buy them unsubsidized and unforced.
Don't be that dishonest. Cheap oil with no knowledge of its environmental impacts was unknown. That is why we went to ICE. We learned the truth and are getting away from the environmental disasters of oil. Nobody is shoving things down your throats. Why do you Trumpys love that imagery?

You're retarded.
It's so sad how the trumptards vilify people for calling out musk on his bullshit. musk brought criticism on himself since he became a white supremacist troll. But you choose to ignore that so that you can be a troll yourself.

I'm not a Musk fan, so go bother somebody else with it. I voted for Trump because Democrats are nothing but a crime syndicate and terrorism supporters and kiddie mutilators. I don't have any obligation to kiss anybody's ass and can criticize both 'sides' of this good cop bad cop game. It's just a fact that some Republicans are still pro-American, and zero Democrats are, and Trump has more pro-American policies than the last three Democratic Presidents have had, as well as the three candidates since Carter were,is all.
Seeing as how EV's have been around in one form or another longer than ICE vehicles, you'd think that by now if there were a brilliant idea and one that consumers wanted, they'd dominate the market. Yet, the only way they can even begin to come close to doing that is if government shoves them down consumer's throats by bribery and force.

Actually electric vehicles were competitive with IC autos and trucks the first 20 years of the 20th Century. IC engines won out over them and steam. The first speed records and hill climbing records went to steam powered autos, in fact. There is a reason they lost out. Nobody would be buying them without massive welfare programs subsidizing them, and they are dirtier than IC production to boot. It's just a ssam to get these dirty proles off the roads so rich peoples' commutes into town are a lot more pleasant and faster, is all.
I've read they're looking to do a comeback.

That would be cool.

In other news, since the technocrats are all about driving wages and incomes down, other countries have already adapted. We could start by legalizing Indian manufacturers and other countries to open factories here to build these.

Even the electric models are much more affordable than giving out subsidies to millionaires who don't need them to buy EVs.
Who thought Elon was an angel? He was a nasty businessman who bought Tesla. The company was started in 2003. The 2 who started it looked for an investor after a year and a half. That is where Musk came in. He put 7 million into the business. Soon after, Musk went to court and sued to be designated a founder. He was not. one. In 2007 Varor Invest. put 13 million into the company. Musk invented nothing.
Who thought Elon was an angel? He was a nasty businessman who bought Tesla. The company was started in 2003. The 2 who started it looked for an investor after a year and a half. That is where Musk came in. He put 7 million into the business. Soon after, Musk went to court and sued to be designated a founder. He was not. one. In 2007 Varor Invest. put 13 million into the company. Musk invented nothing.

You're retarded.

Who thought Elon was an angel? He was a nasty businessman who bought Tesla. The company was started in 2003. The 2 who started it looked for an investor after a year and a half. That is where Musk came in. He put 7 million into the business. Soon after, Musk went to court and sued to be designated a founder. He was not. one. In 2007 Varor Invest. put 13 million into the company. Musk invented nothing.
But you've waited until now, when he's working with Trump, to bring any of this up...?
I'm not a Musk fan, so go bother somebody else with it. I voted for Trump because Democrats are nothing but a crime syndicate and terrorism supporters and kiddie mutilators. I don't have any obligation to kiss anybody's ass and can criticize both 'sides' of this good cop bad cop game. It's just a fact that some Republicans are still pro-American, and zero Democrats are, and Trump has more pro-American policies than the last three Democratic Presidents have had, as well as the three candidates since Carter were,is all.
Yes you ARE a Musk fan. You accuse Democrats of "loving" him which is total bullshit. You ignore his white supremacist trolling. That's on you!

Today's Republicans are anything BUT pro-American. Continue to kiss trump's ass. That won't bother me at all.

"Kiddie mutiliators"? Seriously? Go fuck yourself, trumptard!
You're retarded.

Is that the best you can do? Of course it is. You should be ashamed .
You're retarded.

Your inane responses like that set the tenor of this board. Rightys think that is a response. If you do that childish crap, the other rightys feel empowered to type at your low level. You are lowering the discourse on a board famous for low discourse.