Remember when Righties whined and cried about "transparency"?

of course you ignore it, because the truth hurts. you know i am right that you support dems doing this, its only because its republicans that you're whining about it.

It's because Republicans have done this same thing for every single piece of important legislation that has come up. The Democrats don't have the balls to do that so there really is no purpose in discussing the Democrats "doing this." The Democrats are too afraid to do this.

i gave you the reasons why i think they are doing this and yet you lie that i haven't answered your questions. dude, if you're going to play this hack bullshit, i see no further reason to discuss this with you. if you want to be honest, then i have no problem continuing.

You're sole reason is "to strengthen their hand." Well, to strengthen their hand to do what?

and no, this is not about secret negotiations, you have no link to support that, i have given quotes about the reasons from the repubs, and even mainstream media isn't being dishonest about the reasons like you and huffpo....all you have is partisan hackmanship conspiracy theories

Hilarious. You gave a quote from Mitch McConnell. Do you seriously think Mitch McConnell would say "yeah, we filibustered this bill because Senator Cornyn and I met with financial industry bigwigs in New York City a few weeks ago and we were instructed to block this bill and water it down, so that's what we're doing."

Your naivete is cute.

Basically, the Democrats have been down this road before several times. In the past, instead of forcing a vote and pounding Republicans for being obstructionist assholes, they instead negotiated with Republicans to water down the bill only to have the Republicans not vote for the watered down version when all was said and done. Finally, the Democrats appear to be learning that negotiating with Republicans and watering down legislation to appeal to them to get zero Republicans votes in return isn't a good idea.
I agree with all of the non-bolded text, but only morons with an IQ below zero want a look at the damn fucking birth certificate!!!!

Why does that bother you so much? The man hasn't produced a legitimate certificate of live birth, proving he was born IN the United States! If Bush or Cheney hadn't been able to prove that, do you not think the left would have been standing on their ear over it?

I am like this about it... at first, I didn't think there was anything to it, figured he was probably born in Hawaii as he claimed, no big deal... but all this time has passed and he still refuses to show the birth certificate signed by the delivering physician... why? I mean, why not just show us the damn thing and put an end to this? Why trot out a "certification of birth" that anyone could order and obtain upon request, and try to pass that off as his real birth certificate? Unless.... he really WASN'T born here, and he really CAN'T provide proof of that... in which case, it makes perfect sense! Now personally, I don't care, it doesn't really matter to me if he was born here or Kenya, but we have this little thing called The Constitution and the rule of law, and it says he MUST be born in the US to be the President. Until I see something that is signed by a physician, proving he was born in "this" hospital, by "this" doctor, at "this" time and date, I have to remain skeptical.... I don't take Obama for his word on ANYTHING! Why is that a sign of low IQ???
It's because Republicans have done this same thing for every single piece of important legislation that has come up. The Democrats don't have the balls to do that so there really is no purpose in discussing the Democrats "doing this." The Democrats are too afraid to do this.

You're sole reason is "to strengthen their hand." Well, to strengthen their hand to do what?

Hilarious. You gave a quote from Mitch McConnell. Do you seriously think Mitch McConnell would say "yeah, we filibustered this bill because Senator Cornyn and I met with financial industry bigwigs in New York City a few weeks ago and we were instructed to block this bill and water it down, so that's what we're doing."

Your naivete is cute.

Basically, the Democrats have been down this road before several times. In the past, instead of forcing a vote and pounding Republicans for being obstructionist assholes, they instead negotiated with Republicans to water down the bill only to have the Republicans not vote for the watered down version when all was said and done. Finally, the Democrats appear to be learning that negotiating with Republicans and watering down legislation to appeal to them to get zero Republicans votes in return isn't a good idea. honestly believe the dems don't do're really not one talk about naivete....:pke:

you're also continuing your dishonesty regarding what i said, either that or you truly lack reading comprehension skills....which is it?

i not only said to strengthen their hand...i also said:

and delaying a worthless bill that contains virtually zero reform

further, just a few weeks ago you chose to believe members of congress because it suited your beliefs about tea party folks, you made an issue of how they are members of congress and should be, of course you don't believe them because it doesn't fit your world view....that is hypocrisy nigel....too bad if you don't like being called on it... honestly believe the dems don't do're really not one talk about naivete....:pke:

you're also continuing your dishonesty regarding what i said, either that or you truly lack reading comprehension skills....which is it?

i not only said to strengthen their hand...i also said:

further, just a few weeks ago you chose to believe members of congress because it suited your beliefs about tea party folks, you made an issue of how they are members of congress and should be, of course you don't believe them because it doesn't fit your world view....that is hypocrisy nigel....too bad if you don't like being called on it...

Actually, I didn't say that members of Congress should be trusted. Nice try, though. What I actually said what that I had no reason to believe that the black members of Congress were lying.

Here, there is plenty of reason to believe the Mitch McConnell was lying. First of all, his lips were moving. Secondly, in case you hadn't, the financial industry is about as popular as penile discharge. Openly admitting to carrying their water after having a closed door meeting with financial industry bigwigs regarding this bill while bringing your fundraising guy along on the trip is not a very smart thing to do. Hence, McConnell's lies.

Eventually, you'll legitimately get me on a hypocrisy charge (stopped clocks and all) but not today.
Actually, I didn't say that members of Congress should be trusted. Nice try, though. What I actually said what that I had no reason to believe that the black members of Congress were lying.

Here, there is plenty of reason to believe the Mitch McConnell was lying. First of all, his lips were moving. Secondly, in case you hadn't, the financial industry is about as popular as penile discharge. Openly admitting to carrying their water after having a closed door meeting with financial industry bigwigs regarding this bill while bringing your fundraising guy along on the trip is not a very smart thing to do. Hence, McConnell's lies.

Eventually, you'll legitimately get me on a hypocrisy charge (stopped clocks and all) but not today.

The only question is whether you think these members of Congress are liars. You do. I don't.

You choose to discount the evidence because, presumably, you think these members of Congress are liars. I have no reason to believe they are liars and I find it entirely plausible that, given the fact that there are indeed racists among the tea bagger, racial epithets were shouted.

according to nigel those particular black congressman don't lie....why....because it fits his view that tea party folks are racist....when does nigel choose not to believe congressmen.....when it fits his world view like in this thread

your double standard is amusing....

and your hypocrisy is clear nigel, deny all you want, but its there front and center
according to nigel those particular black congressman don't lie....why....because it fits his view that tea party folks are racist....when does nigel choose not to believe congressmen.....when it fits his world view like in this thread

your double standard is amusing....

and your hypocrisy is clear nigel, deny all you want, but its there front and center

Actually, I'm about 99% certain that those black Congressmen do lie. For example, say one of their aged Grandmothers were wearing a hideous dress that the particular Congressman thought was the fucking worst looking dress he'd ever laid eyes on. Let's posit further that the Congressman's Grandmother's dress was a brand new dress that the Congressman's Grandmother was quite proud of. Let's further assume that the Congressman's Grandmother asked the Congressman what he thought of the dress. I'm not one to believe that any of the Congressman would tell the truth under those circumstances. But I digress . . .

My statement was that I had no reason to believe that the Congressman were lying. And I still don't. Whereas with McConnell there are plenty of reasons to think he's completely full of shit, not one of which you have dispelled whatsoever.

The fact of the matter is that McConnell and Cornyn met with financial industry bigwigs in NYC a short while back and they are now doing their bidding. It isn't difficult to figure out. As such, I'm not surprised you don't get it.
The only question is whether you think these members of Congress are liars. You do. I don't.

You choose to discount the evidence because, presumably, you think these members of Congress are liars. I have no reason to believe they are liars and I find it entirely plausible that, given the fact that there are indeed racists among the tea bagger, racial epithets were shouted.

nice spin nigel...but sadly an embarrassing failure
Why does that bother you so much? The man hasn't produced a legitimate certificate of live birth, proving he was born IN the United States! If Bush or Cheney hadn't been able to prove that, do you not think the left would have been standing on their ear over it?

I am like this about it... at first, I didn't think there was anything to it, figured he was probably born in Hawaii as he claimed, no big deal... but all this time has passed and he still refuses to show the birth certificate signed by the delivering physician... why? I mean, why not just show us the damn thing and put an end to this? Why trot out a "certification of birth" that anyone could order and obtain upon request, and try to pass that off as his real birth certificate? Unless.... he really WASN'T born here, and he really CAN'T provide proof of that... in which case, it makes perfect sense! Now personally, I don't care, it doesn't really matter to me if he was born here or Kenya, but we have this little thing called The Constitution and the rule of law, and it says he MUST be born in the US to be the President. Until I see something that is signed by a physician, proving he was born in "this" hospital, by "this" doctor, at "this" time and date, I have to remain skeptical.... I don't take Obama for his word on ANYTHING! Why is that a sign of low IQ???

1) No president has ever been asked to present a birth certificate. Had McCain become president, he too would have refused to give satisfaction to the people arguing that his birth in the Panama Canal Zone invalidates him unless he can provide certain "documentation."

2) People like you keep harping on it. The louder you shout, the better he looks, so he should never provide a birth certificate if he wants to continue to score political points over the matter.

3) Educated men don't need to explain themselves to proles.
of course you ignore it, because the truth hurts. you know i am right that you support dems doing this, its only because its republicans that you're whining about it.

i gave you the reasons why i think they are doing this and yet you lie that i haven't answered your questions. dude, if you're going to play this hack bullshit, i see no further reason to discuss this with you. if you want to be honest, then i have no problem continuing......

and no, this is not about secret negotiations, you have no link to support that, i have given quotes about the reasons from the repubs, and even mainstream media isn't being dishonest about the reasons like you and huffpo....all you have is partisan hackmanship conspiracy theories

Spin that BS all you like, it IS about negotiations behind closed doors:

"Condemning closed-door negotiations yet voting to prevent public debate is the height of hypocrisy, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) told HuffPost on Monday. "By voting against cloture, Republicans are voting to keep Wall Street negotiations behind closed doors, demanding changes to the bill without public scrutiny. Instead of closed-door deals, they should support open floor debate," said Merkley."
Why does that bother you so much? The man hasn't produced a legitimate certificate of live birth, proving he was born IN the United States! If Bush or Cheney hadn't been able to prove that, do you not think the left would have been standing on their ear over it?

I am like this about it... at first, I didn't think there was anything to it, figured he was probably born in Hawaii as he claimed, no big deal... but all this time has passed and he still refuses to show the birth certificate signed by the delivering physician... why? I mean, why not just show us the damn thing and put an end to this? Why trot out a "certification of birth" that anyone could order and obtain upon request, and try to pass that off as his real birth certificate? Unless.... he really WASN'T born here, and he really CAN'T provide proof of that... in which case, it makes perfect sense! Now personally, I don't care, it doesn't really matter to me if he was born here or Kenya, but we have this little thing called The Constitution and the rule of law, and it says he MUST be born in the US to be the President. Until I see something that is signed by a physician, proving he was born in "this" hospital, by "this" doctor, at "this" time and date, I have to remain skeptical.... I don't take Obama for his word on ANYTHING! Why is that a sign of low IQ???

The man provided the proper paperwork to the necessary people.


You are just bent because you know you aren't important enough to get to see the birth cert no matter how angrily you stamp your feet.

Suffer...just because they won't show it to YOU is NOT reason enough.
Spin that BS all you like, it IS about negotiations behind closed doors:

"Condemning closed-door negotiations yet voting to prevent public debate is the height of hypocrisy, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) told HuffPost on Monday. "By voting against cloture, Republicans are voting to keep Wall Street negotiations behind closed doors, demanding changes to the bill without public scrutiny. Instead of closed-door deals, they should support open floor debate," said Merkley."

lmao...using a quote from a democrat as're just as bad as nigel...

you won't believe a republican when they give their reasons, but you'll believe a democrat who tells you what they THINK are the republican reasons

nice job hack....i presented valid reasons why they are doing this, fact is, BOTH sides do this, you're just pissing and moaning because its a republican...and because you know both sides do this you have to lie in order to make the republicans look bad.

its pathetic and it really amazes how much more the left on this board has become staunch partisans and engages in outright lies to further their political agenda....

btw, reid also voted no....he had his reasons and i am positive you will accept at face value his reasons while calling the republicans liars for their reasons
birth certificate issue again?

come on people, don't you think this would have been all over the media during the dem primary campaigning? would the clinton mafia not have uncovered it if he was in face a foreign citizen?
1) No president has ever been asked to present a birth certificate. Had McCain become president, he too would have refused to give satisfaction to the people arguing that his birth in the Panama Canal Zone invalidates him unless he can provide certain "documentation."

2) People like you keep harping on it. The louder you shout, the better he looks, so he should never provide a birth certificate if he wants to continue to score political points over the matter.

3) Educated men don't need to explain themselves to proles.

1) Every person seeking the office of President is supposed to provide proof they are born in the US. It is a requirement to run for president, but it is sketchy as to who is checking this stuff out and validating it. It is generally done before the primaries, and the chairman of the party is responsible for validating the candidate's eligibility to run. Apparently, Obama's 'fake' birth certificate was fine and dandy with the party! We've never encountered an issue before, because candidates are generally very transparent about it, and the party is vigilant in making sure the candidate can't be disqualified.

2) I have not 'harped' on it, I just mentioned it at the end of a comment, YOU are the one harping on it! I don't really care about "political points" or who benefits over what! I care about the Constitution being upheld and having a transparent government!

3) There are no "proles" in America, we are all equal citizens without caste under the Constitution. No one is 'above' the Constitution, and it applies to Obama, regardless of how much you wish for it not to! If he was legitimately born in the US, he should provide unquestionable proof of that, which would be a physician-signed certificate of live birth. That has not been provided. This will be an issue and nagging question until he does, and you can denigrate those who are asking for it all you like, it will STILL be an issue!

Oh... and he may want to avoid Arizona! :D