Remember When There Was News About Other Things Besides The President?

Trump threatened another war today. He uses it as a diversion. Who can bitch about Trump payoffs when there might be a nuclear war with Iran, this time. Last time he needed a diversion he used North Korea. Wonder who is next?
Trumps immature use of twitter guarantees his name will be in public every day. He got the news on himself again today. Trump's understanding of how the government and diplomacy work is abysmal. But he knows how to stir up the misinformed. He knows he needs them to keep from a Dem sweep. This week he bitched about standing for the anthem, an oldie but goodie. He hit Iran and North Korea. Stirring up the borscht. He crabbed about Cohen not being loyal after he abandoned him. There is more, but Trump is old fashioned and believes any press is good press.
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Hello evince,

He either a) never goes to prison, or b) it's a country club prison and he'll be hanging with Bernie Madoff.

No matter how negative my considerations about this clown are...I do not want to ever see him in matter what he has done.

If you ever see an American ex-president...or an ex-major party nominee for the presidency in prison... can kiss the idea of an American Republic good-bye.

Third world nations do that. We don't.
Hello Frank,

No matter how negative my considerations about this clown are...I do not want to ever see him in matter what he has done.

If you ever see an American ex-president...or an ex-major party nominee for the presidency in prison... can kiss the idea of an American Republic good-bye.

Third world nations do that. We don't.

Yeah, you're probably right. They pardoned Nixon.

If ever there were a president much of the nation wanted in prison, he was it. And he would have deserved it.

Maybe becoming president was the only way Trump could ever hope to get away with all he has done in his life, once and for all, and be assured he won't ever do time for any of it.
The presidency ages you quickly. Trump is already the oldest president, ever. If he was actually doing the job, he would be close to checkout time.
Remember When There Was News About Other Things Besides The President?

Sure, but we've never had such a child in this office before who needs the attention.
No matter how negative my considerations about this clown are...I do not want to ever see him in matter what he has done.

If you ever see an American ex-president...or an ex-major party nominee for the presidency in prison... can kiss the idea of an American Republic good-bye.

Third world nations do that. We don't.

Nixon and Reagan should have served time. Iran Contra was a horrible crime. Nixon broke every law that he felt would cement his power. Trump may be worse than both put together.
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Hello Nordberg,

Nixon and Reagan should have served time. Iran Contra was a horrible crime. Nixon broke every law that he felt would cement his power. Trump may be worse than both put together.

It would have gone a long way to reassuring Americans that no man is above the law.

Instead, we have special treatment for the aristocracy.
Ford set us on a long ugly road when he pardoned Nixon. Fuck that, he should have paid for his crimes. Ford tacitly said presidents do not have to follow the laws. Some, like Trump, are proving they received the message.
Unfortunately, I suspect that even after he leaves office...his name and deeds will dominate the news. My guess is that his name and deeds will remain in the news for the rest of this century.

Remember...Adolf Hitler dominated the news LONG after he left office...and you can still see plenty of mention of him today.

By the time he leaves office the Republicans will despise him... and then his wife will divorce him.
Hello kudzu,

By the time he leaves office the Republicans will despise him... and then his wife will divorce him.

Well, we all have to wonder if she is only in it for the money.

All she has to do is wait it out.

I don't think President Trump has very healthy habits.

He could be on borrowed time already.

Remember how winded he was while speaking in Saudi Arabia early on in his presidency?

He's old and he's overweight, doesn't exercise, and he eats poorly.

He's a cholesterol sink.
Ford set us on a long ugly road when he pardoned Nixon. Fuck that, he should have paid for his crimes. Ford tacitly said presidents do not have to follow the laws. Some, like Trump, are proving they received the message.

Obama continued it, war criminals are now back in governmental and punditry positions pushing for yet more wars.