Remember when they claimed Jesus was a Liberal?

What a reach.

Being liberal does not just mean that you vote for democrats, or that you even vote at all .. or involve yourself in political platforms.

I repeat .. if you have to ask if Jesus was a liberal then you know nothing of the character of Jesus.

End of story.

There is no reach BAC, I am going by exactly what you said... Jesus didn't involve himself in politics. Therefore, he couldn't be identified as a liberal, and yes... liberals are political activists, make no mistake. But for argument sake, let's assume Jesus actually WAS a liberal and DID attend the 2012 DNC... would he have been with they nays or yeas on the vote to include God and recognize Jerusalem? I'm thinking he might have been with the yeas, and he certainly wouldn't have been a booing ninny.

Now if you just want to keep pretending you can talk out of both sides of your mouth and claim Jesus wasn't political, yet he was a liberal, then be my guest... I love it when you act all stupid and dumb. It makes my job so much easier!
You're trying to get a reasonable response, from non-reasonable dumbfucks.
It's not about what they think, it's about what they feel.

You're right, I am sorry... Let me rephrase it...

Do you liberals FEEL like 'Jesus the Liberal' would have booed the inclusion of God in the platform? Do you FEEL like 'Liberal Jesus' would have booed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?
You're right, I am sorry... Let me rephrase it...

Do you liberals FEEL like 'Jesus the Liberal' would have booed the inclusion of God in the platform? Do you FEEL like 'Liberal Jesus' would have booed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

I am pretty sure Jesus would understand the value of seperation of church and state.
I am pretty sure Jesus would understand the value of seperation of church and state.

Okay... so you believe he would have voted NAY on recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and acknowledging God in the platform?

Do you think he would have been among the booing as well?

And while you are answering these questions, can you tell us... Would YOU have been among the booing, or do you support the Democrat's official platform for 2012, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and acknowledging God?
Nope. You need to learn to read.

So you quit because you were too lazy to carry the workload?

I'm personally not better off. Four years ago, I worked for a mid-sized newspaper owned by Gannett, the largest newspaper company in North America. When they came to me and told me what all I would now be responsible for, and with a third year of no pay increase, I chose to leave the company. I didn't want to, I loved my job, loved the people I worked with, and felt like I did a good job for my company, but the expectations were more than I could bear. So now, four years later, I am unemployed. I don't need a job, I have money, but I enjoyed working and doing something. I go to the grocery store every week... hamburger meat is almost too expensive to buy anymore. Everything in the store is considerably higher in price than 4 years ago. This is largely due to rising fuel costs, which is the result of several factors controlled by Obama and his administration's policies.

And then you blame the government?

You sound like one of those whiny liberals.
She's an atheist. You call yourself by His name. You WILL be held to a higher standard, just like you attempt to do to everybody you encounter.

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged.

He that is without sin - and etc. You know the drill. Did you really think you could act like this, with no repercussions?

fuck with, not, lest ye be fucked with.....if I am faced with "repercussions" from the likes of the cunt and her friends, I can deal with it.....
I guess the "true believers" don't truly believe...

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemn
There was never any doubt...they use their religious beliefs like a club...they've always been called 'thumpers', 'bible thumpers' and 'the American Taliban' for a reason. They're violent in word and deed.
There was never any doubt...they use their religious beliefs like a club...they've always been called 'thumpers', 'bible thumpers' and 'the American Taliban' for a reason. They're violent in word and deed.

Now, you can't judge 'em all by the Dix and Über creepy PiMP with his idle threats and sucky-Chucky avatar, can you?
So you quit because you were too lazy to carry the workload?

And then you blame the government?

You sound like one of those whiny liberals.

No, I resigned because I wasn't motivated to double, then triple my workload. Had they been willing to double or triple my rate of pay, it would have been completely different, I wasn't lazy, I worked very hard. Yes, I blame government, specifically Barack Obama, who's policies forced my company to downsize and consolidate while not increasing pay. I'm not whining, I simply gave my story. I'm not upset about it, I already have a much better job lined up, whenever I want it... right now, I am enjoying a little sabbatical from work. No thanks to Obama, I happen to have a little money in the bank, and can afford to take some time off. But I realize, not everyone is as fortunate as myself, they are stuck in those jobs doing 2x or 3x the work they did 4 years ago, and thankful to be making the same amount of money, minus the increased cost of their insurance premiums, of course... but still, they have a job and it pays the bills. I know a LOT of people in this boat, and I am betting they won't be voting for Barack Obama come November.
There was never any doubt...they use their religious beliefs like a club...they've always been called 'thumpers', 'bible thumpers' and 'the American Taliban' for a reason. They're violent in word and deed.

Funny... the ONLY people I see on this board using their beliefs as a club, are the NON-believers.
Funny... the ONLY people I see on this board using their beliefs as a club, are the NON-believers.

Funny, the only people on this board who need to be reminded of exactly what they purport to believe are the believers.

Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.

Pr. 27:17
Thanks for admitting it.

No problem, but I didn't admit I was lazy, which was your contention. Now maybe you think "not motivated" equals "lazy" but it doesn't. Perhaps this explains why pinheads often misinterpret the right about welfare recipients? We say they lack motivation and you interpret that as us claiming they are lazy. But "lazy" is when you don't want to act regardless of motivation. It's a completely different beast.

Glad I could educate you a little.
Funny, the only people who believe they have the right to dictate how others believe, are the non-believers.

Who said I'm a non-believer?

BTW, what does the Bible say about the responsibilities of the believer?