Rep. Sheila Lee for Homeland Security Secretary, You must be Jacking Me?

I remember the right laughing at her when the guards would harrass her when she tried to go to work for the people.

they kept pretending to NOT recognize her and stop and search her.

Gee I wonder why they couldnt recognize a black woman from one day to the next?

Jackson Lee graduated from Jamaica High School in Queens. She earned a B.A. in political science from Yale University in 1972, followed by a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1975.[1] She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.[2]


College educated and still talks like a retard, can we say affirmative action at its worse, passed because of color to fill a quota.

Some of her highlights...

In 1994 Lee ran for Congress. One of her major backers was local executive Kenneth Lay of Enron, later to fall amid a national scandal. She won the Democratic primary and breezed to an easy victory in that November's general election. She has been re-elected every two years since then.

One of Lee's crusades as a Representative of subtropical Gulf Coast Houston has been to end what she calls the government policy of giving hurricanes “lily white” names. “All racial groups should be represented,” she told The Hill Magazine, adding that she hoped the weather establishment in the future “would try to be inclusive of African American names” such as “Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn.”

Prior to the 110th Congress, Lee served on the House Science Committee and on the Subcommittee that oversees space policy. During a 2005 visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Lee asked a guide whether the Mars Pathfinder had taken a photograph of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. (Armstrong's 1969 mission, of course, was to the Moon, not Mars.)

In 2008 Lee endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton for U.S. President. In early 2009 Lee announced that she soon would be leaving Congress to work in the State Department for Mrs. Clinton, whom President Barack Obama had recently appointed as Secretary of State.

In July 2010, Lee wrongly stated, from the floor of the House of Representatives, that North and South Vietnam had managed to forge a peaceful relationship with one another in the years since the Vietnam War. (In fact, South Vietnam ceased to exist on July 2, 1976, when North and South were merged to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.) Said Lee:

"Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side."

Over the course of her political career, Lee has earned a reputation for having both an entitlement mentality and a volatile temper. In 1998, for example, she was accustomed to having an aide drive her daily, in a government-leased car, back and forth between her Capitol Hill apartment and her congressional office one block away. One day she told a staffer who had failed to reserve a limousine: “You don't understand. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen!”
she is 1000 times the human being you are
Vinny Vinny Vinny, you were doing so well until you posted this spoiled brat post. You Libs always break down when you feel the heat and start attacking the messenger. Your problem is that you attacked the wrong dude. ME, ask Baby "Howey" Huey and Zappy about messing with MensaMan. You need to apologize to me Vinny, now be a good boy and just do it, don't worry about your Lib cohors chastising your Lib ass, because many of them have been cyber skewered by yours truly also.
Vinny Vinny Vinny, you were doing so well until you posted this spoiled brat post. You Libs always break down when you feel the heat and start attacking the messenger. Your problem is that you attacked the wrong dude. ME, ask Baby "Howey" Huey and Zappy about messing with MensaMan. You need to apologize to me Vinny, now be a good boy and just do it, don't worry about your Lib cohors chastising your Lib ass, because many of them have been cyber skewered by yours truly also.

If you do anything illegal to me I will own your fucking ass.

you want to go at it with words ?

your ass will be crawling onto a hole in no time
If you do anything illegal to me I will own your fucking ass.

you want to go at it with words ?
your ass will be crawling onto a hole in no time
O ya, I will always "defeet" any Lib's ass, especially the dumb fools who seem to post on here. You stupit sheet, I never threatened your Lib ass, you are as paranoid as Zappy, always worried about what your Lib cohors will say to you. My point is that your cohors will not say sheet to you, because I cyber kicked their asses too....TOUCHÉ sabe the word cyber skewer, dummy, it is all online chit chat, nothing physical? Way back I had that perceived threat BS from someone on the old Board, just like you here, of course I straightened that up, no pun intended. PS, I am a veteran poster, I have heard all this blow hard crap before, you are putty in my hands, I will have you CYBER groveling at me feet asking for forgiveness before long...LOL..I always win, it is my destiny.
your fucking insane you old creepy bag of rat vomit.

your a fucking dinosaur who cant face that the world is NOT going to be lily white anymore.

Your going to be drawing your last breath knowing people of all colors have access to power and respect while whil old crumbling racists like you sit on your wheelchair and eat the food Consuela made for you and have a clean butthole because Sue lin changed your diapers.

you will rail against their children and think you won the debate with people who will look at you much like Im looking at you.

They will feel compassion for this old piece of fuck who has completely lost his mind du e to degeneration of so many years of NOT using the contents of your braincase.

You can be comforted by the fact that they are 1000 times the human being you are and they wont poising you are smother you in your sleep.

you see we all know how you would treat them if the situations was reversed.

Your old worthless scum who will still be treated decently by your fellow Americans because we are FAR better human beings than you.

fuck you very much
anyone who would even consider any person in an elected position, who would use that elected position to funnel taxpayer money to their young relatives for a free college education (illegally), to sit in the position of DHS secretary is not only a fool, but a certified moron.
In July 2010 Jackson Lee said: "Today, we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side.” It was noted that Vietnam had not been split for four decades.

^ "Sheila Jackson Lee Catches Flack for Citing "Two Vietnams"". CBS News. 16 July 2010.

^ "Sheila Jackson Lee says there are two Vietnams: North and South". PolitiFact.

She's an Idiot... I've known about a single Vietnam since the war ended.

I guess Ms. Lee skipped that day of School.... and the years after it..
its on like donkey kong you racist bastard RS
Vinny, Vinny Vinny, I let you rant and rave on, in your previous post, to show all my readers, aka My Folks, how Libs can go Bonkers when presented with the facts, and this second "Can't let it go" jackass post just proves that you have serious mental problems which need anger management counseling . Some of your sentences were grammatically incorrect in your previous lunacy post, which further supports my position that you are a genuine Loony Toone, Vinny baby. I took the liberty to address you as "Baby", because you are acting like a whining spoiled brat of a Lib. I have "coined" these anger symptom as Forum Bonker's Rage or FBR, because I have seen it so many times. Are you a house Negroid, or a BlowBoy like Baby Huey? So many Libs, so little cannot win, so just STFU, and you won't keep getting constipated......Ha Ha Ho Ho He He...I'm way late, I gots to go, later "Blood"...OMyass