Repeal Health care

And what planet are you living on? No..the road and the car are not fine. Universal Health Care has proven to be a huge burden on their economy. Wake up, take off the blinders and study the facts.

So what's the bottom line here? Are you saying the richest country on the planet can not look after it's ill citizens? If you're against Universal Health Care that means some citizen, somewhere in the country, is not going to get health care because if every citizen receives health care what is the difference between that and universal health care?

Europe especially has suffered economically, paying for overloaded Worker Benefits its Governments have guaranteed. Many of these Countries...IE Greece, are trimming way back because of failed economies and new budget constraints. The big Socialism Experiment is proving once again to be a big failure.

Let's not combine all social policies into one. Generous unemployment benefits or subsidized child day care or other social programs have nothing to do with health care.

What we have passed here is not Universal Health Care. What our Inept President and Swamp Draining Congress has forced on us, is a Mandate on the Public that is not going to do a damn thing except raise the cost of Premiums as is presently happening, and collect a whole bunch of new taxes. What was passed here is the biggest scam and Constitutionally incorrect piece of legislation of my lifetime.

What an effin hoax... lets mandate Insurance so we can say that we have provided Insurance Universally. How pathetic.

You can thank the Repubs for that. Obama wanted true universal coverage but the Rebubs dismissed that out of hand so it ended up being a hodge-podge of rules and regulations.

For example, people still pay premiums but the government will subsidize those who can't afford premiums. Also, insurance companies will have to provide coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Because of the Repub's insistence on some sort of free enterprise, capitalist nonsense it's resulted in a long and twisted road ultimately leading to the same end: medical coverage for everyone.
Republicans oppose anything that saves lives, anything that relieves human suffering. It is their way. No reason to waste your breath on them.
Hey, you're learning to identify sarcasm! Big improvement ID. Now one day you may learn math, though that's probably to much to hope for.

That would be "too" much to hope for. Maybe someday you'll understand the importance of using correct grammar and spelling before attacking another persons intelligence dork!
Hmmmm, I guess the DNC must use the facts then. My basic comment is correct though. Your opposition stems from fear of change and the fact that you got yours so fuck everyone else.
Riiiight. Your basic comment IS straight from the DNC - so of COURSE it must be FACT.

The DNC knows the reasons everyone objects to Obamacare. They speak nothing but facts. Cawacko already showed the "I've got mine so fuck the rest" premise to be wrong, yet you still spout it. Why? because , like stated, it is straight from the DNC pundit handbook. I know a whole bunch of people who are struggling, few of them have any medical coverage whatsoever, paying as they can when they need treatment. And yet, they (having actual BRAINS, instead of DNC hackery to live by) were and are totally opposed to Obamacare. I also know several people who have no medical coverage and DON'T WANT IT. You can imagine what they feel about your totalitarin "reform" bullshit.

You talk about facts? You haven't any when it comes to why people opppose Obamacare. What you have is pure unadulterated DNC hackery. That, and the bald faced pure LIE that you are not a DNC hack.

The Health Care Scam is the worst piece of Legislation imaginable.

Here is two models that was brought forward to the table but was ignored ....

The Dems dont like anything that puts the control into the peoples hands.

What is this? A joke?
Model #1 is HealthEquity headed by Michael Leavitt, George Bush's secretary of Health and Human Services. More neocon horseshit!

Model #2 is....."The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare"

What's Model #3?
Paying for health care with chickens?
I guess I'll have to repeat myself .... as I said to Apple ....

And what planet are you living on? No..the road and the car are not fine. Universal Health Care has proven to be a huge burden on their economy. Wake up, take off the blinders and study the facts.

Europe especially has suffered economically, paying for overloaded Worker Benefits its Governments have guaranteed. Many of these Countries...IE Greece, are trimming way back because of failed economies and new budget constraints. The big Socialism Experiment is proving once again to be a big failure.

What we have passed here is not Universal Health Care. What our Inept President and Swamp Draining Congress has forced on us, is a Mandate on the Public that is not going to do a damn thing except raise the cost of Premiums as is presently happening, and collect a whole bunch of new taxes. What was passed here is the biggest scam and Constitutionally incorrect piece of legislation of my lifetime.

What an effin hoax... lets mandate Insurance so we can say that we have provided Insurance Universally. How pathetic.
I'm living on planet earth and not planet "Wingnutjob" like you are.

I can't state this tactfully so I'll just lay it out there. You simply just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. France has the highest cost per capita for health care in Europe at 10% of GDP (The USA spends 16% of GDP on health care, the most in the world, but we rank only 37th in outcomes, thats right 37, right behind Costa Rica) but France also has the highest outcomes in the world. Yep, that's right. Their #1. The rest of the European nation range between 6 and 8% of GDP and they all rate higher in outcomes then the USA does. Oh and by the way, that's where we in 1970 (8% of GDP) when Nixon promoted health care reform. So spare us your big bad socialism bogeyman as it doesn't exist any where but in your chickenshit right wing imagination. So you're comments above about health care are devoid of fact, completely without merit and if you didn't pull it completely out of your ass then it's something you believe cause Rush Limbaugh or Fox News told you it was true.

If you're going to even participate in this conversation try to get off of planet "Nutjob" and try discussing facts and reality for a change.
What is this? A joke?
Model #1 is HealthEquity headed by Michael Leavitt, George Bush's secretary of Health and Human Services. More neocon horseshit!

Model #2 is....."The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare"

What's Model #3?
Paying for health care with chickens?
It fucking is! LOL No shit! That is exactly what Sharron Angle the Teabagger candidate for the Senate in Nevada is proposing. Can you fucking believe it? LOL LOL LOL
Will we be able to bet chickens in Vegas if she wins?
Could be. Makes you wonder if an office visit will cost you a hen and a fryer or if an MRI will cost you two laying hens, and a roaster. LOL

Dude I'm telling you can't pay for this kind of comedy at the movies as you get from these wingnuts! LOL LOL LOL
Could be. Makes you wonder if an office visit will cost you a hen and a fryer or if an MRI will cost you two laying hens, and a roaster. LOL

Dude I'm telling you can't pay for this kind of comedy at the movies as you get from these wingnuts! LOL LOL LOL

Here's some real wingnut sh*t for you. In District 6 in San Francisco's race for the board of supervisors the candidates are so liberal (or wingnuts as you like to say) that a trandsgender woman who owns a sex store and is running is being labeled a conservative being she said crime was to high in her district and she wants to do something about it.

We all know that only people on the far right and wingnuts care about safety.
I'm living on planet earth and not planet "Wingnutjob" like you are.

I can't state this tactfully so I'll just lay it out there. You simply just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. France has the highest cost per capita for health care in Europe at 10% of GDP (The USA spends 16% of GDP on health care, the most in the world, but we rank only 37th in outcomes, thats right 37, right behind Costa Rica) but France also has the highest outcomes in the world. Yep, that's right. Their #1. The rest of the European nation range between 6 and 8% of GDP and they all rate higher in outcomes then the USA does. Oh and by the way, that's where we in 1970 (8% of GDP) when Nixon promoted health care reform. So spare us your big bad socialism bogeyman as it doesn't exist any where but in your chickenshit right wing imagination. So you're comments above about health care are devoid of fact, completely without merit and if you didn't pull it completely out of your ass then it's something you believe cause Rush Limbaugh or Fox News told you it was true.

If you're going to even participate in this conversation try to get off of planet "Nutjob" and try discussing facts and reality for a change.

I'll lay it out for you ... who the hell do you think you are?

So lets put things into prespective ...PUNK. I mean if you want to start the name calling I could do it as well as you .. you fuckin twit.

Lets talk about France ... a Country with about 63 million in Population .. as compared to the USA with a population of 308 mil and growing. What works for France doesnt mean its going to work for the USA. The French System is the best system of all in Europe no doubt.. it has the best blend and least restrictions. We definitely can learn from it. One of the big hurdles is the cost of the average American physician who earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots.

By the way you fuckin moron... France has National health insurance, not the fucked up hack job Health Care Mandate The Inept One shoved down our throats .

Why am I on Planet Nut Job..? Because I pointed out some real alternative Health Care Models that are really working.... not like this 2000 page full of slop and Tax Collection that your Heroes The Inept One and 'Ol Stretch Face out in Frisco shoved down our throats. Its Constitutionally incorrect fuck head ...if you were smart enough you would realize it you dip shit.

Why dont you tell your friend Apple that the Democrats had a Super Majority In Congress and could have passed any legislation they wanted to...instead they pushed this crap bill down our throats ....its crap ... if it looks like crap, walks like crap and smells like must be crap.

And one other thing Shit Head ... you and Cypress with the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh crap ...thats extremely weak ....

Now as far as my participation in these threads.. who the hell are you to set the rules for me?
Here's some real wingnut sh*t for you. In District 6 in San Francisco's race for the board of supervisors the candidates are so liberal (or wingnuts as you like to say) that a trandsgender woman who owns a sex store and is running is being labeled a conservative being she said crime was to high in her district and she wants to do something about it.

We all know that only people on the far right and wingnuts care about safety.

You got that right .. this guy and Cypress are constantly calling people wing nuts while slinging far left wing drivel all day long. Pathetic
Really? LOL You're for price controls in health care? LOL LOL LOL

Oh that's rich. Hell that's the most controversial aspect of health care reform that we do need to implement and now you say you're for price controls? Excuse me if I seem a bit skeptical that you really mean that! LOL

Oh and dude, just for the record, I pointed out to you a long time ago that price control would be an essential aspect of health care reform.

The Obama health care reform were compromised to death and fell far short of where they needed to go. I'm ok with that for now as it establishes a legal precedent that will get us heading in the right direction.

I realize that you get stuck in 3rd gear the whole time you're apologizing for the democrats, but maybe you should go back in time to my posts on healthcare reform and you'll see that I've ALWAYS said that if you're going to force this kind of reform, the first thing you NEED to do is control prices. You disagreed.
Why dont you tell your friend Apple that the Democrats had a Super Majority In Congress and could have passed any legislation they wanted to...instead they pushed this crap bill down our throats ....its crap ... if it looks like crap, walks like crap and smells like must be crap.

Obama wanted a simple one-payer, national health care plan. Unfortunately, the super majority Democrats had a few members who didn't want to go along meaning there wasn't a super majority who would vote for it. If a few Repubs had joined in there wouldn't have been any problem but we all know the party of "NO".

So, then came the deals and the compromises until there were enough votes. Don't blame Obama. He wanted a straight-up, national plan.

We all know a simplified plan would have been better but it's difficult to negotiate with people who do not want any plan. The current plan can be adjusted over time. The point is this plan puts the country on the road to a full coverage plan for everyone which some people do not want under any circumstances. That's the beauty of it. The discussion of whether everyone should have medical coverage has been settled. Now the discussion focuses on "how" to best do it. Now people either have to discuss it or accept the plan that's going into effect.

In the past those who were/are opposed to any plan that covers everyone simply didn't discuss it. They disagreed with the idea so they didn't talk about it. The problem, in their mind, was settled. What better way to stop such a plan coming into effect than to simply not discuss it? That was the Repub's MO. Stall long enough and the idea just fades away until another decade passes and someone brings it up and then do the same thing.

Hillary gave it a shot back in the 90s. The idea was run into the ground and then forgotten about.

Where was the Repub concern when Cheney, speaking about war with Iraq said, "It was an option and we could afford it." Was anyone thinking about universal medical as an option?

One has to look at the history of medical coverage discussions. It was brought up and each time trampled into the ground. All those years wasted that could have been spent fine tuning a plan.

The time had come to put something forward. Anything. Now there is a timetable. If someone has better ideas before a certain portion of the bill goes into effect they have a deadline to submit it or the bill takes effect. The stalling tactic is over.


I'll lay it out for you ... who the hell do you think you are?

So lets put things into prespective ...PUNK. I mean if you want to start the name calling I could do it as well as you .. you fuckin twit.

Lets talk about France ... a Country with about 63 million in Population .. as compared to the USA with a population of 308 mil and growing. What works for France doesnt mean its going to work for the USA. The French System is the best system of all in Europe no doubt.. it has the best blend and least restrictions. We definitely can learn from it. One of the big hurdles is the cost of the average American physician who earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots.

By the way you fuckin moron... France has National health insurance, not the fucked up hack job Health Care Mandate The Inept One shoved down our throats .

Why am I on Planet Nut Job..? Because I pointed out some real alternative Health Care Models that are really working.... not like this 2000 page full of slop and Tax Collection that your Heroes The Inept One and 'Ol Stretch Face out in Frisco shoved down our throats. Its Constitutionally incorrect fuck head ...if you were smart enough you would realize it you dip shit.

Why dont you tell your friend Apple that the Democrats had a Super Majority In Congress and could have passed any legislation they wanted to...instead they pushed this crap bill down our throats ....its crap ... if it looks like crap, walks like crap and smells like must be crap.

And one other thing Shit Head ... you and Cypress with the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh crap ...thats extremely weak ....

Now as far as my participation in these threads.. who the hell are you to set the rules for me?
I'll lay it out for you ... who the hell do you think you are?

So lets put things into prespective ...PUNK. I mean if you want to start the name calling I could do it as well as you .. you fuckin twit.

Lets talk about France ... a Country with about 63 million in Population .. as compared to the USA with a population of 308 mil and growing. What works for France doesnt mean its going to work for the USA. The French System is the best system of all in Europe no doubt.. it has the best blend and least restrictions. We definitely can learn from it. One of the big hurdles is the cost of the average American physician who earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots.

By the way you fuckin moron... France has National health insurance, not the fucked up hack job Health Care Mandate The Inept One shoved down our throats .

Why am I on Planet Nut Job..? Because I pointed out some real alternative Health Care Models that are really working.... not like this 2000 page full of slop and Tax Collection that your Heroes The Inept One and 'Ol Stretch Face out in Frisco shoved down our throats. Its Constitutionally incorrect fuck head ...if you were smart enough you would realize it you dip shit.

Why dont you tell your friend Apple that the Democrats had a Super Majority In Congress and could have passed any legislation they wanted to...instead they pushed this crap bill down our throats ....its crap ... if it looks like crap, walks like crap and smells like must be crap.

And one other thing Shit Head ... you and Cypress with the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh crap ...that's extremely weak ....

Now as far as my participation in these threads.. who the hell are you to set the rules for me?

Wah-whooooooooooooooo klaatu! Way to tell-off the hoople idgit!
Here's some real wingnut sh*t for you. In District 6 in San Francisco's race for the board of supervisors the candidates are so liberal (or wingnuts as you like to say) that a trandsgender woman who owns a sex store and is running is being labeled a conservative being she said crime was to high in her district and she wants to do something about it.

We all know that only people on the far right and wingnuts care about safety.
Oh great, we have to choose between the commies and the nazi's. Lovely world we live in.