Replace lethal injection with nitrogen asphyxiation?

Why not bring back hanging? It's certainly easy to do and done right fairly humane as it's over with real quick. Brain stem snaps and it's over with. Get's a bit messy if not done right but what the hell.

Keep in mind capital punishment is a punishment.

Now putting aside the moral questions of having capital punishment (I oppose it).

For thosse committing horrendous offenses such as premeditated murder, why shouldn't they have a painfull punishment?
AnyOldIron, the support for the death penalty in the US is 70%. It's even greater in Mississippi. It's pointless for me to have a discussion on banning the death penalty, because it isn't going to happen. If we're killing people, we should do it in the MOST HUMANE method possible, no? Stop being a dogmatic ass, and learn reality.
Yeah the initial support to invade Iraq was a bit higher than that I think too.
See how that turned out....
People are stupit.

Also: How many voters in the classes likely to be executed have been removed from the voting rolls ?
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Why not bring back hanging? It's certainly easy to do and done right fairly humane as it's over with real quick. Brain stem snaps and it's over with. Get's a bit messy if not done right but what the hell.

Keep in mind capital punishment is a punishment.

Now putting aside the moral questions of having capital punishment (I oppose it).

For thosse committing horrendous offenses such as premeditated murder, why shouldn't they have a painfull punishment?

Why should they, Mottley?

We have a justice system, not a vengeance system. We aren't barbarians. Torturing harmless dying men with my tax dollars would be something I wouldn't sleep well with at night. No matter what they did in their life. And it would have no practical value.
And why would we go back to hanging people? That's obviously more painful than nitrogen, no matter how it's done.

If you really want to hurt people bring back the gas chamber and pump some corrosive substance in there until they fall apart. Unfortunately for barbarians like you, the courts disagreed with punishments like that, and banned them.
And why would we go back to hanging people? That's obviously more painful than nitrogen, no matter how it's done.

If you really want to hurt people bring back the gas chamber and pump some corrosive substance in there until they fall apart. Unfortunately for barbarians like you, the courts disagreed with punishments like that, and banned them.

I believe if we are going to kill/execute people for crimes it should not be sanitized to minimize the outcry against capitol punishment.
Let all who want to see it in all it's "glory".
Torture would be a side effect to the bigger issue of death. torture is not the goal here death is.

Try and spin this back on me if you want.
I have not said I am for against capitol punishment in this thread, just against the hiding of it behind closed doors and the sanitization of it to make it a more saleable item.
Torture would be a side effect to the bigger issue of death. torture is not the goal here death is.

Try and spin this back on me if you want.
I have not said I am for against capitol punishment in this thread, just against the hiding of it behind closed doors and the sanitization of it to make it a more saleable item.

If we made the death penalty gory, it would just establish calls for it to be sanitized, rather than done away with. You've got to attack the issue head on. I was just proposing what is, hypothetically, the cleanest way possible to kill someone.

Not all of America does the death penalty but I wish no one did. First thing we should do is take away the federal governments right to use it.
Why should they, Mottley?

We have a justice system, not a vengeance system. We aren't barbarians. Torturing harmless dying men with my tax dollars would be something I wouldn't sleep well with at night. No matter what they did in their life. And it would have no practical value.

Water. I tend to agree with you. But that's not my point. First, justice IS a vengence system. It sure as hell aint about harmony.

My point is, if you can morally justify killing a person (I can't) for committing a horrendous crime, why shouldn't the punishment be painfull? At this point you've all ready fell down the slippery slope. Why not fall further?
Justice is about reform and prevention, not vengeance. If vengeance serves no useful purpose it shouldn't be included in a justice system. Vengeance is the same thing as evil.

The painful sensation of asphyxiation is not caused by lack of oxygen, but by a buildup of carbon dioxide. If you bathe a person in a nitrogen bath, they will not notice anything wrong. They'll just eventually pass out, barely noticing anything wrong. There's absolutely no pain involved, and it looks completely humane.

If there's questions about the painfullness of lethal injection, I see no reason why NOT to switch to this method. This method is certainly painless, and doesn't require someone to die in a drugged out unconciouness like lethal injection. Even if lethal injection is not declared to be cruel and unusual, we should probably consider this, if we MUST keep the death penalty.


while i oppose the death penalty, death by anoxia due to a nitrogen atmosphere is more humane than lethal injection

ps accidental nitrogen deaths have occured throught the world of aerospace and regular industry - i had to take a safety class regarding a project i was working on, there was liquid nitrogen involved and it was possible to walk into a pocket of nitrogen gas without knowing it and never wake up

pps people have been killed trying to rescue people overcome by nitrogen

ppps watch out for liguid oxygen vents too - if you are too close and inhale your lungs will freeze or if you do not get too close, but close enough, your clothes will saturate with oxygen and if you get too close to a flame (like lighting a flammable object) you can burn head to toe like a torch
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