Report: Majority Of Americans Unprepared For Apocalypse


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Over 87 percent of Americans are unprepared to protect themselves from even the most basic world-ending scenarios. Less than one million American households have taken even the simplest precautions against nuclear shockwaves, asteroid impact, or a host of angels bearing swords of fire, the study concluded.

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Over 87 percent of Americans are unprepared to protect themselves from even the most basic world-ending scenarios. Less than one million American households have taken even the simplest precautions against nuclear shockwaves, asteroid impact, or a host of angels bearing swords of fire, the study concluded.

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I knew there was something I forgot to do...

Those f'ing sword bearing Angels. Now I got that to worry about.
LOL, "The simplest precautions"

Right. Just the most basic precautions Immie. For instance, since these might be Satan's Angels, maybe some garlic. Would it kill us to keep a little holy water around? I don't know. I'm gonna think on it, and try and get myself some basic preperations in place by the weekend. I don't know about you but the last thing I need is some firesword bearing Angel chasing my butt around.
Right. Just the most basic precautions Immie. For instance, since these might be Satan's Angels, maybe some garlic. Would it kill us to keep a little holy water around? I don't know. I'm gonna think on it, and try and get myself some basic preperations in place by the weekend. I don't know about you but the last thing I need is some firesword bearing Angel chasing my butt around.

Maybe we should as GunsNChrist what he's doing :p
What if I prepare and then the comet hits my house? Was it worth it?

Its a marketing scam of Walmart. They want everyone to go out and buy hundreds of thousands of dollars of things they will never use just to boost the bottom line of Walmart. Those corporate devils!!

I laughed at all those people stock piling supplies for Y2K. It was hillarious.

People really are easily led around by media hysteria.
I laughed at all those people stock piling supplies for Y2K. It was hillarious.

People really are easily led around by media hysteria.
My wife kept asking me why I wasn't preparing for Y2K. It was because I had worked very hard to make sure nothing happened. I made a TON as a Consultant fixing everybody's Y2K "issues" that at most would have made their computer show an incorrect date.

The whole idea that it would shut down your car because a chip in it had an old date? Dayum, people really are gullible.
I laughed at all those people stock piling supplies for Y2K. It was hillarious.

People really are easily led around by media hysteria.

Actually ihg, you SHOULD have two months supply of food and water in your home....

my sister lived in Miami and took a direct hit from Andrew....the entire community was destroyed, shoot the entire county was destroyed down to homestead AFB....

she did not have electricity for 7 weeks....she did not want to leave her house because she did not want to get looted so she stayed there, alone with her cats and 3 guns with ammo that she owned.....her house was the only one on the street that just lost a part of her roof over an upstairs spare bedroom, the guy next door lost some windows and a good portion of his roof but he was in contruction and had all the supplies to fix it in his garage, and he had a generator with lots of fuel....the rest of her street, the houses were pretty much leveled.... there was no way to get out on to the street to drive anywhere, there was so much debree....(this is south Miami, they took the direct hit from Andrew) It was 2 1/2 weeks before my parents who lived in West palm beach, and me, who lived in Tampa, could get to her at her home in south Miami.....

My sister had supplies and least a months worth, her neighbor with the generator let her hook her refrigerator up to his generator for two hours a day to keep her food good....

but she really needed 7 weeks worth not just a month and was very greatful to see us with supplies she could not get like lanturn oil for her hurricane lamps that she was having to use and we brought her four more hurricane lamps and food and water and gasoline for the generator next door....

I can't even imagine Katrina being worse than Miami after Andrew!!!!! Andrew was a monster and destroyed everything in its path! Cows were found in Naples, across the state, that came from farms in stunk, it was a mess, it was something never in my life did I imagine could happen... an A bomb is what I thought on the way to my sister's...

And Katrina was worse, WOW!

Anyway, forget the appocalypse!!!!

but you should have enough supples to take care of you and your family at least for 2 months because YOU KNOW OUR GOVERNMENT will never be there to help you in a timely manner....they are ilprepared so YOU must be...

MY SISTER, suffers from a phobia after that experience with living through Andrew...

She NOW keeps 6 MONTHS supply, including a portable shower with water for a shower at least once a week for the 6 her garage...she has every little thing that she wished she had had during the 7 weeks after Andrew without electricity...she bought a generator and stocks some fuel for it, she bought hurricane shutters and she bought another gun, ..... hahahaha lol

I am telling ya, this experience has scarred her for life and she will never, ever, be unprepared for any natural disaster!

And then, after she was stocked up she began nagging my parents and then me and matt to make sure we have supplies stocked up, for the "just in case" situation...she's anal about this...
I couldn't imagine not having at least 2 months of non-perishable food in the pantry. The sheer amount of shopping trips we'd have to take to keep our family in food would just not be worth it to me.
I laughed at all those people stock piling supplies for Y2K. It was hillarious.

People really are easily led around by media hysteria.

Yeah, they voted for Bush and supported his ignorant war on terror and then they followed him like sheep into this war with Iraq and more than half still believe that we can't leave now because they need us. And if the current trends continue and something big happens watch all the minnows in the school run back under the Bush skirts and re-elect a Republican House and Senate.

The Apocalypse: The End is Near...


We should be so damn Lucky!
Over 87 percent of Americans are unprepared to protect themselves from even the most basic world-ending scenarios. Less than one million American households have taken even the simplest precautions against nuclear shockwaves, asteroid impact, or a host of angels bearing swords of fire, the study concluded.

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wel ive got my dubbie rolled !!:D
Yeah, they voted for Bush and supported his ignorant war on terror and then they followed him like sheep into this war with Iraq and more than half still believe that we can't leave now because they need us. And if the current trends continue and something big happens watch all the minnows in the school run back under the Bush skirts and re-elect a Republican House and Senate.

The Apocalypse: The End is Near...


We should be so damn Lucky!
Right... I'll hearken my memory back to those days and "listen" a bit to Art Bell beating his drum for Gore, at the same time as having guest after guest talking the doom of the nation on Y2K...

Yeah, it was only Rs that thought that there, Prakosh. Only the Rs...

actually I keep about 55 gal of gas on hand, have a generator, at least a months supply of food and guns and knives to secure more food. Ie kill wild game, cows, chickens, etc....
Country boys will make it longer that city boys and we are prepared to protect what we have.
actually I keep about 55 gal of gas on hand, have a generator, at least a months supply of food and guns and knives to secure more food. Ie kill wild game, cows, chickens, etc....
Country boys will make it longer that city boys and we are prepared to protect what we have.

ya but alot of them city boys alredy play for keeps, and alot of em have just as many guns