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Don't take my word for it, it backed by mainstream scientific research.

A research team at UCLA headed up by psychology and communications Professor, Dr Kerri Johnson, has come up with a remarkable insight into female beauty and political orientation that they call the "Bachmann Effect."

Dr Johnson and her team scanned photographs of the faces of Republican and Democrat female politicians into a computer program called "FaceGen" which matched each politician's face to a set of stereotypically feminine facial features. It seems to me that the most "stereotypically feminine" facial features are the type of facial features found on the world's most beautiful women. And there is very little disagreement among straight men (and women for that matter) about whether or not a particular woman is rightly called a great beauty. Very few normal, heterosexual men would not have said that women like: Bridgette Bardot; Raquel Welsh; Angelina Jolie; Princess Diana; Sophia Loren Brit Ekland; Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe were extremely beautiful women (or, in PC lingo, that they were stereotypically feminine to a high degree This strongly suggests that feminie beauty is a REAL objective quality that can be investigated using an empirical scientific methodology, which is precisely what Professor Johnson and her research team at UCLA did.

The research found that the female Republican politicians scored, on average, far higher ratings in terms stereotypically feminine facial features than the female Democrat politicians, and that the difference was not caused by chance. To put it bluntly they were saying that Republican chicks, are on average, more likely to be "HOTTIES", while Democrat Chicks are considerably more likely to be "NOTTIES".The research team at UCLA, as I mentioned above called this the "Bachmann Effect" after Michele Bachmann who was a firey, hard-right Republican Congresswoman was, undeniably, a beautiful woman. In the video-clip below she is middle-aged (52 -years -old) through clearly still a very attractive lady...

(BTW, note how what Bahmann says in the video (above) - shot in 2008 - was eerily prophetic. Obama, as she says was an EXTREME leftist who held deeply anti - American views. He was the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing". Obama ultimately demonstrated his contempt for America and the Constitution by orchestrating "OBAMAGATE" - the greatest crime in the history of American politics. Bachmann was right, unfortunately no one took her warnings seriously).

At the other end of the spectrum we have leftist horrors like Democrat Congresswoman Rosa Delaurio, below...

I just discovered that I am only allowed to include one video per post, so please google an image, of Delaurio, or a You Tube video to see what I mean.

Then, for example, the corrupt, loud-mouthed, hard - left Democrat, Maxine Waters

(Likewise google up an image, or even better a You Tube Video, the experience the terror for yourself)

And I have to include Rosie O'Donnell who is the ugly, "woke" Democrat woman par excellence (She actually frightens me like a big butt-ugly spider or snake would. I think if ever I had the misfortune to see her nude the shock would cause a fatal cardiac arrest).

(Once again, just tap up an image of her on Google, or a video on You Tube, and you can confirm what I say for yourself)

Here's one final example, Democrat politician and pulp pornography fiction author, the delightful Stacey Abrams...

(Call up a You Tube video, to check her out)

Interestingly, the Democrat hard-liners above are not just physically ugly, they also (interestingly) all have ugly MINDS. They are all "bitter and twisted", all full of anger, "ressentiment" and raw hatred. They do not speak, they SNARL and SPIT like rabid dogs. They are all seeking bloody revenge for some kind of great injustice: racism, discrimination against the LGBTQI "community", reparations for the descendants of 17th and 18th century American Negro slaves, the implementation quotas in the workplace for women and minority groups in order to achieve equity (that is, equality of outcome). Nothing hopeful or positive ever comes out of their mouths, just pure (moral) negativity - pure "badness."

So, as you see, if you have taken a moment to call up an image or video-clip of the individuals above, the further left a female politician is on the political spectrum, the butt-uglier she is. While the converse applies for Republican female politicos like Kayleigh McEnany who is a conservative and a staunch advocate of Trumpism. Note how she is - , consistent with the "Bachmann Effect", - a very beautiful ( and an extremely polite and graceful) woman.

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Thread moved to Off Topics

I accept that this thread is not one that deals with a CURRENT EVENT, but it is most certainly a post that deals with very interesting, important and legitimately political issue. So would you kindly move it to the GENERAL POLITICS sub-forum, as it is NOT "Off Topic."

Thank you

I accept that this thread is not CURRENT EVENT, but it is most certainly a post that deals with very interesting and legitimately political issue. So would you kindly move it to the GENERAL POLITICS sub-forum, as it is NOT "Off Topic."

Thank you


The choice to move it had to do with the truth hurting her feelings. She's one of those that are NOT.
The choice to move it had to do with the truth hurting her feelings. She's one of those that are NOT.

Are you referring to Phantasmal (?), if so, that's exactly what I thought. Women are driven by emotion (anger and spite, in this case) not reason.
I didn't know you were an ugly woman, ugly women aren't, generally speaking, Conservatives. At least, that's what the science says.

The truth must hurt Phantasmal. Do you think she's ugly because she chose to be a lefty or she chose to be a lefty because she's ugly?

I'm not a woman. I agree with the thread topic.
I accept that this thread is not one that deals with a CURRENT EVENT, but it is most certainly a post that deals with very interesting, important and legitimately political issue. So would you kindly move it to the GENERAL POLITICS sub-forum, as it is NOT "Off Topic."

Thank you


LOL okay doofus. You haven't seen my wife.