Republican Honestly States GOP Plan for School Shootings: ‘We’re Not Going to Fix It’

You guys are wrong. You bend it to fit your gun lust. I have explained it to you guys and it will not bite through your walls. I even added a chief justice of the Supremes to educate you and it cannot penetrate. I do not know why people love guns so much that they will sacrifice children to keep a gun in their pocket, America is a scary place because of guns. it does not have to be this way. Did that little girl on the bus survive? Did she really? Her life has changed. You offer a misinterpretation of the 2nd amendment as a reason the people should suffer from shootings and their fears. There are over 350,000 kids who have been in schools with shootings. Are they all OK? Do you care? Nope. You will pay the price of their being in sheer terror so you can have a gun in your pocket. Having a gun is so much more important.

Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. Psychoquackery. False authority fallacies. War mongering. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Hoplophobia. You don't care about kids. No court has authority to change the Constitution.
Propaganda. Argument by repetition (chanting). Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). Argument of the Stone fallacy. Buzzword fallacies. Hoplophobia. War mongering.
You don't care about the kids. They are just pawns to you. You dance on their graves every time one is killed in a school shooting. You encourage aborting them. You encourage them to mutilate themselves. Fuck you.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.

You are cracking up. Why are you presuming to say what I want when you cannot articulate simple clear thoughts here? It is not unconstitutional. All rights , can be abridged due to changing circumstances.Because you enjoy school shootings and see them as a constitutional right, do not assume others do.
The reality is that Republicans are willing to live with school shootings so long as Americans are able to own high-powered semi-automatic killing machines. And if they have to pick between retaining that privilege and sparing children from violent death, they’ll pick the former.

Yes. This blatantly obvious fact has been firmly established for quite a while, now.

The red states, over-represented in government relative to their numbers

thanks to a very stupidly written constitution, I keep pointing out,

will legally and constitutionally block any change to this status quo.

There isn't one person on this on this forum who'll live to see this situation change,
but instead of fighting for improvements that we actually may be able to make,
we're still talking about guns
like so many lost souls devoid of any contact with reality.

If you can't live in a shooting gallery,
seek political asylum someplace else.

Given the global love for Americans, that could be hard, however.
You are cracking up. Why are you presuming to say what I want
Not at all. YOU have said what you want. I don't have to presume anything.
when you cannot articulate simple clear thoughts here?
Already did.
It is not unconstitutional.
It is unconstitutional.
All rights , can be abridged due to changing circumstances.
Rights do not come from a constitution. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged. The right of a free State to form a militia shall not be abridged.

You are just discarding the Constitution and all State constitutions again.
Because you enjoy school shootings and see them as a constitutional right, do not assume others do.
Murder is not a right.