Republican Party Dying


Junior Member
From an op-ed about Rove this morning in the Sunday New York Times:

"Just how much so could be found in the Journal interview when Mr. Rove extolled his party's health by arguing, without contradiction from Mr. Gigot, that young people are more "pro-life" and "free-market" than their elders."

This is, as most things that come from Karl Rove, a fabrication.

"Maybe he was talking about 12-year-olds. Back in the real world of potential voters, the latest New York Times-CBS News poll of Americans aged 17 to 29 found that their views on abortion were almost identical to the rest of the country's. (Only 24 percent want abortion outlawed.)"

Wow. I had no idea anti-abortionists had less support than Bush. Those folks are also no doubt the same people that support Bush, leaving about 10 percent of everyone else who's not a nutty evangelical supporting the man (on a good day).

"That poll also found that the percentage of young people who identify as Republicans, whether free-marketers or not, is down to 25 , from a high of 37 at the end of the Reagan era."

People tend to become conservative as they get old and comfortable and want to hang onto their wealth. But 25 percent? Wow.

"Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster, found that self-identified G.O.P. voters are trending older rapidly, with the percentage over age 55 jumping from 28 to 41 percent in a decade."

And in 20 years, most of those people will be dead, while most of the folks currently in the liberal category who are young are going to be reaping the consequences of the dismantling of the middle class and will no doubt be bitter about the policies that are keeping their paycheck from keeping up with the rate of inflation.

"A survey conducted by The Journal itself (with NBC News) in June reported G.O.P. approval numbers lower than any in that poll's two decades of existence."

That was also an encouraging thing to read. Libertarians, now is your chance to take your first tentative steps and rise up from the primordial ooze that is third-party politics.
They are dead for now, the dirt just needs shoveling.
It would apper.--- Perhaps now we will have a election between died in the wool Democrats, and moderate middle-of-the-roaders. m (They could even win the election. I vote to draft HAGEL.
I suggest a little concrete to slab them under the crusty layer of dirty corruption they've dug themselves into.
"Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster, found that self-identified G.O.P. voters are trending older rapidly, with the percentage over age 55 jumping from 28 to 41 percent in a decade."

For real?

The party of angry, old white men?

Who'd thunk?
I suggest a little concrete to slab them under the crusty layer of dirty corruption they've dug themselves into.

That wouold be OK as long fas the slab details all the "great" ideas they had and how they turned out for America, just to remind the people of why we need the cement slab to keep the Neo Cons from raising agian to feed in the night.
"Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster, found that self-identified G.O.P. voters are trending older rapidly, with the percentage over age 55 jumping from 28 to 41 percent in a decade."

For real?

The party of angry, old white men?

Who'd thunk?

... not one black Republican in either the house or senate. That should tell you something. Not to mention the presiden'ts immigration strategy to reach out to the fastest growing demographic of potential Republican support - the hispanic vote - backfired on the party launching a huge backlash of xenophobia against the hispanic community that they can't possibly be pleased with.

As the article points out - any hopes the Republicans had of reaching out to black voters "died in the Superdome."
... not one black Republican in either the house or senate. That should tell you something. Not to mention the presiden'ts immigration strategy to reach out to the fastest growing demographic of potential Republican support - the hispanic vote - backfired on the party launching a huge backlash of xenophobia against the hispanic community that they can't possibly be pleased with.

As the article points out - any hopes the Republicans had of reaching out to black voters "died in the Superdome."

I don't think so...LA holds the number one spot for state corruption...thanks to NO!
... not one black Republican in either the house or senate. That should tell you something. Not to mention the presiden'ts immigration strategy to reach out to the fastest growing demographic of potential Republican support - the hispanic vote - backfired on the party launching a huge backlash of xenophobia against the hispanic community that they can't possibly be pleased with.

As the article points out - any hopes the Republicans had of reaching out to black voters "died in the Superdome."[/QUOTE]

I don't think so...LA holds the number one spot for state corruption...thanks to NO!

Can't say I've seen a tabulation of that anywhere. Who calculated state corruption?

Besides, that has nothing to do with the fact that Bush's administration is perceived to be largely responsible for the poor response to the disaster. That's the point that was made in the article. Kanye West said it best.
This should suit Dixie. After the 2006 election, in a classic bit of spin, he said that the GOP "works better in the minority, anyway!"
dont forget to put a wooden stake thru their hearts. Oh, I forgot, they have no hearts.

I guess that means that even if we kill them now, they WILL claw their way out of any grave. Damn.
dont forget to put a wooden stake thru their hearts. Oh, I forgot, they have no hearts.

I guess that means that even if we kill them now, they WILL claw their way out of any grave. Damn.

No problem they would be weak and powerless their money will be gone.
What I hope is that the R's shed the religious, and promote again individual freedom with fiscal and constitutional conservatism. With realistic, not based in religion, true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, the R party could take control for decades. All without setting themselves up for idiocy by promoting morals that they themselves don't follow.

Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says when speaking on issues....

It may come true as it becomes clearer that the strength of the party never was in religion and only when the party turned from all other forms of conservative thought and only promoted that religion stuff did they lose all momentum....

Whew, it makes me light-headed just thinking about it.

The republican party can take these lemons and make lemonade, if they look to the future as well as learn from the past.

Can't say I've seen a tabulation of that anywhere. Who calculated state corruption?

Besides, that has nothing to do with the fact that Bush's administration is perceived to be largely responsible for the poor response to the disaster. That's the point that was made in the article. Kanye West said it best.


Miss was #1 in 04 LA was in top ten and took the top spot! Recently!

I'm pretty sure this will be reflected on the next press release addressing this issue as the site link was pulled down!
What I hope is that the R's shed the religious, and promote again individual freedom with fiscal and constitutional conservatism. With realistic, not based in religion, true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, the R party could take control for decades. All without setting themselves up for idiocy by promoting morals that they themselves don't follow.

Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says when speaking on issues....

It may come true as it becomes clearer that the strength of the party never was in religion and only when the party turned from all other forms of conservative thought and only promoted that religion stuff did they lose all momentum....

Whew, it makes me light-headed just thinking about it.

The republican party can take these lemons and make lemonade, if they look to the future as well as learn from the past.

I do hope they learn Damo and the dems as well, because we do need opposing viewpoints in our govt.
From an op-ed about Rove this morning in the Sunday New York Times:

"Just how much so could be found in the Journal interview when Mr. Rove extolled his party's health by arguing, without contradiction from Mr. Gigot, that young people are more "pro-life" and "free-market" than their elders."

This is, as most things that come from Karl Rove, a fabrication.

"Maybe he was talking about 12-year-olds. Back in the real world of potential voters, the latest New York Times-CBS News poll of Americans aged 17 to 29 found that their views on abortion were almost identical to the rest of the country's. (Only 24 percent want abortion outlawed.)"

Wow. I had no idea anti-abortionists had less support than Bush. Those folks are also no doubt the same people that support Bush, leaving about 10 percent of everyone else who's not a nutty evangelical supporting the man (on a good day).

"That poll also found that the percentage of young people who identify as Republicans, whether free-marketers or not, is down to 25 , from a high of 37 at the end of the Reagan era."

People tend to become conservative as they get old and comfortable and want to hang onto their wealth. But 25 percent? Wow.

"Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster, found that self-identified G.O.P. voters are trending older rapidly, with the percentage over age 55 jumping from 28 to 41 percent in a decade."

And in 20 years, most of those people will be dead, while most of the folks currently in the liberal category who are young are going to be reaping the consequences of the dismantling of the middle class and will no doubt be bitter about the policies that are keeping their paycheck from keeping up with the rate of inflation.

"A survey conducted by The Journal itself (with NBC News) in June reported G.O.P. approval numbers lower than any in that poll's two decades of existence."

That was also an encouraging thing to read. Libertarians, now is your chance to take your first tentative steps and rise up from the primordial ooze that is third-party politics.

We refuse to take those voters.