Republican Party Dying

What I hope is that the R's shed the religious, and promote again individual freedom with fiscal and constitutional conservatism. With realistic, not based in religion, true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, the R party could take control for decades. All without setting themselves up for idiocy by promoting morals that they themselves don't follow.

Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says when speaking on issues....

It may come true as it becomes clearer that the strength of the party never was in religion and only when the party turned from all other forms of conservative thought and only promoted that religion stuff did they lose all momentum....

Whew, it makes me light-headed just thinking about it.

The republican party can take these lemons and make lemonade, if they look to the future as well as learn from the past.

Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says

Imagine monkeys flying out of Dick Cheney's ass...ain't gonna happen. :D

There's a reason the republican party integrated the religious right into their coalition: without the RR, republicans are a national minority party.
Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says

Imagine monkeys flying out of Dick Cheney's ass...ain't gonna happen. :D

There's a reason the republican party integrated the religious right into their coalition: without the RR, republicans are a national minority party.

Umm without the fear factor thrown in they are still a minority party.
What I hope is that the R's shed the religious, and promote again individual freedom with fiscal and constitutional conservatism. With realistic, not based in religion, true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, the R party could take control for decades. All without setting themselves up for idiocy by promoting morals that they themselves don't follow.

Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says when speaking on issues....

It may come true as it becomes clearer that the strength of the party never was in religion and only when the party turned from all other forms of conservative thought and only promoted that religion stuff did they lose all momentum....

Whew, it makes me light-headed just thinking about it.

The republican party can take these lemons and make lemonade, if they look to the future as well as learn from the past.

Mr. Damo,

I am appalled and saddened that you would turn your back on your religious brethren in the Conservative Crusade. We are, after all, the most important and arguably largest constituency in the GOP. Goodness gracious, we elected Reagan and Bush!

As my Pappy used to say, you are just slicing off your face to spite your nose!

Mr. Damo: We are very close to overturning Roe v. Wade, outlawing the teaching of Evolution in Schools, making stem cell research a capital crime, and making "Onward Christian Soldiers" the National Anthem. Don't give up now! We are "THIS" close (holding my index finger and thumb millimeters apart). If we get lucky, we may even make abortion a capital crime, punishable by stoning to death! Imagine the Pay per View profits one of our religious cable channels could generate! The possibilities are endless!

God bless you my friend. And may we remain conservative Allies in the War on Easter, forever.

Warmest Regards,

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Republicans have always been the weaker party since the 30's, maybe even before. Even whenever they'd win presidential elections they'd usually lose congress, and I don't think Republican party registration has EVER been higher than Democratic. This really isn't anything new.
Republicans have always been the weaker party since the 30's, maybe even before. Even whenever they'd win presidential elections they'd usually lose congress, and I don't think Republican party registration has EVER been higher than Democratic. This really isn't anything new.

That is a good sign that the mentally deficients do not outnumer the sane persons in the USA. Occasionally there must be an outbreak of temporary insanity though to elect some of them.
Well... the Democrats are just the party of populists. They are, of course, going to win more votes. They also used to have the south, but they've recently managed to dig more and more support out of their other key areas to make up for the loss of that part of the vote.
Umm a few factors in the loss of the south for the dems.
Increased black prison population is one, but the main one is the bible belt thing and racial prejudice.

I have actually gotten flack in the deep south for being white and a democrat. Aparently in some mindsets all whites are supposed to be republican.
although now I am registered as a rebutliken so no more flak, unless we talk politics :)
What I hope is that the R's shed the religious, and promote again individual freedom with fiscal and constitutional conservatism. With realistic, not based in religion, true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, the R party could take control for decades. All without setting themselves up for idiocy by promoting morals that they themselves don't follow.

Imagine an R party unashamed of taking money from the log cabin republicans. Of thinking of personal freedom and true state's rights rather than worrying about what Romans says when speaking on issues....

It may come true as it becomes clearer that the strength of the party never was in religion and only when the party turned from all other forms of conservative thought and only promoted that religion stuff did they lose all momentum....

Whew, it makes me light-headed just thinking about it.

The republican party can take these lemons and make lemonade, if they look to the future as well as learn from the past.

From your mouth to God's ears!
Just remember they said the Democratic party was dead just four years ago! Rove was predicting a perminent Republican Majority!
yeah Jarod and they predicted 6 days, 6 weeks, maybe 6 months for the duration of the Iraq war.
They cannot tell their anuses from an excavation.
"Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster, found that self-identified G.O.P. voters are trending older rapidly, with the percentage over age 55 jumping from 28 to 41 percent in a decade."

For real?

The party of angry, old white men?

Who'd thunk?

You're not surprised? I'm surrounded by young, hot, Republican men in NY, I just assumed it was universal. This comes as a shock to me.
NY is a magnet for Republicans and Gays, coincidence ?


I was just kidding. I hardly know any Republicans. They're all down on Wall. I stay away from the financial areas, the people there frighten me first of all. They have shark-eyes. I'm a creative type, and we don't have many republicans in the ranks.
You're not surprised? I'm surrounded by young, hot, Republican men in NY, I just assumed it was universal. This comes as a shock to me.
Hmmm... I've never noticed myself being surrounded by hot young republican men. Although I do seem to have a following of young nubile democrat women also ignoring me. Such a shame.
Hmmm... I've never noticed myself being surrounded by hot young republican men. Although I do seem to have a following of young nubile democrat women also ignoring me. Such a shame.

Well, stop walking around muttering "why can't they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, those lazy bastards?" they might talk to you more.
Well, stop walking around muttering "why can't they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, those lazy bastards?" they might talk to you more.
I thought it was the smiling and repeating 'Six More Months!' that would get them all excited...
