Republican Policies Result In More Poor People.


Diversity Makes Greatness
Republican abortion policies are called TRAP laws.

That stands for Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers.

What they do is come up with bogus reasons for creating new abortion laws under the guise of 'protecting women.'

(Actually, there is no science to back up what they claim for reasoning.)

The result of this is many Republican controlled states now have extremely restricted access to abortion. They have taken away public funding of abortions and placed overly restrictive requirements on abortion providers, designed not to protect women but to shut down abortion clinics and remove availability.

Now, in many States, almost no abortion clinics are left. Some states are down to one clinic.

The rich can whip out the credit card, drive long distance, but the poor lack the resources for extended road trips.

Republicans have also fought to remove public access to availability of low cost birth control.

What this means in the overall picture is that, for the wealthy, this is no problem. All they have to do is travel to a place where they can get an abortion if they want. And they have plenty of money to use for acquiring birth control.

But the poor lack these resources, so they are the ones being forced to have more unplanned and unwanted babies.

The predictable result is that the birth rate among poor American women is higher than the birth rate for wealth American women. Because of Republicans, we have far more babies being born into poverty than wealth. (And they have the nerve to blame Democrats for being unable to deal with rising poverty rates.) This makes no sense, as Republicans are forcing the demographics to support Democrats over time, since the poor tend to vote Democratic instead of Republican. Republicans are marginalizing their own base. Go figure. Is it any wonder the nation is turning blue, and hateful Trump is the Republicans last gasp at power.

This curve shows it all:

US Birth Rate By Wealth
When economic power became concentrated in a few hands, then political power flowed to those possessors and away from the citizens, ultimately resulting in an oligarchy or tyranny.
John Adams
As the Happiness of the people is the sole end of government, so the consent of the people is the only foundation of it

John Adams
Adams created the system we use to operate the US government

he knew the dangers of too much wealth in too few hands

He wanted the PEOPLE to be able to operate our government

not an electoral point system
Hello Trumpet,

I know, right?

But that would not serve the wealthy, which is the basis of the Republican party.

And why it is destined to implode.

I agree, and I've always stated, that The GOP is the plutocrat's party; just look at the income and wealth disparity.
When economic power became concentrated in a few hands, then political power flowed to those possessors and away from the citizens, ultimately resulting in an oligarchy or tyranny.
John Adams

The richest people in this country are Left leaning Democrats snowflake. DUMB.
What is this thread about a diatribe against abortion laws or about the poor?

I'll answer both. Abortion on demand is not about women's health! It is about a woman's right to play God by deciding who lives or dies!

As to Republican policies creating more poor people how about listing those policies and when you do I'll list the Democrat policies that are causing Democrat run states and cities to fail. Are you willing to try? Or are you just going to continue to put out bullshit?
God gave women a womb

God gave men a dick

god knew he could trust women to make the right decisions about the womb they own

he didn't trust men to make the right decision so they only got dicks

remember you guys say god is all knowing all seeing

under your own beliefs God doesn't give men power over wombs
Poli tells us that regulation is necessary but faults having abortionists having to face tfe same requlations other outpatient surgeries have to obey.
This is a curious juxtaposition.
Do you have that lo evel of disregard for womens health or is it just more importent that we have unfettered access to rid ourselves of inconvenient cell masses ?
But the poor lack these resources, so they are the ones being forced to have more unplanned and unwanted babies.

Does anyone aside from me see the absolute ignorance and pure stupidity in that sentence?

How in the name of sanity does one get their sorry ass”FORCED” into a position that necessitates an abortion? Do democrats understand the human anatomy, the joys & consequences of those few minutes of pleasure that can & do take place between the human male & female specimens thereof?

Now let’s tell some truth! The poor have more abortions because there’s no consequence for being sexually irresponsibility for the poor. Democrats have made abortions for the poor mostly free, easily accessed & on demand! The reason for that is the Democrat’s true agenda isn’t anything to do with “COMPASSION” for the poor, but rather a “PASSION” to keep the poor, poor with reliance on BIG government & thereby guarantee the poor vote for the Democrats because of their false, phony compassion & the distribution to the poor of free shit!

Leftism & the Democrat Party is an evil cabal of political criminals & schemers. They rob the poor of any incentive to be self reliant. They herd the black & brown poor into their modern slave quarters in the big city ghettoes and there govern them exclusively with democrat politicians that politically use them & abuse them & leave them in despair. They refuse them “school choice” because the BIG Democrat teacher’s unions don’t want any competition to offer them a decent education. The party proper Democrats & their agenda platform schemers are the satanic evil doers of American politics!
What is this thread about a diatribe against abortion laws or about the poor?

I'll answer both. Abortion on demand is not about women's health! It is about a woman's right to play God by deciding who lives or dies!

As to Republican policies creating more poor people how about listing those policies and when you do I'll list the Democrat policies that are causing Democrat run states and cities to fail. Are you willing to try? Or are you just going to continue to put out bullshit?

Leftist Bullshit is the only talent of the author of this OP, that's why she had to put me on ignore, so she could pretend she's ignoring me.
I agree, and I've always stated, that The GOP is the plutocrat's party; just look at the income and wealth disparity.

Yeah! Like Hollywood's majority leftist millionaires, the top hogs at Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, GOOGLE, Comcast, Silicon Valley leftist multi-billionaires, & Democrat Politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders & others just to name a few.

Fucking Democrats just can't help themselves, they just gotta lie their crooked asses off!
I agree, and I've always stated, that The GOP is the plutocrat's party; just look at the income and wealth disparity.

Then why did it explode under Obama ?
Why did a junior senator from Illinois be the recipient of tge 2nd largest contribution from Sallie Mae with only Chris Dodd higher ?