Hello Celticguy,
Using an ad Hominem is a pathetic admission that you don't really have a good argument. Logically, if you had a good argument you would use that instead of sinking to the shame of a petty ad hominem.
I understand that you can't provide any supportive data to justify the more stringent standards applied under TRAP laws than are applied to other outcare facilities.
"Colonoscopies, for example, have a much higher rate of complication, and are commonly performed in similar outpatient clinics. Yet those clinics and doctors are not submitted to these types of regulations, and the politicians pushing for TRAP laws are not calling for them to be. Rather, they have singled out only doctors who provide abortions. It’s clear that the real motivation behind these laws has nothing do to with women’s health and everything to do with shutting down clinics and preventing women from getting safe and legal abortions. As the federal district court in Wisconsin explained when blocking that state’s law, the “complete absence of an admitting privileges requirement for [other outpatient surgical] procedures including those with greater risk is certainly evidence that the . . . Legislature’s only purpose in its enactment was to restrict the availability of safe, legal abortion.” "
And let us not lose sight of the point of this discussion.
I'm sure it is very sad for you to realize that I am correct. The Republican party is shooting itself in the foot. Nothing could be a more glaring example that your policy is failed than the big picture here. You create policy which weakens your own party over time. TRAP laws are only effective on the poor. The rich can get all the abortions they like. The poor don't have that luxury, so they end up having more children. A generation later there are more poor people. Poor people tend to vote Democratic. It's no big secret the Republican party is the party of the rich. Most Republican policy helps the rich get richer. Republicans do nothing for the poor. Republicans only have this silly abortion position in order to pander to the evangelicals. The Republican party would be dead without the evangelical vote. There is no long term logic to it. It's just shameless pandering for votes.