Republican Policies Result In More Poor People.

Hello Celticguy,

Poli tells us that regulation is necessary but faults having abortionists having to face tfe same requlations other outpatient surgeries have to obey.
This is a curious juxtaposition.
Do you have that lo evel of disregard for womens health or is it just more importent that we have unfettered access to rid ourselves of inconvenient cell masses ?

Yeah, we could just flip that right around and say Republicans want to keep government out of people's personal lives unless it comes to shameless vote-grabbing of religious anti-abortionists. Then, all of a sudden, Republicans want the government deciding what people should do with their own body and when. Got the hypocrite flag flyin high there.
Hello Celticguy,

Then why did it explode under Obama ?
Why did a junior senator from Illinois be the recipient of tge 2nd largest contribution from Sallie Mae with only Chris Dodd higher ?

That's total whataboutism.

The topic is Republican policies.

If you have no defense of them feel free to admit that by simply attacking Democrats. We'll infer the rest.
Republicans are creating more Democrats.

That's because they don't really think about what they are doing.

If Republicans were used to shooting fish in a barrel and you put them in a boat they would figure the fish have got to be under the boat; so they would shoot through the bottom of the boat.
Hello Celticguy,

Yeah, we could just flip that right around and say Republicans want to keep government out of people's personal lives unless it comes to shameless vote-grabbing of religious anti-abortionists. Then, all of a sudden, Republicans want the government deciding what people should do with their own body and when. Got the hypocrite flag flyin high there.

You could but it wouldnt make any sense.
If youre going to perform invasive medical procedures there should be standards of cleanliness, expertise and quality care. Otherwise you might as well be back alley.
Actually, leftist votes are the result of improving the country. Righty votes are the result of keeping people poor.

Actually that is a massive pile of bullshit. But I am amused by the argument that BIG Government and HIGHER taxation leads to prosperity and wealth accumulation. It is laughably stupid.

I equally amused by the lame argument that turning citizens into dependent wards of the state leads to better outcomes. Dunce.
Yeah, we could just flip that right around and say Republicans want to keep government out of people's personal lives unless it comes to shameless vote-grabbing of religious anti-abortionists. Then, all of a sudden, Republicans want the government deciding what people should do with their own body and when. Got the hypocrite flag flyin high there.

The abortion debate isn't about politics; it is about the immoral killing of an unborn human being. The debate isn't about whose right it is to choose to murder, but rather, is it a Constitutional right to murder, or, a State's rights matter.

The Supreme Court got it all wrong on this one which is why the nation is divided today.
Hello Celticguy,

You could but it wouldnt make any sense.
If youre going to perform invasive medical procedures there should be standards of cleanliness, expertise and quality care. Otherwise you might as well be back alley.

Yeah, the only problem with that fantasy is the lack of any empirical data to back it up.

It's all a ruse to prevent abortion access.

And the big problem with that is they are really only preventing abortion access and birth control for the impoverished.

It's like they never once considered the consequences.


More poor people coming into the world every day, more of them attaining voting age, more of them registering as Democrats.

Not the smartest Republican strategy...

Of course, the party is toast.

It's only a matter of time.

The greater wealth inequality becomes, the more people excluded from opportunity, the more anti-Republican voters are created.

Sooner or later it won't be possible to rig that many elections. All the gerrymandering, voter suppression and Russian election interference in the world won't save the Republican party.
Hello Celticguy,

Yeah, the only problem with that fantasy is the lack of any empirical data to back it up.

It's all a ruse to prevent abortion access.

And the big problem with that is they are really only preventing abortion access and birth control for the impoverished.

It's like they never once considered the consequences.


More poor people coming into the world every day, more of them attaining voting age, more of them registering as Democrats.

Not the smartest Republican strategy...

Of course, the party is toast.

It's only a matter of time.

The greater wealth inequality becomes, the more people excluded from opportunity, the more anti-Republican voters are created.

Sooner or later it won't be possible to rig that many elections. All the gerrymandering, voter suppression and Russian election interference in the world won't save the Republican party.

Oh... well i know what the standards are in an actual hospital or OP surgery when invasive procedures take place. They're considerably more stringent because they expect the patient to survive.
But i see your point, its just poor folks so substandard care is plenty good enough.
Hello Celticguy,

Oh... well i know what the standards are in an actual hospital or OP surgery when invasive procedures take place. They're considerably more stringent because they expect the patient to survive.
But i see your point, its just poor folks so substandard care is plenty good enough.

Nice try but that wasn't my point.

But I understand why you want to side step it.

You know I am correct.
Hello Celticguy,

No. I know you dont understand a lick about health care.

Using an ad Hominem is a pathetic admission that you don't really have a good argument. Logically, if you had a good argument you would use that instead of sinking to the shame of a petty ad hominem.

I understand that you can't provide any supportive data to justify the more stringent standards applied under TRAP laws than are applied to other outcare facilities.

"Colonoscopies, for example, have a much higher rate of complication, and are commonly performed in similar outpatient clinics. Yet those clinics and doctors are not submitted to these types of regulations, and the politicians pushing for TRAP laws are not calling for them to be. Rather, they have singled out only doctors who provide abortions. It’s clear that the real motivation behind these laws has nothing do to with women’s health and everything to do with shutting down clinics and preventing women from getting safe and legal abortions. As the federal district court in Wisconsin explained when blocking that state’s law, the “complete absence of an admitting privileges requirement for [other outpatient surgical] procedures including those with greater risk is certainly evidence that the . . . Legislature’s only purpose in its enactment was to restrict the availability of safe, legal abortion.” "


And let us not lose sight of the point of this discussion.

I'm sure it is very sad for you to realize that I am correct. The Republican party is shooting itself in the foot. Nothing could be a more glaring example that your policy is failed than the big picture here. You create policy which weakens your own party over time. TRAP laws are only effective on the poor. The rich can get all the abortions they like. The poor don't have that luxury, so they end up having more children. A generation later there are more poor people. Poor people tend to vote Democratic. It's no big secret the Republican party is the party of the rich. Most Republican policy helps the rich get richer. Republicans do nothing for the poor. Republicans only have this silly abortion position in order to pander to the evangelicals. The Republican party would be dead without the evangelical vote. There is no long term logic to it. It's just shameless pandering for votes.
Hello Celticguy,

Using an ad Hominem is a pathetic admission that you don't really have a good argument. Logically, if you had a good argument you would use that instead of sinking to the shame of a petty ad hominem.

I understand that you can't provide any supportive data to justify the more stringent standards applied under TRAP laws than are applied to other outcare facilities.

"Colonoscopies, for example, have a much higher rate of complication, and are commonly performed in similar outpatient clinics. Yet those clinics and doctors are not submitted to these types of regulations, and the politicians pushing for TRAP laws are not calling for them to be. Rather, they have singled out only doctors who provide abortions. It’s clear that the real motivation behind these laws has nothing do to with women’s health and everything to do with shutting down clinics and preventing women from getting safe and legal abortions. As the federal district court in Wisconsin explained when blocking that state’s law, the “complete absence of an admitting privileges requirement for [other outpatient surgical] procedures including those with greater risk is certainly evidence that the . . . Legislature’s only purpose in its enactment was to restrict the availability of safe, legal abortion.” "


And let us not lose sight of the point of this discussion.

I'm sure it is very sad for you to realize that I am correct. The Republican party is shooting itself in the foot. Nothing could be a more glaring example that your policy is failed than the big picture here. You create policy which weakens your own party over time. TRAP laws are only effective on the poor. The rich can get all the abortions they like. The poor don't have that luxury, so they end up having more children. A generation later there are more poor people. Poor people tend to vote Democratic. It's no big secret the Republican party is the party of the rich. Most Republican policy helps the rich get richer. Republicans do nothing for the poor. Republicans only have this silly abortion position in order to pander to the evangelicals. The Republican party would be dead without the evangelical vote. There is no long term logic to it. It's just shameless pandering for votes.
Do you have statistics on the poor who wish to have abortions, but cannot?
Actually, leftist votes are the result of improving the country. Righty votes are the result of keeping people poor.

Sure they are, the proof is in the pudding in every inner city ghetto slave quarters governed by Democrats! Multiple murders every day are surely "improving the country." Homeless littering the streets in every California major city Nancy Pelosi steps over on her way to her mansion. Democrat improvements galore!