Republican Science (aka, Creationism) on Display: A tour of the "Creation Museum"


Will work for Scooby snacks
Republican Science (aka, Creationism) on Display: A tour of the "Creation Museum"

The $27 million Creation Museum in Ohio is a fabulous testament to Republican science.

Here, you can gaze in wonder at displays of Adam and Eve's children, happily frolicking with friendly dinosaurs. You can learn how the earth was created in six days, a mere six thousand years ago. Enrich your mind, by learning how coal is formed in a few weeks, not over the course of millions of years.

I don't know about you - but, I don't mind being the laughing stock of the planet; a scientific backwater of the western world. All I can do, is praise Jesus for giving us this wonderful educational treasure:

Outside the museum scientists may assert that the universe is billions of years old, that fossils are the remains of animals living hundreds of millions of years ago, and that life’s diversity is the result of evolution by natural selection. But inside the museum the Earth is barely 6,000 years old, dinosaurs were created on the sixth day, and Jesus is the savior who will one day repair the trauma of man’s fall.

There were posters explaining just how coal could be formed in a few weeks as opposed to over millions of years, and how rapidly the biblical flood would cover the earth, drowning all but a handful of living creatures. The flood plays a big part in the museum's attempt to explain away what we see as millions of years of natural processes. There was also an explanation as to why, with only one progenitor family, it wasn't considered incest for Adam and Eve's children to marry each other. Apparently there was less sin back then, and therefore fewer mutations in their DNA. Evidently sin, and not two copies of the same recessive trait, gives rise to congenital birth defects.
Now the fundies can take their children to the creation museum vs Kings Island :D
I am sure the kids will love that. And of course there is all the mandatory church trips to the "museum"...And I am sure all the religious schools will have a class trip up there. It should do well finiancially for a couple of years....
You really feel torn between laughing and crying when you read this.

Crying? You mean crying from the sheer joy of seeing the Lord's work on display. ;)

Have we progressed much at all, from the Scopes monkey trials? Honestly, this is really embarrassing. I can see european and asian tourists coming to this thing and laughing their asses off......
Crying? You mean crying from the sheer joy of seeing the Lord's work on display. ;)

Have we progressed much at all, from the Scopes monkey trials? Honestly, this is really embarrassing. I can see european and asian tourists coming to this thing and laughing their asses off......

I feel really sorry for the kids. It's not their fault they got born to a couple of low-iq'd, religious whackos. And they are going to be growing up as idiots. It's sad.
Now the fundies can take their children to the creation museum vs Kings Island :D
I am sure the kids will love that. And of course there is all the mandatory church trips to the "museum"...And I am sure all the religious schools will have a class trip up there. It should do well finiancially for a couple of years....

Right. With all the fundies scrambling to see this museum, I think it will be outdrawing the Smithsonian museums. :mad:
And they based this thing on a scientific statement that DNA would only last 6,000 years or somesuch. Therefore the world can only be that old.
Of course all the carbon dating is just junk. Well unless the Christians are using it to validate a religious artiffact ;)
Cherrypickers all.
I was watching Chris Matthews interview Tom Delay yesterday and he is among those who does not accept evolution.

It is already a stink here in KY about churches wanting public schools to send children there on field trips, of course paid for by our tax dollars....
It is already a stink here in KY about churches wanting public schools to send children there on field trips, of course paid for by our tax dollars....
Hmmm... The story is in NYC they sent the kids to a Mosque to be read to from the Koran by the Mullah. Would you think that was okay?
Hmmm... The story is in NYC they sent the kids to a Mosque to be read to from the Koran by the Mullah. Would you think that was okay?
Nope, not ok. I think religion is a fmaily personal thing and should not be included in the public education system at all except in a world historical context.

btw Bushies boy Gov Fletcher is so estatic about the "museum" that he is gushing and blubbering about it. He might buy it and make it a state park.
I see a difference between teaching students about being aware of religions and instructing them in a religion.

I'm glad I'm homeschooling my children. We can take them on field trips to churches, mosques, synogogues, and temples as part of our studies on world religion unfettered by regulations.
I was watching Chris Matthews interview Tom Delay yesterday and he is among those who does not accept evolution.


There's at least three republican presidential candidates who do not accept evolution

In addition, I believe most of the rest of them agree that creationism could be taught in public schools.

What is this? The 14th century? This is Taliban crap
Hmmm... The story is in NYC they sent the kids to a Mosque to be read to from the Koran by the Mullah. Would you think that was okay?

Depends on what context it's in.

Is it a science education field trip? Then no, religious interpretations of creation from either the bible or koran are unacceptable as part of a public school science curriculum.
Depends on what context it's in.

Is it a science education field trip? Then no, religious interpretations of creation from either the bible or koran are unacceptable as part of a public school science curriculum.
"Diversity" was the context. Which I wouldn't mind so long as there was actual diversity in the education, go to churches, temples, synagogues, etc. Give a real sample of things. Instead they had "problems" finding a church willing to let students go to?
OOPs wrong thread I guess. apologies. it was in the wasp thread which required abotrtion to be thrown in ;)