Republican Senators admit Trump's guilt.

Hey Mason I hear the SPCA let you get another dog after you killed the first one. Try to keep this one healthy.

Nice work

Every poster here who even has a trace of honesty and integrity knows what Trump did was way over the line, and that it is a flagrant abuse of the office of the presidency to solicit foreign governments for help undermining a domestic political opponent.

At this point, it is actually a good test of a poster's integrity. Any poster still desperately clinging to the claim Trumpf did nothing wrong is telegraphing they are shameless liars and ethics-free deceivers

Sorry, n-lover, you don't get to set any standard after what you chose to do in 2008 and 2012. You picked an incompetent black boy thinking skin color was a qualification. You're are clearly not the one to talk about honesty and integrity. All you can do at this point is pucker up and continue to kiss his black ass.