Republican Senators Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Respon

If the US agrees we would have to abide by it. It would be a resolution not a treaty. Biden will likely screw us and have the UN ambassador agree to the proposed agreement

The U. S. does not have to abide by any resolution the president does not want to obey. There is no enforcement action that can be taken. The U. N. has no power to enforce its actions.
All evidence to the contrary

All one has to do is look at how leftist scum bags respond to blacks who wont stay on the democrat plantation. Shit, that imbecile you retards elected even said blacks ain't black if they aren't sure who they are supporting. You have to be brain to try and pitch the argument that leftists don't hate America and Americans. They certainly hate anyone who disagrees with them even if those that disagree are leftists.
Not anymore. The IPCC and the workers raping women has shown that

Organization's work is not defined by a couple of off-the-wall workers,. Huge organizations have small percentage of crooks and criminals. Trump is not the only example of crooks traning a whole organization or government.
Organization's work is not defined by a couple of off-the-wall workers,. Huge organizations have small percentage of crooks and criminals. Trump is not the only example of crooks traning a whole organization or government.

Democrats have been that way for decades