republican sheep

I borrowed these conservative principles from a pastor with a Ph. D. Politics were near the bottom of his list and not very important to everyday life. Prudence, foresight and individual freedom were at the top.
those are glittering generalities/

masons also do that to stop real talk.

I guarantee pastor with a PhD is Masonic.
I borrowed these conservative principles from a pastor with a Ph. D. Politics were near the bottom of his list and not very important to everyday life. Prudence, foresight and individual freedom were at the top.

this fucker is just trying to keep real conservatives or just basic moral people OUT of politics.

he's a masonic traitor, and a Zionist, am I right?
are you stroking me right now?

that's the worst sentence ever conceived.
I'm capable of adult conversation, how about you?

I lived in quite a few small towns with a justice of the peace, no cops or courtroom. Individual freedom and private property was the law. There were no sheep in those towns.
I'm capable of adult conversation, how about you?

I lived in quite a few small towns with a justice of the peace, no cops or courtroom. Individual freedom and private property was the law. There were no sheep in those towns.
municipalities form around diversity?

total cop out bro.
Again, when you drive into any town, there will be 10 or 12 signs with all the different groups, Freemasons will usually be one of them.
yes they're everywhere.

most of them are basically good guys who just go to get some business connections and don't think deeply about shit.

they give the sinister aspects cover, knowing or unknowingly.
Now Black is raging against Free Masons?
Do you agree with the American conservative principles I posted?
Do you have a list of American liberal principles?
Should we be inviting the zionist Hitler to address congress?