pre·sump·tu·ous: ...full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume.
pre·sump·tion: ...the act of presuming.
The adjective Obama used to describe presumption, was "certain". If there was in fact certainty, then "presumption" becomes the proper noun. It's no big deal, I'm sure it was just an oversight by his speechwriters, but it's probably why it stood out to me, and I thought he mispronounced a word.
he didn't say persumptuous...he said, presumptuousness.... correct word.... used correctly....pronounced correctly...and look, word moron.... as if you have a fucking CLUE about the nuance of were the guy who claimed that REFUDIATE was a word.
You are CERTAINLY not the guy to be offering criticisms of a polished speaker and writer like Barak Obama.
redneck racist hick slanderous motherfucker.