Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I hope people got today off for their holiday, because it rained all weekend.
Today seems like it may be OK, but I've only been outdoors to get the newspaper [Remember them?].
This is from another thread, but I want it on mine as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Nordberg
The Repub party works directly for the top 1 percent. They do the work for the billionaires to install the plutocracy.

This is absolutely true, but it also illuminates an important fact.
The 1% only has 1% of the vote.
They can't do anything without getting millions of working class idiots to vote directly against their own interests.

Having an [R] after your name without having a couple billion in your portfolio
is pretty much the same
as having FUCKING IDIOT tattooed across your forehead.

Not all billionaires are vile Republicans,
but all non-billionaire Republicans are pathetically stupid.
This is from another thread, but I want it on mine as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Nordberg
The Repub party works directly for the top 1 percent. They do the work for the billionaires to install the plutocracy.

This is absolutely true, but it also illuminates an important fact.
The 1% only has 1% of the vote.
They can't do anything without getting millions of working class idiots to vote directly against their own interests.

Having an [R] after your name without having a couple billion in your portfolio
is pretty much the same
as having FUCKING IDIOT tattooed across your forehead.

Not all billionaires are vile Republicans,
but all non-billionaire Republicans are pathetically stupid.

If Goldman Sachs is the top donor for both a Democrat and a Republican running for the same office, "pathetically stupid" would describe the person who sees a meaningful difference in the 2 candidates.
If Goldman Sachs is the top donor for both a Democrat and a Republican running for the same office, "pathetically stupid" would describe the person who sees a meaningful difference in the 2 candidates.

Both candidates will suck. That's true.

But voting on the floor of congress, one of them will make you happier than the other will.
In the end, that's what it's policy issues, not people.
Boxing is like an abusive parent.
If you don't train hard, you get smashed in the face a lot.

War is like marriage with an abusive spouse.
You find a way out of it, one way or another, or you end up dead.

Getting beyond those two things constituted a milestone in my life.
By this point, the concept of continued self-discipline was not the slightest bit attractive.

As an adult inevitably approaching thirty, I began to eat whatever the hell I wanted and drink whatever the hell I wanted.
Until the mid-90s, I also smoked whatever the hell I wanted too.

This applied to career as well.
I had a supportive family and didn't have to max out my income by subjecting myself to demanding rigors. I would never starve or be homeless.

I became active in my union--nobody bothers the union rep--and although I regarded my responsibilities to the members to be as serious as a heart attack,
I didn't take too much of the shit that corporate life can dish out.
I did the best that I could to make sure that my constituents didn't take more shit than they had to either.

That's why conservatives piss me off.
They believe that their individual freedoms should preclude them for being responsible for making EVERYBODY'S life as misery-free as possible.
Perhaps they didn't experience enough pain.
Perhaps the cartilage of their noses is exactly where it was when they were born. [I'm awesome at fixing that.]
Perhaps they like to cosplay with their guns because they were never shot at.

Whatever the reason, my contempt and profound disrespect for them is something that I obviously can't be bothered to hide.

And this is possibly why I dislike lukewarm liberals like PoliTalker and Nomad the most.
They try to promote moderate solutions for immoderate problems, and that wastes everybody's time.

In sports, in war, and in career, I've seen too much shit to tolerate panty-waist liberalism.
I've got balls. I can't comfortably straddle a fence, and don't understand people who can.
I couldn't make a putt this morning.

Losing two out of three in Anaheim ruined my sleep last night.


I really enjoyed that series. Big Ohtani fan here. Taught a foreign exchange student from S. Korea a few years back who, when he learned I liked baseball so much, told me to watch for this young guy from Japan.

Edit: I birdied two of the last three holes. ;)
I really enjoyed that series. Big Ohtani fan here. Taught a foreign exchange student from S. Korea a few years back who, when he learned I liked baseball so much, told me to watch for this young guy from Japan.

Edit: I birdied two of the last three holes. ;)

That Ohtani kid must get serious, serious ass in Japan.
Big, tall, talented, good looking, and making a big name for himself in the States...not to mention serious money.
Little Asian chicks are smoking hot to begin with, but he must have to beat them off with a stick.

No. actually. At his age, he can handle it. Birthingpersonfucker.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
What country is better than the former USA??
Why haven't you moved there?

are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America
There WAS a United States of America (a republic), but the Demonkkkrats have already successfully dismantled it, via a coup, and have replaced it by forming the SODC (Socialist Oligarchy of the District of Columbia).

by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,
DEMONKKKRATS are the ones doing this, moron... DEMONKKKRATS committed mass election fraud and are now actively working to codify their election fraud tactics. If Demonkkkrats aren't lying and manipulating, then they aren't doing anything at all.

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.
It was an FBI "inside job", dude... It is Demonkkkrats who are the angry violent tyrannical people, NOT Republicans.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives
Fuck your bigotry, follower of Satan.

are able to destroy the republic
DEMONKKKRATS did this...

as a minority
Republicans are NOT a minority. That is a mainstream media news LIE...

because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.
Yes, minority groups (and even individuals) actually have rights under such a genius system. You Satanic fucks want to replace it with Satanic communist tyranny and oppress (and otherwise demonize) anyone else who doesn't think like Satan does. Fuck you.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
There are no confederates, as there is no Confederacy.

Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
There are no confederates, as there is no Confederacy. A non-existent entity cannot take over anything.

That, however, they can only do with our help.
You are still talking complete gibberish, dude.

Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.
There is no such thing as a "blue State" or a "red State". All states have both conservative controlled areas and liberal controlled areas within them. Certain areas even switch between conservative control and liberal control from time to time.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
Liberals are most certainly not civilized nor progressive, but they really DO need to wake up.

We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
... thanks to liberal violent hate-filled angry lying manipulating Satanic Demonkkkrats like yourself.

It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.
It was more than a thought. It was a REALITY, until Demonkkkrats performed a coup on the USA, dismantled it, formed the SODC, and are now actively working to get every single free State to comply to their Satanic Godless communist globalist tyranny.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
Ignoring your vile bigotry...

I do not hate you. I only hate your Satanism and your active promotion of Satanic ways.

who hate our modern and humane ideas,
Satanism is not humane. Not even in the slightest...

who worship a magic man in the sky,
I assume that you are referring to the Christian God?

Yes, that would be who I worship. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!!

and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
Incomplete thought... in charge of what??

The Christian God has given mankind dominion over the Earth and all within it (under God's supreme rule, of course).

They have lots of guns.
Bigotry, but yes, I just so happen to have lots of guns.

They have no brains whatsoever.
Nah, that would be you.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers. They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.
Racism. Bigotry.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
Resist your Satanism with the Word of God.

You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Nah... I am just "passing through"... I am not an Earthdweller.

Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?
Define "live like a human being".

Stuff your bigotry and your accusations of people who don't agree with your POV as "sub-human"... Why are you so hateful?? What ever happened to "we're all in this together" and "love trumps hate"?? Were those lies??

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
... such as?? ... You need to learn how to form complete thoughts, dude... Gibberish is not English.

and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.
Continued gibberish.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
I get it. You hate the Constitution.

What country is better than the former USA??
Why haven't you moved there??

or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

Your racism, bigotry, and hatred towards good honest people is absolutely disgusting.
Pouring this morning. Last weekday of the week to play golf--I only play on weekdays-- and I'm grounded.
Is this the rainiest July ever?

I keep pushing my own thread off topic.
Republicans suck.
There; all fixed.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

you're a fucking idiot.

and you see you're losing and are hysterical. slap yourself, fool. or go find a man to do it. someone who identifies as a man will do.
Well, the working stiffs got lucky.

After rain ruined my weekday golf plans, they get to play this weekend.
It looks like its going to be a very nice day for the birthingpersonfuckers.

The George Wright, Boston's famous WPA project muni, is going to be a zoo today.

It's a beautiful layout designed by the great golf architect Donald Ross.
Ross laid out our club's course back in 1906, but the Wright course was built many years later during the depression.

Government providing work for people who need it....
what an old fashioned idea!
God forbid we do anything that silly today.

On another note, Garrett Richards actually got a win over the Phillies last night.
Getting 11 runs from his team didn't hurt.
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Trump lost the last remnants of his already deficient mind way back when the HNIC skewered him at the Washington Correspondents' Dinner years ago.
That was a slice and dice job for the ages. Loved it.
Watching the Sox play the Phils to whom they lost yesterday.
It's the last game of the first half before the break. First half was better than I had expected.

Tonight, we're going to a free outdoor concert.
It's a biggish horn band that I like. Mostly Berklee College of Music faculty in the group.

Oh, and pachys suck.
I've got to remember to stay on topic.