Republican vision for America:

Tariffs. And until you do, I will continue to think you don't know what they actually are.
tariffs. an additional charge on imports designed to spur domestic industries, and often achieving that goal.

im using the standard definition.

you're only proving your own cowardice with this little deflective stunt.


now tell me how it's smart to send all the jobs and production capacities away.
👍 You said it. The government needs to get out of the way and let people with common sense live and prosper.

Libertarian are you? I like you guys. I'm going to open a meth plant. Hire some underage kids to make the meth. Dump the chemicals in the rivers. Arm my dealers with AR-15s for protection. I should make a fortune. Appreciate you.
Libertarian are you? I like you guys. I'm going to open a meth plant. Hire some underage kids to make the meth. Dump the chemicals in the rivers. Arm my dealers with AR-15s for protection. I should make a fortune. Appreciate you.
So then you are one of those people with NO COMMON SENSE.
We have threats against Presidential Candidates, an escalating war against Israel, and crimes against citizens by illegals rising…And Joe Biden is on “The View”?