Republican vision for America:

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What Republicans in Congress will do this week (again) ...

1) Go on Fox and Friends and complain.
2) Go on Hannity and complain.
3) Talk about Biden's corruption but won't impeach.
4) Talk about Garland's corruption but won't impeach.
5) Talk about Wray's corruption but won't impeach.
6) Talk about Mayorkas' corruption but won't impeach.
7) Fund the wars in the Middle East.
8) Give corrupt Ukraine billions more.
9) Cry about the corruption in the FBI,CIA, etc - but will fully fund.
10) Thomas Massie and Chip Roy will vote with the Democrats again (as usual) because of "muh principles."
11) Tweet all day instead of doing their jobs.
12) Write mean letters.
13) Completely ignore their voters.
14) Mock their voters on Twitter.
15) Get owned by the Democrats because they can't work together.

- Next week ... rinse and repeat


We can not save America by voting R....Please learn that far.
The difference is the Republicans want to rob you, while the Democrats want to rape you while they rob you... have been successfully conned....they both work for the donners.....and dont give a fuck about you.

U sure did turn up stupid.

Buckle Up.
They cannot even figure out who is Speaker of the House.

Trump certainly headed for prison.

Why would anyone support the Republican Party?

The vision is a return to the myth of what was the 1950's.
Unfair divorce rules so women are unable to leave a marriage.
Women mostly required to stay home with kids instead of work. (placed in an unequal position economically)
Minorities kept from competing with the majority for positions of money or power.
Less government services, because the wealthy can pay for it themselves, fuck the poor.
More class seperation.
Christian (men who accept the party line) leaders get more say.
More ability to protect generational wealth, less ability to be "self made".